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Tokopedia START CX FIRST Summit 2023, Enhancing Cross-Industry Customer Experience

Tokopedia START CX FIRST Summit 2023, Enhancing Cross-Industry Customer Experience

The presence of Tokopedia Care maximizes the consumer experience.

Tokopedia START CX FIRST Summit 2023, Improve Customer Experience Across Industries

Dream - To enliven National Customer Day on September 4, 2023, Tokopedia and strategic partners will hold an annual technology conference in the field of customer experience, START CX FIRST Summit 2023, on Thursday, September 14, 2023, tomorrow.

START CX FIRST Summit 2023 is one of the programs of Tokopedia Academy, which this time discusses the best practices of customer experience. Several speakers ranging from company leaders, government officials, customer experience practitioners in the retail, technology, and telecommunications industries will appear to share their experiences. Some of the speakers who will appear include the President of E-Commerce Tokopedia, Melissa Siska Juminto, SVP of Sales Operations and Product at Tokopedia, Rudy A. Dalimunthe, VP of Marketing Tokopedia, Hilda Kitti, VP of Customer Engagement Tokopedia, Didik Suwanto, and Sal Singh as the Financial Controller at Tokopedia.

The following text is written in Bahasa and it will be translated into English while preserving any HTML tags: "Diselenggarakan secara hybrid pukul 09.00-17.00 WIB, START CX FIRST Summit 2023 mengusung tema 'Beyond Boundaries: Breaking Barriers to Amplify Customer Experience'. Kamu pun bisa menyaksikan acara ini secara gratis melalui situs Tokopedia Academy. "Melalui konferensi ini, kami harap para praktisi customer experience dapat berbagi pengetahuan dan pengalaman, serta berjejaring, untuk meningkatkan kualitas strategi dan implementasi customer experience di berbagai industri," ujar Senior Vice President of Sales, Operation and Product Tokopedia, Rudy Azhary Dalimunthe, saat virtual media briefing, Selasa 12 September 2023 kemarin. Pelaku usaha, lanjut Rudy, juga dapat belajar mengaplikasikan praktik customer experience dari para pakar." Translated text: "Held in a hybrid format from 09.00-17.00 WIB, the START CX FIRST Summit 2023 carries the theme 'Beyond Boundaries: Breaking Barriers to Amplify Customer Experience'. You can also watch this event for free through the Tokopedia Academy website. "Through this conference, we hope that customer experience practitioners can share knowledge and experiences, as well as network, to enhance the quality of customer experience strategies and implementations across various industries," said Rudy Azhary Dalimunthe, Senior Vice President of Sales, Operation, and Product at Tokopedia, during a virtual media briefing on Tuesday, September 12, 2023. Business actors, added Rudy, can also learn to apply customer experience practices from experts."

Tokopedia START CX FIRST Summit 2023, Improve Customer Experience Across Industries

Present as a speaker in yesterday's virtual media briefing, Chairman of Customer Service Experience Association Indonesia (CSEAI), Rudyanto H.P. Manullang, Ph.D., M.P.H reminded business actors about the trend of customers who have higher expectations towards the added value of a service.

"The ability to provide the best experience for customers is crucial for service providers, including companies. The role of the customer experience team is highly regarded and serves as the forefront in providing services to customers," explained Rudyanto. "The START CX FIRST Summit 2023 by Tokopedia deserves appreciation because this initiative can help improve the quality of customer experience across industries," he added. "In order to continue providing the best and most relevant experience for customers, both buyers and sellers, Rudy emphasized that the Tokopedia Care technology innovation is expected to provide a self-service experience for customers."

Tokopedia START CX FIRST Summit 2023, Improve Customer Experience Across Industries

"This is in line with one of the company's values, which is Focus on Consumer. Currently, we are in the era of experience economy, where consumers no longer just want goods or services, but also need impressive experiences," explained Rudy.

In the same opportunity, Rudy also obtained Tokopedia to maximize customer experience through Tokopedia Care, which is 100 percent digitally based. This service also operates 24/7 to assist in quickly, accurately, and transparently answering customer questions. Tokopedia Care has also utilized artificial intelligence (AI), including machine learning, to provide a self-service experience. The presence of this technological innovation allows customers to find solutions to their questions independently and faster, without the assistance of the Customer First Squad (CFS), the term used for the Tokopedia customer experience team.

Tokopedia START CX FIRST Summit 2023, Improve Customer Experience Across Industries

"Example, buyers can independently check the cancellation status of orders, track the shipping process, and much more. Meanwhile, sellers can independently change the courier for delivery," said Rudy.

"As an inclusive Indonesian technology company, said Rudy, Tokopedia provides a space for thousands of Nakama, including CFS at Tokopedia Care, from various backgrounds. "This is also in line with one of the ESG GoTo Three Zeroes commitments, which is Zero Barriers, aiming to help society create opportunities without obstacles through the GoTo ecosystem, including Tokopedia," he explained. Tokopedia Care as a whole combines three elements in providing the best customer experience, namely human touch through CFS, technology through the utilization of AI and automation, and the development of a real-time customer engagement hub, and the voice of the customer by optimizing feedback from customers."

"The implementation of these elements can be seen on the Tokopedia Care Help page. This page is a customer support center for both buyers and sellers on Tokopedia, which can be accessed by clicking on the top right corner of the Tokopedia application, then clicking 'Tokopedia Care Help'. Click 'Start Chat' and customers will be connected to Tanya; Tokopedia Care's virtual assistant. Tanya will provide AI-powered chatbot services that allow customers to choose their own questions and receive quick and accurate answers," explained Rudy.

"Jika punya pertanyaan yang lebih kompleks, pelanggan bisa memilih untuk dihubungkan dengan tim customer experience Tokopedia atau CFS. Penerapan automasi seperti ini bisa meningkatkan produktivitas CFS," jelas Rudy lagi. CFS diketahui bisa lebih fokus menangani pertanyaan/kendala pelanggan yang lebih kompleks dan menghasilkan interaksi yang lebih erat. Terbukti dari kenaikan automation rate atau proses penanganan pertanyaan/kendala yang tidak perlu dilakukan manual oleh CFS sebesar hampir 2 kali lipat."

Self-service experience from Tokopedia empowers sellers to advance their business.

Tokopedia also provides a self-service experience to empower business actors of various scales to obtain the best experience in advancing their businesses. In addition to the Tokopedia Care Help page, sellers can obtain a self-service experience through the Tokopedia Seller Dashboard.


Through the Tokopedia Seller Dashboard, sellers can use the 'Insights' feature supported by AI to provide comprehensive data, such as the most searched product types or keywords by buyers on Tokopedia based on region and category. There is also the latest 'Product and Category Naming' feature supported by machine learning to provide smart recommendations for sellers in terms of product naming and the most relevant categorization, making it easier for buyers to find the products. "Product pages from sellers using the Product and Category Naming feature experience nearly a fourfold increase in indexing on Google Search Index. This means that the seller's product pages are easier to find by potential buyers on the Google search engine," explained Rudy.

Tokopedia START CX FIRST Summit 2023, Improve Customer Experience Across Industries

Tokopedia also creates a Catalog feature that embraces machine learning to provide intelligent catalogs for sellers so that their products stand out amidst more than 1.8 billion registered products on Tokopedia.

"Tokopedia provides a Seller Education Center page that contains various business education materials and can be accessed by sellers completely free of charge," he added. "We hope that through a series of technological innovations that provide a self-service experience for customers - both sellers and buyers - Tokopedia can provide the best experience for customers in advancing their business and shopping online through Tokopedia," Rudy concluded. Photo: Tokopedia

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