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10 Kota Paling Nyaman dan Layak Huni di Indonesia

10 Most Comfortable and Livable Cities in Indonesia

Dream - The Indonesian Association of Planners (IAP) has released data on city rankings in Indonesia that are considered the most comfortable and livable compared to other cities in the country. Referring to 98 cities based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in 2022, IAP evaluated 10 cities in Indonesia that are considered the most comfortable and livable for their residents in both the short and long term. In a study titled the Indonesia Most Liveable City Index 2022, IAP Indonesia measured the level of livability and comfort based on 10 indicators. Among these ten indicators are safety, security, cleanliness, transportation, public facilities, and environmental management.

10 Most Comfortable and Livable Cities in Indonesia

Approximately which cities in Indonesia are suitable to be a place to live for Dream friends? Perhaps, the 10 cities included in this IAP list are your birthplaces. Let's read the article until the end.


1. Solo

1. Solo

"Solo successfully achieved the highest rank in the IAP assessment in 2022 as the most comfortable city in Indonesia. This city has an average score of 77 points. It is known that Solo has good infrastructure, well-organized spatial planning, and various adequate city facilities. Not only that, Solo also has beautiful natural scenery and a rich cultural heritage, you know, Sahabat Dream."

Solo has amazing facilities such as Keraton Solo, Pasar Klewer, and various other historical places that become the main attraction for local and international tourists. For those who have been to Solo, the friendliness of the community and Javanese traditions become the warmth of the culture that is felt, making Solo a comfortable place for anyone who visits.

2. Yogyakarta

2. Yogyakarta

From Solo to Yogyakarta. This city occupies the second position with an average score of 75 points. Famous with the nickname 'City of Students', Yogyakarta has a renowned university, namely Gadjah Mada University, which is home to various artists and cultural figures of the country.

The biggest uniqueness of this city is the existence of the Yogyakarta Palace, a royal palace that is still active to this day. As a symbol of Javanese history and tradition, visitors can experience the grandeur of this palace through traditional art performances such as Javanese dance and shadow puppetry around the palace. When it comes to culinary matters, there is nothing like it. Gudeg, nasi kucing, and sate klathak are typical Yogyakarta foods that you must try when setting foot in this city.


3. Cirebon

3. Cirebon

Have an average score of 74 points, Cirebon sits in third position as a livable city. Called the 'Shrimp City', Cirebon has great potential in marine resources, especially vanamei shrimp which is the main export commodity.

10 Most Comfortable and Livable Cities in Indonesia

Cirebon is also known to have a long history as one of the Islamic centers in West Java. Dream friends must come here for a deeper exploration. Famous for nasi jamblang, empal gentong, tahu gejrot, and mi koclok, Cirebon deserves to be a livable city.


4. Magelang

4. Magelang

Occupying the fourth position, Magelang, located in Central Java, obtained an average score of 73 points. As the oldest city in Indonesia, Magelang has historical and cultural heritage that are often used as tourist attractions, namely Borobudur Temple, Mendut Temple, Pawon Temple, Prince Diponegoro Museum, and Karmawibhangga National Museum.

5. Semarang

Sitting in fifth place, Semarang has an average score of 73 points. As the capital city of Central Java, Semarang is a center of economy and industry that has many modern facilities such as ports, airports, toll roads, shopping centers, and skyscrapers. Historical buildings in Semarang are also popular tourist destinations until now, such as Lawang Sewu, Tawang Building, and Tugu Station. What makes it special is that Semarang has a high diversity of ethnicities and religions. The presence of Chinese, Arab, and Indian communities offers a combination of modern and traditional Semarang.

6. Kediri

Kediri becomes one of the largest cities in East Java, scoring an average of 72 points. This city has many interesting tourist potentials such as Taman Simpang Lima Gumul, Bendungan Gerak Waduk Gampengrejo, Dolo-Dolo Agro Park Waterfall, Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI), and Kediri Railway Museum. In addition, Kediri also has unique culinary delights that are definitely pocket-friendly, such as Soto Kediri, Pecel Tumpang, Tahu Takwa, Nasi Pecel, and many other delicious foods.

7. Mataram

Perching at an average score of 72 points. Mataram is the capital of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) and the largest city on the island of Lombok. Mataram is also known as the gateway for anyone who wants to enjoy the beauty of Senggigi Beach, Gili Trawangan, Mount Rinjani, and the Komodo National Park, which are always sought after by both local and international tourists.

8. Pangkal Pinang

Having an average score of 72 points, Pangkal Pinang is the capital city of the Bangka Belitung Islands province and is the largest city on Bangka Island. It has many interesting tourist attractions such as Pasir Padi Beach, the Indonesian Tin Museum, Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Bio Temple, and Merdeka Recreation Park. This city is a must-visit destination for you.

9. Medan

It is the capital of North Sumatra, Medan has an average score of 72 points and is the third largest city after Jakarta and Surabaya. Known as a multicultural city with a heritage of history and architecture, there are several famous historical buildings in Medan. Just mention places like Istana Maimun, Masjid Raya Al Mashun, Balai Kota Lama, Tjong A Fie Mansion, and London Sumatra Building.

Not only Lake Toba is the icon of Medan tourism, in this city there are also Mount Sibayak, Sipiso-piso Waterfall, Medan Zoo, and Lumbini Nature Park. In terms of infrastructure, Medan has Belawan Port, Kualanamu International Airport, Medan-Binjai Toll Road, and Airport Train.

10. Samarinda

Have the same points as Medan, which is 72, Samarinda, located in East Kalimantan, is famous for its Riverside City because of its location on the banks of the Mahakam River, which is the second longest river in Indonesia. Samarinda also has great economic potential with natural resources such as coal, petroleum, natural gas, gold, diamonds, wood, and palm oil to meet the needs of the entire community. So, are you planning to move and settle among the 10 cities above? Source:

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