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"Thin But Bloated, Turns Out This is the Cause and How to Overcome It!"

"Kurus tapi buncit" is a term that refers to the proportion of body fat being higher compared to the amount of muscle in the body.

Skinny but Bloated, Turns Out This is the Cause and How to Overcome It!
Skinny but Bloated, Turns Out This is the Cause and How to Overcome It!

Quoted from Healthline, being trapped in a condition of being skinny but bloated will put you at risk of experiencing insulin resistance, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

"Seperti Apa Kurus Tapi Buncit?" translates to "What does it mean to be skinny but bloated?"

Thin but bloated does not have a standard definition and is not a medical term. Usually, thin but bloated refers to a decrease in muscle tone accompanied by relatively high body fat. Someone who appears thin but bloated is diagnosed to have a lot of visceral fat.


"Causes of being Skinny but Bloated"

Naturally, everyone's body is different. This is because some individuals genetically tend to have a higher proportion of body fat compared to muscle. Additionally, factors that contribute to being thin but having a protruding belly include lack of exercise and nutritional intake, age, and hormone levels.

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"Sports and Eating Patterns"

When exercising, the body releases anabolic hormones that stimulate muscle formation.

By exercising, it will increase the body's sensitivity to insulin which can reduce the risk of diabetes. In addition, regular exercise can also prevent the body from negative hormonal changes that affect body composition. If it is not accompanied by proper eating patterns such as consuming high refined sugar foods, it will have a negative impact on body composition.


Adults have a higher risk than others of experiencing muscle loss and increased body fat.


"Because hormonal changes make muscle maintenance more difficult. The loss of muscle is related to the condition called sarcopenia. This is often accompanied by an increase in body fat which can trigger a condition of being skinny but having a potbelly."

Ketidakseimbangan Hormon

"Imbalance of Hormones"

Hormonal imbalance causes an increase in body fat and changes in body fat storage.

"Who is at Risk of Being Thin but Bloated?"

Someone who does not exercise regularly or has an imbalanced diet may be at high risk of conditions such as diabetes, stroke, and cardiovascular disease. In medical terms, an individual who is thin but has a protruding belly, putting them at risk of metabolic diseases, is referred to as having "metabolic obesity".

"5 Main Factors of Being Skinny but Flabby"

- High blood pressure. - High blood sugar levels. - Excess fat around the waist. - High triglyceride levels. - Low levels of good HDL cholesterol. When someone has a high fat mass and a combination of low muscle mass and strength, it can be associated with cognitive decline.

Can a Diet Make You Lose Weight but Still Have a Potbelly?

When consuming high-sugar foods, blood sugar levels will increase and the body produces insulin to move sugar into fat cells and muscles for storage. Chronically elevated insulin levels can cause insulin resistance, which occurs when the body stops responding to insulin. Insulin resistance is associated with increased body fat, especially around the abdomen.

The body needs protein and many other nutrients to efficiently build muscle tissue. Not getting enough essential nutrients in food can disrupt the body's ability to build muscle, resulting in being skinny but chubby.

"Eating Patterns to Avoid Being Thin but Bulging"

The following are some recommendations for eating patterns that can improve body composition: 1. Reduce simple carbohydrates and focus on getting most of the carbohydrates from grains, fruits, and vegetables. 2. Consume a lot of protein in meals. 3. Reduce sweet or high-calorie drinks such as soda, alcohol, and juice.

4. Reduce sugar consumption. 5. Reduce intake of highly processed foods such as cookies, sweet breakfast cereals, and candy bars. 6. Consume high-protein foods after exercising.

"Lifestyle to Avoid Being Slim but Flabby"

Lifestyle plays a major role in determining body composition and overall health. In addition to diet and exercise habits, lack of sleep and excessive stress can also contribute to increased body fat. Here are some things that can and cannot be done to improve body composition.

"Can be Done"

1. Reduce stress. 2. Sleep for at least 7 hours every night. 3. Exercise regularly. 4. Consume a balanced and reduce sugar intake. 5. Stop sitting for long periods of time.


Cannot be done

1. Strict diet. 2. Sleep less than 7 hours every night. 3. Consuming alcohol in large quantities or for a long period of time. 4. Consuming caffeine before bedtime. 5. Relying mostly on fast food for nutrition.


Can Workout Help?

Increasing the amount of exercise can help improve body composition. Therefore, it is important to exercise regularly to avoid being skinny but having a potbelly. Some exercises that can be done include walking briskly, cycling, jogging, playing tennis, and hiking.

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