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10 Artists Feuding with Their Biological Mothers, Latest Sandrinna Michelle, Some Are Shackled!

10 Artists Feuding with Their Biological Mothers, Latest Sandrinna Michelle, Some Are Shackled!

"There are also some who are tied up, you know!"

"Artis Berseteru dengan Ibu Kandung" translates to "Artist in Conflict with Biological Mother" in English.

The relationship between parents and children sometimes doesn't go smoothly. Their relationship often involves quarrels. This usually happens because of differences in opinions and desires between parents and children. However, these arguments usually don't last long. After all, family is the most important thing in their lives. Not only ordinary people, but also some artists often get involved in conflicts with their own parents, you know!

"Like what recently happened to the beautiful artist Sandrinna Michelle. Not only Sandrinna Michelle, but some of these artists have also had conflicts with their own biological mothers."

10 Artis Berseteru dengan Ibu Kandung, Terbaru Sandrinna Michelle, Ada yang Dipasung!

Curious who are they?

10 Artis Berseteru dengan Ibu Kandung, Terbaru Sandrinna Michelle, Ada yang Dipasung!

"Sandrinna Michelle"

The following is the translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The latest news is about Sandrinna Michelle. She is having a conflict with her mother, Purwanti Skornicki. Through her personal Instagram account, Purwanti mentioned that Junior Roberts has brainwashed her daughter to the point where she forgets about her family. In fact, Purwanti even threatened to report him to the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI)."

Sandrinna Michelle

"Kiki Fatmala"

Kiki Fatmala has been arguing with her mother since she was in high school and working at a nightclub. In fact, Kiki is said to have had the audacity to kick her mother out of the house due to her disapproved marriage with Christian Forschei.


In 2014, Marshanda had a dispute with her own mother, Riyanti Sofyan. Marshanda even admitted to being restrained at Abdi Waluyo Hospital.


"Azka Corbuzier"

"On Tuesday, November 24, 2020, Azka Corbuzier admitted to feeling uncomfortable always being associated with the romance between Kalina Oktarani and Vicky Prasetyo. This 17-year-old teenage boy was even caught unfollowing Kalina Oktarani's Instagram account."

"Ulfi Damayanti"

Ulfy Damayanti in 2019 had a fierce disagreement with her mother and they ended up separating.

Ulfi Damayanti

"Indah Permatasari"

"Indah Permatasari had a conflict with her biological mother, Nursyah. This happened because Nursyah did not give her blessing to Indah Permatasari's relationship with Arie Kriting."

Indah Permatasari

"Eza Gionino"

Eza Gionino also had a feud with his mother, Ruch Gaya, in 2018. In fact, Eza even left home because his mother did not approve of his relationship with Meiza Aulia Coritha.

"Arumi Baschin"

Arumi Bachsin once reported her own mother in 2011. She reported her mother, Maria Liliana Pesch, on charges of child exploitation. Arumi even sought protection from the Witness and Victim Protection Agency for herself.


Asmirandah and her mother, Sani Suliwati, were reportedly in conflict back in 2013. It is said that their conflict was triggered by Andah's decision to convert to her husband Jonas Rivano's religion.


"Juwita Bahar"

"Singer Juwita Bahar had a feud with Anisa Bahar due to several issues. One of them was regarding Juwita Bahar's choice of man, which according to Anisa Bahar was not suitable for their daughter. However, they have now peacefully reconciled."

Juwita Bahar
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