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"32 Birds with the Most Beautiful Colored Bodies in the World"

Bird is one of the animals that has the most varied colors. Here is a list of the most beautiful birds in the world.

The universe provides countless miracles, one of which is the unique beauty possessed by birds scattered throughout the world. From the enchanting Amazon rainforest to the vast African highlands, every habitat nurtures species that captivate with their astonishing combination of colors on their bodies. By recognizing the beauty possessed by various bird species, it serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving biodiversity on Earth. Let's explore the 32 birds with the most beautiful colors in the world!

1. Burung Toucan Paruh Pelangi<br>

1. Rainbow Toucan Bird

Ramphastos sulfuratus known as the rainbow-billed toucan, is a tropical bird with a range that extends from southern Mexico to northern Colombia and northwest Venezuela. Its feathers are mostly black, with a yellow throat and cheeks, light green eye patches, and bright red feathers protruding from under its tail. However, the most prominent characteristic of the rainbow-billed toucan is its colorful beak, which is about one-third the length of the bird itself, measuring 20 inches (51 centimeters).

2. Burung Gelatik Peri

2. Fairy Wren Bird

2. Burung Gelatik Peri 2. Fairy Wren Bird

The following 'Bahasa' text translated to 'English' while preserving any html tags: Birds of this species can reach a length of up to 5 inches (13 cm) and live in dense bushes or acacia forests in various parts of Australia. Like most fairywrens, these birds primarily feed on insects, which they gather from the ground and bushes. In September, the males molt their pale brown and shiny feathers and replace them with bold electric blue feathers and black eye patches. They then start searching for a mate, which involves picking pink and purple flower petals for potential partners.

3. Burung Kutilang Gouldian<br>

3. Gouldian Finch Bird

Known as the rainbow finch, this bird comes in three color combinations, with a black, red, or yellow face to complement its bright green back, turquoise neck, yellow belly, and purple chest. Black is the most common face color, found in 75% of Gouldian finches, with red-faced birds occupying the majority of the remaining 25% and yellow-faced birds being rarely seen. Gouldian finches inhabit the edges of mangrove forests, thickets, and savannahs in northern Australia, where they feed on grass seeds and insects.

4. Hummingbird with a Fiery Throat Color

4. Hummingbird with a Fiery Throat Color

he translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: Burung kolibri tenggorokan api (Panterpe insignis) adalah spesies burung kolibri yang ditemukan di dataran tinggi berhutan di Kosta Rika dan Panama bagian barat. The fiery-throated hummingbird (Panterpe insignis) is a species of hummingbird found in high forested areas in Costa Rica and western Panama. Tubuhnya memiliki panjang 4 inci (10 cm) dengan ditutupi bulu warna-warni, yang memudar dari orange tua di pangkal tenggorokan menjadi kuning dan hijau kebiruan di perut dan punggung, dan menjadi biru royal berkilauan di dada dan ubun-ubun. It has a length of 4 inches (10 cm) and is covered in colorful feathers, which fade from dark orange at the base of the throat to yellow and bluish-green on the belly and back, and become shimmering royal blue on the chest and crown. Meskipun jantan sedikit lebih besar dari betina, kedua jenis kelamin terlihat sama dan memiliki paruh panjang, ramping, hitam dengan dasar merah muda yang mereka gunakan untuk memakan nektar bunga kecil, semak, dan pohon. Although males are slightly larger than females, both sexes look the same and have long, slender, black beaks with a pink base that they use to feed on small flowers, shrubs, and trees

5. Burung Merak India

5. Indian Peafowl

Pavo cristatus, better known as peacock, is famous for its blue-colored feathers and its tail covered with eye-shaped spots that it spreads to attract females. Females are less flamboyant compared to males, with spotted brown feathers and shorter tails without eye-shaped spots, although they have colorful green feathers on their throats. Indian peacocks originate from the Indian subcontinent. In the wild, Indian peacocks live on the forest floor, where they search for food such as fruits, small reptiles, insects, and rodents.

