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Hukum Memasang Behel dalam Islam, Apakah Boleh? Simak Dulu Penjelasan dari Ning Imaz Berikut

"Installing Braces in Islam, Is it Allowed? First, Listen to the Explanation from Ning Imaz Below"

Dream - Braces or wire braces are still widely used today, by both men and women. Not only as an effort to overcome dental health problems, but braces also complement someone's appearance. However, when viewed from an Islamic perspective, this raises a big question among Muslims whether it is allowed or not. On the other hand, Islam prohibits its followers from altering the creation of Allah SWT.

Then, is the use of braces or braces wire one of the efforts to change the creation of Allah SWT? Therefore, it is important for Muslims to know the law of installing braces in Islam.

The Law of Installing Braces in Islam, Is it Allowed? Check Out Ning Imaz's Explanation Below
The Law of Installing Braces in Islam, Is it Allowed? Check Out Ning Imaz's Explanation Below

The following is an explanation about the law of wearing braces in Islam as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Can I Wear Braces in Islam

Can I Wear Braces in Islam

"In the Islamic perspective, the law of wearing braces does not have a clear nash (evidence) that regulates it."

There is an opinion that prohibits wearing braces because it is considered as a form of altering Allah's creation and resembling non-believers. On the other hand, there is also an opinion that allows wearing braces, with the reason of straightening teeth that do not affect Allah's creation. The opinion that prohibits wearing braces refers to a hadith from Aisha ra. that the Prophet Muhammad saw forbade women from wearing false teeth.

Meanwhile, the opinion that allows wearing braces refers to the opinions of scholars regarding allowing things that are not clearly prohibited by the Qur'an and hadith. The difference of opinion between those who prohibit and allow wearing braces is based on the interpretation of the existing texts. However, both agree that dental hygiene and the act of correcting crooked teeth are recommended in Islam.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Views of Various Schools of Thought on Installing Braces"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "The views of scholars from the Hanbali and Shafi'i schools regarding the law of wearing braces or wires on teeth are allowed as long as there is a valid medical or aesthetic need."

Pandangan Berbagai Madzhab tentang Memasang Behel

The opinion of Asy-Syaukani also strengthens that wearing braces is allowed as long as it does not violate Shariah rules. Meanwhile, regarding the use of gold or silver as jewelry, the Hanbali school of thought prohibits it because it is considered luxurious and not in accordance with Islamic etiquette. However, the Shafi'i school of thought allows it as long as it is not excessive. The Hanbali school of thought provides leniency for the necessity of jewelry made of gold by allowing it in emergency or urgent conditions.

However, it is still emphasized that its use should not be excessive. In conclusion, the views of scholars from both schools of thought regarding wearing braces or wires on teeth are allowed in certain circumstances. Meanwhile, the use of gold or silver as jewelry has different views.

"Can Install Braces with Conditions"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Islamic views regarding wearing braces are allowed, as long as they meet the predetermined requirements."

According to the explanation from Ustadzah Imaz Fatimatuz Zahra, wearing braces is allowed as long as it does not excessively alter Allah's creation and is in accordance with urgent needs. Meanwhile, according to Buya Yahya, wearing braces is also allowed as long as it does not damage the teeth and does not pose a danger to health. The conditions that must be fulfilled when wearing braces according to Islam include not damaging the teeth, not excessively altering Allah's creation, not endangering health, and being in accordance with urgent needs.

So, even though Islam allows wearing braces, it is still expected to observe the conditions so as not to violate religious rules. Thus, the Islamic view regarding wearing braces is allowed as long as the specified conditions are met, as explained by Ustadzah Imaz Fatimatuz Zahra and Buya Yahya.

The condition that requires installing braces

Installation of braces or dental wires is usually done by orthodontists to address dental health or aesthetic issues. Some conditions that may require the installation of braces include:

Kondisi yang Mengharuskan untuk Memasang Behel

Malocclusion (bite discrepancy): This is a condition where the upper and lower teeth do not meet properly when chewing. Malocclusion can cause dental health problems, difficulty cleaning teeth, and can even affect speech. Crooked or crowded teeth: Braces can help address teeth that grow crooked or too close together (crowded). The installation of braces can help align the position of the teeth to provide a better bite.

Gaps between Teeth (Diastema): Braces can also be used to close the gap between teeth, called diastema. Some people choose to have braces for aesthetic reasons to achieve a more aligned smile. Jaw or Skull Problems: In some cases, problems with the jaw or skull may require orthodontic treatment involving the use of braces.

Functional Problem: Braces can also be recommended to improve functional problems, such as difficulty speaking or chewing due to tooth or jaw imbalance. The use of braces is usually not only for aesthetic purposes, but also to improve dental and jaw health. Before deciding to install braces, it is advisable to consult with an orthodontist dentist to assess whether braces installation is necessary.

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