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Take Note, Eat at the Right Time to Achieve Body Goals
Take Note, Eat at the Right Time to Achieve Body Goals Illustration/Photo: shutterstock

Dream - What have you done, Sahabat Dream, to lose weight? Maybe you have been exercising regularly, improving your daily menu with minimal calories, or reducing sugar intake.

Some succeed, but some don't. Actually, to ensure an effective diet, all aspects must be considered, not just one thing. One aspect that is often overlooked is the duration and timing of meals.

Both of them have a big impact on weight. To keep your eating schedule regular and prevent weight gain, try implementing the following steps.

1. Eat breakfast 1 hour after waking up
For an effective breakfast and optimal results, choose a nutritious breakfast. Look for menus that are high in fiber and protein, such as boiled eggs, whole wheat bread, and others. It's better to avoid heavy foods in the morning, such as fried foods, white rice, or foods high in carbohydrates and fats.

2. Don't Skip Lunch (12 - 1 PM)

If you want to get maximum results, it's better to have lunch between 12 and 1 PM, as it's the most suitable time to boost energy in your body later. You can adjust the menu according to your preferences, but it is highly recommended to choose low-sugar and low-fat options. Combine it with chicken breast, red meat, fresh vegetables, and fruits.

3. Dinner 3 Hours Before Bedtime
It's best to choose a nutritious meal and avoid foods that are high in excessive sugar and sodium. It's better to have dinner 3 hours before going to bed, or between 6 PM and 7 PM. Avoid eating too late, as it can make it difficult for your body to sleep due to increased blood sugar.

4. Snacking is Allowed
Many people who start a diet tend to avoid snacks. Consuming snacks is not a problem as long as they contain healthy nutrients such as nuts, dried fruits, or grains.

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5 Morning Rituals That Can Help You Lose Weight Quickly, Worth Trying

Dream - Having an ideal body is desired by everyone. That's why many people go on a diet to lose weight and achieve a proportional weight.

Perhaps, Sahabat Dream, you have experienced difficulties in losing weight during your diet. This may be because you have overlooked some activities or habits in the morning that can help you lose weight.

There are five things you can do in the morning to help you lose weight. Worth trying, Sahabat Dream.

1. Drink a Mixture of Lemon and Honey Water

Benefits of Warm Lemon Water for the Body, Healthy Habits Before Bed

After waking up, make it a habit to drink warm water with lemon and honey as a substitute for a cup of coffee or tea. This drink hydrates the body and is beneficial for boosting antioxidants, which can accelerate the body's metabolism process. Warm water also helps cleanse your body's digestive system and can help with weight loss.


2. Protein-Rich Breakfast

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Protein is a crucial nutrient for weight loss. In addition, protein content is excellent for increasing appetite-suppressing hormones and reducing hunger hormone ghrelin levels. Therefore, protein can provide a longer feeling of fullness for the body. Moreover, protein content can also help the body maintain energy during activities.


3. Consume Fiber

If Sahabat Dream consumes fiber-rich foods, it will feel fuller for a longer period. This is because foods that are high in fiber take longer to break down and digest in our body's system. You can consume foods rich in fiber such as green vegetables, legumes, and other high-fiber sources.


4. Drink Water

You should drink enough water to support your daily activities. In addition to keeping your body well-hydrated, drinking water is the best alternative to avoid consuming packaged beverages that are high in sugar.

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If you're bored with plain water, you can make infused water using lemon or other fruits and spices. Avoid packaged drinks that have artificial colors and high sugar content as much as possible.


5. Choose Healthier Sugar Alternatives

The body also needs glucose or sugar intake even during a diet. However, consuming too much sugar is not good for the body. So, you can choose alternative sugars that are healthier for your body.

You can consume fruits that have natural sweetness. You can make cereal, smoothies, and other healthier snacks for your body.

Report by Devi Tri Aprilianza / Source: FoodNDTV

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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