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"Children's Vacation: Lots of Gadget Play, Do 5 Things to Protect Their Eye Health"

Children's Vacation: A Lot of Gadget Play, Do These 5 Things to Protect Their Eye Health

"Dream - The long school holiday usually makes children spend a lot of time playing with gadgets. Starting from playing on mobile phones, tablets, PC games to playing console games. "

Children's Vacation: A Lot of Gadget Play, Do These 5 Things to Protect Their Eye Health

"This will definitely impact the child's eye health. It is important to ensure the child's eye health is maintained. We must not let the child have eye health problems after the holidays."

Children's Vacation: A Lot of Gadget Play, Do These 5 Things to Protect Their Eye Health

"Dr. Maria Magdalena Purba, an eye specialist from KMN Eyecare, shares some important tips for parents to maintain their children's eye health. "

"1. Eat Healthy Every Day"

"We are what we eat, have you ever heard that term? What we eat will impact our body’s health, including our eyes. During the holidays, make sure your child gets a healthy and balanced diet."

"Dorong mereka untuk membuat pilihan makanan yang sehat dan kaya akan nutrisi seiring bertambahnya usia. Biasakan anak-anak banyak mengonsumsi sayuran dan buah segar, biji-bijian dan susu. Pilih daging tanpa lemak, unggas, dan ikan. Sertakan kacang-kacangan dan telur," kata dr. Maria. Ayah bunda bisa coba cara menjaga kesehatan mata anak dengan mengisi lemari es dan dapur dengan pilihan sehat."

"2. Use Eye Protection Equipment"

"Eye injuries in children can occur from many things. Among others, they are caused by injuries from foreign objects, exposure to chemicals, trauma from sharp objects, or blunt trauma. Storing toys in a safe place for children can help avoid eye injuries. "

"Choose the appropriate glasses for sports such as swimming, cycling, and sunglasses when traveling to sunny places. Always have children wear protective eyewear when around chemicals or when conducting experiments," said Dr. Maria.

"3. Meet Fluid Needs"

The next way to maintain children's eye health is by ensuring adequate water intake every day. Infants need 0.7 to 0.8 liters of fluid per day from breast milk or formula, while children need between 4 cups (for 1-year-olds) and 6 to 8 cups per day (for teenagers). Plain water is the best fluid choice. 

"Dehydration can cause many health problems, including vision issues such as dry and itchy eyes," said Dr. Maria."

"4. Lots of Play in Open Areas"

"Children need water, sunlight, and fresh air to grow healthy and strong. Outdoor areas are very suitable for encouraging healthy living habits and maintaining eye health. "

Research has proven that children's habits of staring at screens for long periods due to frequent gadget use have contributed to the occurrence of myopia. In addition, ensure that the children's play area is safe and continue to supervise their activities to mitigate the risks of playing in dangerous areas.

"5. Routine Eye Health Check for Children"

"Also, have regular eye examinations. It is very important to take children for eye tests regularly. So many children go undiagnosed with eye problems because they do not complain or their abnormalities are not visible to their parents. "

"Children are very adaptable and will cope with poor vision because they are not aware of it. Having eye exams every year will promote eye health and can help address eye health issues early."

Moms Naturally Experiencing Burnout While Caring for Little Ones? Here’s a Psychologist's Advice

Moms Naturally Experiencing Burnout While Caring for Little Ones? Here’s a Psychologist's Advice

Typically marked by feelings of being unable to cope with daily demands.

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