6. Burung Roller Berdada Ungu<br>

6. Purple-Chested Roller Bird

Rol dada ungu tumbuh setinggi 14,5 inci (37 cm), jantan dan betina memiliki tenggorokan dan dada ungu, perut biru kehijauan, kepala hijau, wajah oranye kemerahan, serta ujung ekor biru tua. Spesies ini hidup di padang rumput dan kawasan hutan di Afrika bagian timur dan selatan, dari Etiopia dan Angola hingga Afrika Selatan bagian utara. Burung-burung tersebut hinggap di pohon mati untuk mengamati sekelilingnya untuk mencari mangsa, termasuk belalang, kumbang, kadal, katak, dan kepiting.


The Purple-breasted Roller grows up to 14.5 inches (37 cm) tall, both males and females have purple throats and breasts, greenish-blue bellies, green heads, reddish-orange faces, and dark blue tail tips. This species lives in grasslands and forest areas in eastern and southern Africa, from Ethiopia and Angola to northern South Africa. These birds perch on dead trees to observe their surroundings and search for prey, including grasshoppers, beetles, lizards, frogs, and crabs.

7. Burung Cendrawasih Wilson<br>

7. Wilson's Bird-of-Paradise

Cendrawasih Wilson is a bird the size of a sparrow and has bright red feathers on its back, with yellow spots on the upper part of its neck. This bird has a featherless crown that reveals electric blue skin underneath. The Wilson's bird of paradise also has two distinctive curved tail feathers. Females assess potential mates based on the brightness of their feathers, but they themselves have speckled brownish-olive feathers. Like males, females have bald spots on the top of their heads and blue skin.

8. Burung Tanager Berleher Merah<br>

8. Red-necked Tanager Bird

Tanager leher merah (Tangara cyanocephala) is a tropical bird found in lowland forests in eastern Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. Its feathers are mostly light green, with a dark red neck and cheeks, a light purple crown, and a blue throat. This bird forages in the tree canopy where fruit is being produced, but sometimes they descend to the forest floor to pick berries from shrubs. They can live up to five years.

9. Burung Quetzal

9. Quetzal Bird

Quetzal is an amazing bird, with greenish-blue, green, and red colors, that lives in the cloud forests stretching from southern Mexico to western Panama. The male bird has a golden-green crest and metallic blue tail feathers that grow during mating season and form a flowing sequence up to 3 feet (0.9 meters) long. The Qietzal bird is considered sacred by Mesoamerican civilization and remains an important symbol to this day, as it is featured on the flag of Guatemala.

10. Shimmering Cotinga Bird

10. Shimmering Cotinga Bird

Cotinga spangled is a tropical bird that lives in the northern part of South America, including in the rainforests of the Amazon in Brazil. The male bird has light blue feathers on its chest and abdomen, bluish-black wings, and a magenta throat. These colors help them attract the attention of females, who have dull brown feathers. Cotinga spangled, which measures between 7 and 9 inches (18 to 23 cm) long, is often seen perched on fruit-bearing trees, although their diet also includes protein-rich insects during the breeding season.

11. Mandarin Duck

11. Mandarin Duck

Like many other birds, male Mandarin ducks (Aix galericulata) have attractive colors. Male Mandarin ducks have distinctive orange cheeks and feathers on their backs, purple chests and dark blue feathers, as well as green on their crowns and tails. Female birds have creamy white and spotted brown feathers, as well as gray feathers on their heads and cheeks that expand like male feathers. Adult ducks of both genders reach a length of between 8 and 10 inches (20 to 25 cm), with females growing slightly plumper than males.

12. Burung Rosella Merah

12. Red Rosella Bird

Rosella merah comes in several colors, including red, orange, and yellow. Young birds have olive green feathers that transition to one of the other colors as they mature. Regardless of their appearance, red rosellas have distinctive blue spots on their cheeks, blue tail feathers, and wings with black dots. Red rosellas are commonly found in southern and eastern Australia, with some populations scattered throughout the country, as well as on Norfolk Island and New Zealand. They usually gather in small groups and feed on seeds, grass, shrubs, insects, and some tree flowers.

