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The Misery of Grandma Imil, Almost Collapsing House but Never Touched by Social Assistance, even though it's Only a Stone's Throw from Jakarta
The Misery of Grandma Imil, Almost Collapsing House but Never Touched by Social Assistance, even though it's Only a Stone's Throw from Jakarta Grandma Imil's House (Photo: Sinulingga)

Dream - Living in a satellite city around Jakarta does not guarantee easy access to government-provided facilities. At least that's what Grandma Imil, a 68-year-old woman, experienced as she faced the bitterness of life in her twilight years with a house that is no longer suitable for habitation.

Imil, who comes from Kampung Bancong, Kertasari Village, Pebayuran, Bekasi Regency, West Java, has been widowed since 2017.

As a widow, Imil lives in a dilapidated house that she has inhabited for decades, accompanied by her two children, Kaswati (30) and Maesaroh (21), as well as her three-month-old grandchild, Zoya.

With a house that is almost collapsing due to its age, visible to the naked eye, Imil does not receive any social assistance. Many building materials have deteriorated. This condition constantly worries Grandma Imil, as her house could collapse at any time, threatening her and her family's safety.

In the living room, almost the entire wall is fragile, allowing the interior of the house to be clearly seen from the outside. The front wall of the house is also starting to tilt.

"The other walls are cracked and tilted as well. It leaks everywhere when it rains," said Grandma Imil, as quoted from

The roof of the house is also in a very dire condition, with several tiles falling to the ground. The missing tiles on the roof are clearly visible from the outside, causing leaks.

Especially when the rainy season arrives, Grandma Imil and her family become increasingly worried. They cannot imagine the situation when heavy rain accompanied by strong winds occurs, as they always have to take shelter at their neighbor's house for fear that their own house will collapse.

Grandma Imil's house

"When it rains, we choose to leave the house rather than risk it collapsing. Besides, there are children here. Usually, we seek shelter on our neighbor's terrace," she said.

It is heartbreaking that the Imil family has never received any government assistance during their stay in the area, even though they are classified as poor. They have never received any assistance, such as basic necessities aid, cash assistance, or other forms of assistance.

Although Grandma Imil has made several requests for assistance to the local government, she has never received a serious response for unknown reasons.

Halip Handika, the Head of RT 01 RW 01 Kertasari, expressed his concern about the condition of the family's house. According to him, Imil wants to have a decent house as she is very concerned about the safety of her family.

"She has been taking care of her grandchild all this time. She used to work as a farm laborer," said Halip.

Halip hopes that the Imil family can soon experience the comfort of living in their own house by receiving assistance from the government.

"We have submitted four proposals in the Musrembang, but the government has not responded yet, citing the lack of administration and the ownership rights still being under the name of the house owner's parents," added Halip.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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