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After Fajri Tangerang, Baby in Bekasi Suffers from Obesity, 7-Month-Old Weighs 15.5 Kg
After Fajri Tangerang, Baby in Bekasi Suffers from Obesity, 7-Month-Old Weighs 15.5 Kg After Fajri, Now a 7-Month-Old Baby Suffers from Obesity, Weighs 15.5 Kg (

Dream - Siti Raisya Rahayu, a 7-month-old baby from Cabangbungin District, Bekasi Regency, is experiencing a condition that indicates obesity. At less than a year old, the weight of the baby girl has reached 15.5 kilograms.

Raisya was initially born with a normal weight of 3 kilograms and a length of 48 centimeters. However, she was unable to receive breast milk from her mother, Raisya.

To meet her nutritional needs, the baby daughter of Tabroni (33) and Marlina (35) is given formula milk every day. When she reached two months old, her weight suddenly increased drastically.

"She feeds five times a day, but not too much. Now, at the age of seven months, her weight is 15 kilograms," said Marlina, Raisya's mother, on Friday, June 23, 2023, as quoted from

Baby Raisya has been taken to the Community Health Center (Puskesmas) to receive medical treatment. The seven-month-old baby was then referred to a hospital for further treatment.

However, until now, there have been no results from the medical examination conducted by the hospital.

While waiting for the results of the medical examination, the youngest of three siblings is currently under the supervision of a pediatrician.

"According to the doctor, her weight is not normal. I don't know why. The doctor said it's because of internal injuries, not because of milk. Sometimes she has difficulty breathing, can't sleep, and keeps crying. She can move, but she can't lie on her stomach," Marlina said.

The local village midwife, Samih, said that the community health center has provided nutrition counseling, including blood tests and other medical examinations. Based on the check-up results, Raisya is declared normal.

Although there are no indications of sugar or diabetes, the community health center still referred Raisya to a hospital for further treatment.

"If it's related to nutrition, the diagnosis is obesity and malnutrition. The problem is limited movement and difficulty breathing while sleeping. The scan results from the hospital are not yet available," she said.

Samih suspected Raisya's growth since she turned four months old. Every time she attended the integrated health service posts, her weight always increased significantly.

"There is a monthly integrated health service post, her weight increased from eight kilograms, then when taken to the community health center, it increased to 13 kilograms, and the last referral was made when her weight reached 14 kilograms. After returning from the hospital, her weight was 15 kilograms. The increase is very drastic. If left untreated, her weight will continue to increase," she added.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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