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Seperti Apakah Wujud Malaikat yang Sebenarnya? Begini Penjelasan dalam Al-Quran dan Hadis

What is the true form of angels? Here's the explanation in the Quran and Hadith.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Angels are one of Allah's creations that are created from light."

What is the true form of angels? This is the explanation in the Quran and Hadith

Dream - Have Dream's friends ever wondered what angels are like and how their world is? In Islam itself, perhaps you have only been introduced to the ten names of angels with their tasks, as well as their creation from light.

What is the true form of angels? This is the explanation in the Quran and Hadith

Besides that, through the stories of the prophets, it is also mentioned about the arrival of angels who approached the prophets. For example, the angel Gabriel who conveyed revelation to Prophet Muhammad. Now, as Muslims, surely we must believe in the existence of those angels of Allah SWT. As stated in the second pillar of faith, which is belief in angels. Now, here is an explanation of what angels are like and how their world is, as summarized by Dream for you.

"Angel Is a Creature Who Is Obedient"

"Angels are also one of Allah SWT's created beings. Their creation originates from light. In addition, angels always obey, submit, and humble themselves before Allah SWT."

Not only that, angels always carry out every command of Allah SWT and never violate His command. Regarding the creation of angels, it has been explained in a hadith of the Prophet as follows: "Angels (are creatures) created from light, while jinn are created from the blazing fire of Hell, and as for Adam, he was created with what you have described." (HR. Muslim)

"Angel Has Wings"

Then, how about the physical appearance of angels? It is explained in the Quran that angels have wings, each of which has two, three, and four. It is explained in Surah Fatir verse 1.

While in the hadith of the Prophet saw narrated by Bukhari and Muslim, it is told that the Prophet saw once saw the angel Jibril who had 600 wings. "Muhammad saw saw Jibril (in his original form). He had 600 wings that covered the sky." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim) In addition, these angels of Allah SWT do not eat and drink, and they never feel bored and tired. They always obey all His commands. Therefore, in this matter, angels cannot be compared to humans.

Malaikat Memiliki Tugas Masing-Masing

Malaikat Memiliki Tugas Masing-Masing
The Angels Have Their Own Tasks

Every angel has their own task. Just as Jibril is tasked with delivering revelations, Mikail takes care of rain and plants on earth, and Israfil blows the trumpet.

"Bahkan ada juga malaikat yang tugasnya berkeliling di muka bumi untuk mencari majelis dzikir. Kemudian, ada malaikat yang bertugas mencatat amal perbuatan manusia.Lalu, ada juga malaikat yang bergiliran mengawasi manusia di siang dan malam. Sebagaimana sabda Rasulullah saw: 'Ada malaikat yang terus bergiliran mengawasi kalian di waktu siang dan waktu malam. Dan mereka bertemu serta bergantian tugas di kala waktu sholat subuh dan sholat ashar.'" Translation: "Even there are angels whose task is to travel around the earth in search of gatherings of remembrance. Then, there are angels assigned to record the deeds of human beings. Furthermore, there are angels who take turns in observing humans during the day and night. As the Prophet Muhammad said: 'There are angels who continuously take turns in observing you during the day and night. And they meet and exchange duties during the time of dawn prayer and afternoon prayer.'"

"Angel Gabriel has a high position"

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving HTML tags is as follows: "Angel Jibril has the most noble and high position in the sight of Allah SWT. In fact, Allah SWT describes himself as the Holy Spirit, the Trustworthy Spirit, and the one who has power."

Malaikat Jibril Punya Kedudukan yang Tinggi

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags: "The matter is explained by Allah SWT through His words: 'Indeed, the Quran is truly the word (of Allah) brought by a noble messenger (Jibril), who possesses power and a high position in the sight of Allah, who has the 'Arsh' (Throne).' (QS. At-Takwir: 19-20) The angel Jibril is described in the hadith of the Prophet: 'I have seen Jibril descending, filling the heavens and the earth, wearing silk garments adorned with gems and diamonds.' (HR. Ahmad)"

Then, in another narration: "I saw Gabriel when he was at Sidratul Muntaha, he had 600 wings that scattered diamonds and gems of different colors from its feathers." (HR. Ahmad)

What is the true form of angels? This is the explanation in the Quran and Hadith
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