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Jangan Salah Pilih High Chair, Biar Si Kecil Betah dan Nyaman Saat Makan

"Do not Choose the Wrong High Chair, Let the Little One Feel Comfortable and Enjoyable While Eating"

Jangan Salah Pilih High Chair, Biar Si Kecil Betah dan Nyaman Saat Makan

Dream - One important thing to have at home when children are learning to eat is a high chair or kursi tinggi. With this chair, the little one can learn to be independent and sit calmly while eating.

Jangan Salah Pilih High Chair, Biar Si Kecil Betah dan Nyaman Saat Makan

Although every baby develops at a different pace, it is important for parents to get their child used to sitting in a high chair around 6 months.

"Baby Readiness"

There are signs of a baby's readiness when they can start being placed in a high chair. Among them are the ability to sit upright without assistance and an interest in solid foods.


"Benefits of Using High Chairs"

Using a high chair brings benefits for parents and children. Parents can enjoy mealtime without hindrance, and the baby has a comfortable and safe place to interact with the family. Sitting together during meals can also train the baby to speak and develop their social skills.


Choosing the Right High Chair

Choosing the right high chair requires several considerations such as safety, cleanliness, durability, as well as suitability for space and family preferences. Make sure these aspects are fulfilled, Sahabat Dream.


"Starting the Use of High Chair"

After the baby can sit upright, try placing the child on a high chair. Then provide toys such as plates, cups, and spoons to make them comfortable.


"Cleanliness Treatment"

When the baby is finished using it, usually the chair will become dirty due to leftover food or drinks. Therefore, look for a chair that is easy to clean to maintain hygiene.


"Consideration of Usage Duration"

Choose a chair with sturdy and durable material so that it can be used for several years to come. A high-quality high chair can be inherited or used for the next child.


"Security Factors and Size"

Make sure the chair has a seat belt and does not have narrow areas that are risky for babies. Also, consider its size so that it can be folded and easily carried.


"Roda dan Kursi Serbaguna" translates to "Wheels and Multifunctional Chairs" in English.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags is as follows:

Roda pada kursi bisa berguna, tapi pastikan bisa dikunci. Pilih kursi dengan fitur yang dapat disesuaikan tinggi tempat duduk dan tempat makan yang dapat dilepas. Pastikan tiap fiturnya berfungsi dengan baik dan aman bagi bayi. Periksa lebih detail dan teliti ya.
Laporan: Monica Alycia Mutiara / Sumber:
Wheels on the chair can be useful, but make sure they can be locked. Choose a chair with adjustable seat height and removable feeding tray. Make sure each feature functions well and is safe for the baby. Check in more detail and thoroughly.
Report: Monica Alycia Mutiara / Source:

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