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Effective in Preventing Premature Aging, Here are 3 Natural Ingredients Equivalent to Retinol

The world of beauty never seems to end.

If you are fond of following Korean skincare trends, you must be familiar with retinol or commonly known as vitamin A. The way retinol works is quite unique, which is by stimulating collagen production that can maintain skin elasticity and moisture.

Besides that, retinol also has the ability to stimulate skin cell rejuvenation, reduce signs of aging on the skin, and conceal blemishes on the face. On several platforms, retinol is widely discussed among young women above 20 years old. Apart from its benefits, the way to apply retinol is also considered easy. You only need to apply retinol to the face 1-2 times a week. However, many young women are still hesitant to try retinol because they are worried about its side effects, such as itching, redness, dryness, and irritation.

Well, if you are reluctant to use retinol that contains active ingredients that are touted to prevent premature aging, there is another alternative. Yup, Dream Friends can overcome it with three natural ingredients that can be an alternative to retinol.

Effective in Preventing Premature Aging, Here are 3 Natural Ingredients Equivalent to Retinol

Carrots are considered as one of the important sources of nutrients for the body. Not only because they are low in calories and have various health benefits, but consuming carrots regularly can also support eye and skin health. Carrots contain orange pigments and beta-carotene that can be converted into vitamin A by the body. That means carrots have similar content to retinol. By regularly consuming carrots, you can at least avoid some skin problems, such as premature aging, acne, and uneven texture.

Effective in Preventing Premature Aging, Here are 3 Natural Ingredients Equivalent to Retinol

According to, apples are proven to be effective in reducing and preventing wrinkles on the face because they contain Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA). This content is very beneficial for skin health, such as reducing wrinkles on the face and disguising black spots. To consume it, you can mix one carrot and two apples together and add a glass of water, then blend it. If you want it sweet, you can add honey according to your taste.

Effective in Preventing Premature Aging, Here are 3 Natural Ingredients Equivalent to Retinol

The taste is fresh and contains a lot of water. Yup, watermelon! This fruit contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, you know! So, it's not just containing vitamin C which is good for evening out skin tone and concealing black spots on the face. Watermelon also contains one derivative of vitamin A that is equivalent to retinol activity and can stimulate collagen production in the skin, if you consume it regularly. To get the desired skin elasticity, you can directly eat watermelon that has been cut into pieces.

Another way, by mixing the following ingredients: 1/4 watermelon cut into pieces, 2 apples, 2 medium-sized carrots, enough water, enough honey. The way to make it, blend the apples, carrots, and water until smooth, then strain. Then blend the strained apple and carrot juice together with the watermelon and honey. Blend until smooth. Serve.

How about it, the three alternatives above are very interesting, aren't they? If you want to try skin treatment from within by consuming the three ingredients above as natural retinol, give it a try starting from now. Make sure you buy fresh fruits at your favorite groceries or supermarkets. Especially during Ramadan, there are many attractive promotions at groceries that you can take advantage of, just by making transactions with sincere banking debit. Get vouchers up to Rp150,000 and other rewards! Author: Elma Salsabila

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