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Yuk Mulai dari Sekarang, Inilah 7 Cara Sederhana Menjaga Kesehatan Mental

Let's Start from Now, Here are 7 Simple Ways to Maintain Mental Health

It is important to maintain mental health so that daily activities can run well and productivity can increase.

Dream - Mental health is important to pay special attention to. Every human being certainly cannot escape obstacles, both in the family environment, work, and social environment. This is often a burden on their inner self that can cause stress. When this stress cannot be managed properly, their mental state will be disturbed. Therefore, Dream friends should not underestimate mental health. Not only physical health needs to be taken care of, but our mental health also needs to be taken care of properly. Here are some simple ways to maintain mental health that you can start doing from now on.

Istirahat Cukup

Istirahat Cukup

If you feel tired, do not force yourself to do activities. Stop and take a rest. After resting, you will regain even better energy.

"Even the results of what you work on can be more optimal. In addition, you can also use your rest time to do simple breathing exercises."

Let's Start Now, Here are 7 Simple Ways to Maintain Mental Health


"Through sports, the body can release endorphins that help to relieve stress and improve mood."

Choose a sport that Dream's friend likes so that they can enjoy doing it more. Setting aside 30 minutes for exercise is already enough, Dream's friend.

Let's Start Now, Here are 7 Simple Ways to Maintain Mental Health
Mengonsumsi Makanan Enak dan Sehat

"Consuming Delicious and Healthy Food"

Choose foods that you find delicious and definitely healthy. For example, carbohydrates that can increase serotonin.

In addition, consume foods that contain polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 in fish and nuts that can improve your mood.

Let's Start Now, Here are 7 Simple Ways to Maintain Mental Health

"Saying Positive Things to Yourself"

Everything we say has a great influence on ourselves. Positive words have the power to uplift your soul.

If we say negative things to ourselves, then we will also feel the negative effects. Meanwhile, positive words can make us more enthusiastic and optimistic.

Let's Start Now, Here are 7 Simple Ways to Maintain Mental Health

"Writing Things to Be Grateful For"

"Everything that happens and that we receive should always be grateful for and try to write it down. At that moment, you are also reflecting on what you have already obtained."

So, look for everything in your everyday life about what you are grateful for and enjoy it peacefully.

Let's Start Now, Here are 7 Simple Ways to Maintain Mental Health

"Helping Others"

When you help someone, then you will feel that you are useful and beneficial to others.

You will feel happy when you see that the person you are helping has reduced their burden. In fact, by helping others, you will also not feel lonely. This is good for your mental health.

Let's Start Now, Here are 7 Simple Ways to Maintain Mental Health
Mengakui Perasaan dan Emosi Negatif

"Recognizing Negative Feelings and Emotions"

"Angry, sad, and disappointed are normal feelings experienced by someone. It is better to acknowledge those negative feelings or emotions. Do not hold them back and keep them hidden."

If you are familiar with those negative emotions well, then you can seek ways to recover from them in a positive way. For example, by going on vacation, confiding in a friend, or meditating.

Let's Start Now, Here are 7 Simple Ways to Maintain Mental Health

"You can't control everything. Sometimes you just need to relax and have faith that everything will work out. Let go a little and let life happen."
said Kody Keplinger


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