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Doa Mengembalikan Aura Positif di Wajah, Agar Jadi Pribadi yang Disukai Banyak Orang

Prayer to Restore Positive Aura on the Face, So You Become a Liked Person by Many People

Dream - Having a positive aura on our face can make us liked by many people. It's not just about beauty and handsomeness, a positive aura can make us a pleasant person to others. That's why it's important to have a radiant and cheerful face to create that positive aura.

Prayer to Restore Positive Aura on the Face, to Become a Liked Person by Many
Prayer to Restore Positive Aura on the Face, to Become a Liked Person by Many

Sometimes there are people whose auras are gloomy and dark. To restore positive aura on the face, it is advisable to practice the following prayer!

1. Prayer to Restore Positive Aura on the Face

he translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving HTML tags is as follows: Allahumma ba'id baini wa baina khathaayaaya, kamaa baa'adta bainal masyriqi wal maghrib. allahumma naqqinii min khathaayaaya, kamaa yunaqqats tsaubul abyadhu minad danasi. allahummaghsilnii khathaayaaya bits-tsalji, wal maa-i wal baradi. This translates to: Oh Allah, distance between me and my sins, as You have distanced the East from the West. Oh Allah, cleanse me from my sins, as the white garment is cleansed from dirt. Oh Allah, wash away my sins with snow, water, and hail.



"O Allah, keep me away from my mistakes, just as You have kept the distance between the east and the west. O Allah, cleanse me from sins, just like white clothes that are free from dirt. O Allah, wash away my sins with ice, water, and morning dew."

2. Prayer to Restore Positive Aura on the Face

Allahumma pray upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad. O Allah, illuminate my face with ease and do not humiliate my face with hardship. Grant me provision from Your sustenance and bestow upon me the goodness of Your creation. And I seek refuge in praising You from what You have given me and from what You have prevented me from. And You are the One whose sight encompasses all things, and to whom belongs the giving and the preventing. Indeed, You are able to do all things.

Meaning: "O Allah, bestow blessings upon Prophet Muhammad and his family. O Allah, protect my dignity and honor by providing me with a comfortable life, and do not humiliate me with poverty. Grant me sustenance, so that I do not have to beg from those who beg from You, and help me avoid seeking the approval of wicked creatures, praising those who give to me and mocking those who do not. Yet, You are the ultimate cause behind all of this. You are the giver and the withholder. Indeed, You are the Almighty above everything."

3. Prayer to Restore Positive Aura on the Face

"Allahumma shalli wa sallim wa baarik 'alaa sayyidinaa muhammad nuuridz dzaatii wa sirris saarii fii saa-iril asmmaa-i washshifati wa 'alaa aalihi washahbihi ajma'iin" means "O Allah, bestow mercy, peace, and blessings upon our master, Prophet Muhammad, who is the light of existence and the secret in all the names and attributes, and upon his family and companions, all of them."

4. Prayer to Restore Positive Aura on the Face

‫Allaahumma shalli 'alaa sayyidina muhammad. thibbil quluubi wa dawaa-ihaa. wa a'afiatil abdaani wa syifaa- iha wa nuuril abshaar. wa dhiyaa-iha wa 'alaa aalihi wa shahbihi wa baarik wa sallim.


Translated: "Meaning: 'O Allah, bestow peace upon our master Prophet Muhammad, who is the remedy and healing of our hearts, the healer and savior of our bodies, the light and radiance of our sight, the guarantor of physical and spiritual health in terms of sustenance. And pour forth peace upon his family and companions, and grant them safety.'"

5. Prayer to Restore Positive Aura on the Face

"Allahumma shalli 'alaa sayyidinaa muhammad. habibil mahjuubil syaafil 'ilali wa mufarrijil kurab." Translation: "O Allah, bestow your blessings upon our Prophet Muhammad, the beloved one who is loved by Allah, who removes all illnesses and relieves all difficulties."


6. Prayer to Restore Positive Aura on the Face

The following is a prayer to restore positive aura on the face, which is practiced while looking in the mirror: "Berikut doa mengembalikann aura positif di wajah yang diamalkan ketika sedang bercermin: اللَّهُمَّ أَحْسَنْتَ خَلْقِي فَأَحْسِنْ خُلُقِي Allahumma ahsanta khalqii fahassin khuluqii. Artinya: 'O Allah, just as You have created me in a beautiful manner, perfect my character.'"

Prayer to Restore Positive Aura on the Face, to Become a Liked Person by Many

That is a collection of prayers to restore positive aura on the face that you can practice. By reciting these prayers, we ask Allah to bestow positive aura upon us. Because positive aura can attract positive things to come into our lives.

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