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Ferdy Sambo's Drama Revealed Again in Court: Tearful Eyes, Punching Walls and Leaning Head
Ferdy Sambo's Drama Revealed Again in Court: Tearful Eyes, Punching Walls and Leaning Head Ferdy Sambo

Dream - Ridwan Soplanit became a police officer from the South Jakarta Metro Police who was the first to come to Ferdy Sambo's official residence in Duren Tiga after the murder of Brigadier J or Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat.

When testifying in the trial of the obstruction of justice case of the murder of Brigadier J with defendant Irfan Widianto, the former Head of Criminal Investigation of the South Jakarta Metro Police admitted to seeing the body of Brigadier J.

The man named Ridwan Rhekynellsom Soplanit also saw several holes in the wall near the stairs. In addition, there were scattered bullet shells on the floor. In that house, Soplanit received an explanation from Ferdy Sambo.

"While he (FS) was explaining, then when he pointed to the bedroom door, he said 'this actually happened because my wife was harassed'," said Soplanit while testifying at the South Jakarta District Court.

"My wife was harassed and this incident also happened before in Magelang. FS mentioned it," added Soplanit.

According to Soplanit, Ferdy Sambo also punched the wall with his right hand while telling the story. Ferdy Sambo leaned his head against the wall.

"And he looked at me again. I saw FS' eyes were already teary. He looked sad," added Soplanit.

After that, Soplanit told Ferdy Sambo to immediately bring the crime scene investigation team from the South Jakarta Metro Police. (

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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