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Recommendations for Educational Play Places that Support Children's Potential
Recommendations for Educational Play Places that Support Children's Potential TikToker Successfully Loses Weight. (Source: TikTok @ekkafitrie)

The growth and development of children is a moment full of exploration that requires support from parents. During this time, children will start to be curious about many things around them. Including the professions of adults that they often see every day.

When children start learning about various professions around them, they will begin to show interest and desire to try certain professions. Well, this process can be maximized by parents to explore their potential through educational role-playing games.

No need to worry, now parents can facilitate maximum role-playing concepts for children by taking them to KidZania, which is a recommended place for both play and educational learning. What activities are offered?

Theme Park that Emphasizes Edutainment Elements

Recommendations for Educational Play Places that Support Children's Potential

For those who don't know, KidZania is a theme park or 'city' specially designed for children that emphasizes the elements of edutainment, which is a combination of education and entertainment. The activities in KidZania are suitable for children aged 2 to 16 years old.

Entering KidZania, children are guaranteed to be excited to enter an area that is built like a replica of a real city, complete with roads and facilities such as hospitals, supermarkets, salons, factories, and many more.

Role-Playing with Over 100 Adult Professions

Recommendations for Educational Play Places that Support Children's Potential

After entering the specially designed city area for children, they can also engage in fun activities. Yup, what else if not role-playing and trying out adult professions, which is definitely exciting. For children who have long been curious about professions such as doctors, police officers, pilots, chefs, and scientists, they can try them out here.

There are over 100 adult professions available for children to explore and satisfy their curiosity. This moment can be used by parents to further explore the potential of their children, which will have a positive impact on their growth and development.

Enjoy Special Discounts for KidZania Jakarta Tickets!

Recommendations for Educational Play Places that Support Children's Potential

So, are you excited to take your children to enjoy a fun play and learning experience at KidZania? There's another special surprise, because there's a special discount of up to 30% that can be enjoyed at KidZania Jakarta! For those who make ticket purchases with Junio Savings from Bank BRI, other BRI Debit Cards, or BRI Credit Cards. This promo can be enjoyed until August 31, 2023.

So, what are you waiting for? Enjoy the benefits of more affordable transactions at KidZania with Bank BRI! For more detailed information, click here!

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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