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"The Best Time to Divide Inherited Wealth, Pay Close Attention to the Explanation in the Al-Quran!"

Dream - Islamic teachings are very broad and important for the lives of Muslims. Not only does it regulate matters of sharia, Islam also details matters of muamalah. Muamalah is an activity that regulates matters related to the way of life among fellow human beings in order to fulfill daily needs.

Waktu Terbaik Membagi Harta Warisan, Simak Baik-Baik Penjelasannya dalam Al-Quran!

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: Example activities that fall within the realm of muamalah include buying and selling, debt and credit, renting, dividing inheritance, cultivating other people's agricultural land, and so on. All of these muamalah activities are regulated in the fiqh of muamalah.

"Part of Muamalah Law"

One of the activities of muamalah that needs to be understood is about the division of inheritance. The rules for the division of inheritance need to be carried out according to Islamic law based on the Quran, hadith, and consensus of scholars. The division of inheritance according to Islamic law must be implemented and it is not allowed to reject it.


The division of inheritance according to Islamic law is carried out for the benefit of humanity in general. This means that as long as humans have good intentions with what Allah SWT has prescribed in Islamic law, it will undoubtedly be beneficial for them. This statement is as conveyed by Musthafa Al-Khin in the book Al-Fiqhul Manhaji. In this article, Dream will not discuss the procedures for dividing inheritance. Instead, it will attempt to answer questions that may arise in the minds of Dream's friends about the best time to divide inheritance.

Waktu Terbaik Membagi Harta Warisan, Simak Baik-Baik Penjelasannya dalam Al-Quran!

Actually, the Quran does not provide detailed guidance on the best time to divide inheritance. However, it is implied in the Quran that Allah encourages hastening in doing good deeds.

"Allah SWT says:"
"\u201cAnd hasten to seek forgiveness from your Lord and obtain the spacious paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who fear Him.\u201d"

"(Quran Surah Ali Imran verse 133)"


"Hastening Goodness"

In the interpretation of Al-Misbah, M Quraish Shihab explains the meaning of Surah Ali Imran verse 133 above. Based on that verse, Allah commands His servants to hasten in performing righteous deeds. This is done in order for the Muslim community to obtain forgiveness and greatness from Allah for all their sins. In addition, by hastening goodness, God willing, they will attain the paradise of Allah that has been prepared for the believers who fear Allah. In essence, everything that brings forgiveness from Allah must be hastened.

"Rasulullah SAW bersabda:" translates to "The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:"
"Immediately do good before slander comes into your life, a slander that is very dark and obscure (all matters cannot be resolved)."

"(HR. Muslim)" in English means "(Narrated by Muslim)".


"Menyegerakan Membagi Harta Warisan" translates to "Expediting the Division of Inheritance Assets" in English.

The division of inheritance is part of goodness, so its implementation should be expedited as much as possible. The recommendation to expedite the division of inheritance in Islam is due to the fear of conflicts within the family. In addition, there is also concern that the value of the inheritance will not be the same if it is not divided immediately. Because inheritance is not only in the form of money, but also land, buildings, and other valuable items.

The importance of knowledge about heritage.

It is important for Muslims to learn the knowledge of faraid or the knowledge of inheritance distribution according to Sharia. As the saying of the Prophet Muhammad SAW: "Learn the Quran and teach it to others, and learn the knowledge of fara'id and teach it to others. Because I am a human who will be taken away (by death), while knowledge will be eliminated. Almost two people who argue about the division of inheritance do not find anyone who can give them a fatwa." (HR. Ahmad, Nasa'i, and Daruquthni)

"Allah SWT says:"

"Those (laws) are the decrees of Allah. Whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger, Allah will admit him into gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide eternally, and that is the great attainment. But whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger and transgresses His limits - Allah will admit him into a fire wherein he will abide eternally, and he will have a humiliating punishment." (Quran Surah An-Nisa, verses 13-14)

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that expediting the distribution of inheritance is highly recommended in Islam. The reason is that the distribution of inheritance is part of goodness in Islam. Therefore, its implementation should be expedited to avoid internal conflicts within the family.

Waktu Terbaik Membagi Harta Warisan, Simak Baik-Baik Penjelasannya dalam Al-Quran!
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