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37 Million MSMEs Managed by Women, Bank OCBC NISP Supports Womenpreneurs Through the CurrenShe Movement
37 Million MSMEs Managed by Women, Bank OCBC NISP Supports Womenpreneurs Through the CurrenShe Movement Media Discussion #TAYTB Women Warriors, Bank OCBC NISP (Photo: Dream/Okti Nur Alifia)

Dream - The role of women in the country's economy cannot be ignored. Women are now even able to drive many Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), which in 2021 contributed 61.1 percent of Indonesia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) recorded in 2021 that 64.5 percent or 37 million MSMEs in Indonesia are managed by women. Therefore, it can be said that the role of womenpreneurs in supporting Indonesia's economy is very significant.

Meanwhile, a survey by Bank Indonesia proves that the proportion of women in strategic positions in companies continues to grow, and there is a projection of an additional $28 trillion in global GDP with gender equality.

That is why Bank OCBC NISP launched the CurrenShe campaign, which encourages the importance of women's representation in the business and economic world. Bank OCBC NISP wants to inspire women to contribute more to the country's economy.

"We encourage women to continue to create, do business, and take a direct role, and not hesitate to become leaders in the economic sector. Because we believe that the combination of the strengths of men and women will complement each other and create a greater positive impact," said President Director of Bank OCBC NISP, Parwati Surjaudaja, in the Media Discussion #TAYTB Women Warriors, in Jakarta, on Thursday, November 3, 2022.


In the organizational structure of Bank OCBC NISP itself, support for women is reflected in the composition of bank employees, where 54 percent of them are women.

Not only that, the bank's management structure, which was established in Bandung in 1941, has 25 percent female Commissioners. And out of the total Bank Directors, 44 percent of them are women.

To amplify the CurrenShe campaign, which is part of the #TAYTB Women Warriors program, Bank OCBC NISP held an Art Installation entitled 'Strong Women, Great Nation's Economy' which was held at Mall Sarinah Thamrin from November 3-24, 2022.


Interestingly, the CurrenShe campaign also utilizes Augmented Reality (AR) technology, where the public can get to know more closely several Indonesian female heroes who played a major role in the struggle for independence.

This is also in line with the 76th Indonesian Republic Currency (HORI), by scanning the nominal banknotes through the website.

After scanning, images and audio about the hidden stories of different female heroes behind each denomination will appear on our phone screen through the AR filter.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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