13. Pekakak Bird

13. Pekakak Bird

Pekakak (Alcedo atthis) is a brightly colored blue and orange feathered bird that is widely distributed in Europe, Asia, and North Africa. These birds often perch on trees along rivers, diving low over the water when they spot food. Common kingfishers typically grow to about 6 inches (15 cm) in length and have a wingspan of 10 inches (25 cm), slightly larger than that of the European robin. Their back is metallic blue in color, and their chest is copper brown. Female birds can be distinguished from males by the red spot at the base of their beak.

14. Burung Pemakan Lebah Berjanggut Merah<br>

14. Red-bearded Bee-eater

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The red-bearded bee-eater is a striking green bird that lives in lowland forests and foothills in southern Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, Kalimantan, and Sumatra. Its name is derived from the red feathers that stretch from the base of its beak to its belly. This bird also has a pinkish crown, orange eyes, and yellow feathers on the underside of its tail. It has elongated central tail feathers, a downward-curved beak, and pointed wings. They mostly feed on insects, which they stun by striking the insect's head against a branch before consuming it."

15. Paradise Tanager Bird

15. Paradise Tanager Bird

Paradise tanager (Tangara chilensis) is a singer bird measuring 5.5 inches (14 cm) long with lime green head and bluish-green chest and abdomen. Depending on the subspecies, this bird has red or yellow feathers at the base of its tail. They originate from the Amazon rainforest and northern South America. This bird likes to reside in high places in the canopy, gather in mixed species groups, and move quickly between perching spots as they search for food.

16. Red Macaw Bird

16. Red Macaw Bird

Like its name suggests, the red macaw (Ara macao) is mostly covered in bright red feathers. However, this bird also has blue lower back and wing tips, as well as a yellow tail and a featherless white face. The red macaw is the largest parrot in the world, measuring up to 33 inches (84 cm) from beak to tail. Their beaks are strong enough to crack hard nuts found in rainforests ranging from southern Mexico to eastern Peru and Brazil, where these birds live.

17. Bebek Kayu

17. Wood Duck

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: Burung jantan memiliki mata merah mencolok dan paruh merah yang memudar menjadi kuning di pangkalnya. Mahkota dan jambulnya berwarna hijau zamrud, dengan garis-garis putih yang memanjang membentuk kerah di sekitar leher. Jantan juga memiliki dada berwarna merah tua, sisi kuning keemasan, dan bulu biru di ekor dan sayapnya. Burung betina memiliki bulu berbintik-bintik berwarna coklat keabu-abuan dan cincin putih di sekitar mata. Bebek kayu tumbuh hingga panjang sekitar 19 inci (48 cm) dan memiliki lebar sayap 28 hingga 39 inci (71 hingga 99 cm). The male bird has striking red eyes and a red beak that fades to yellow at the base. Its crown and crest are emerald green, with white stripes extending to form a collar around the neck. The male also has a dark red chest, golden yellow sides, and blue feathers on its tail and wings. The female bird has spotted brownish-gray feathers and a white ring around the eyes. Wood ducks grow to a length of about 19 inches (48 cm) and have a wingspan of 28 to 39 inches (71 to 99 cm).

18. Painted Bunting Bird

18. Painted Bunting Bird

Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris) is a rainbow-colored bird native to North America, with populations in the eastern part breeding in Georgia and South Carolina. Eastern birds migrate to Florida and the Caribbean for the winter, while western flocks head to the Pacific coast of Mexico. Birds in this population look and sound similar, with adult males having electric blue feathers on their heads, red chests, and lime green upper backs. Females and young males are plain green without markings.  

19. Burung Sabrewing Ungu<br>

19. Purple Sabrewing Bird

Sabrewing purple with a length of up to 6 inches (15 cm), is the largest species of hummingbird in Mexico and Central America. The male bird is covered in bluish-purple feathers that shimmer under the sunlight and appear darker in shaded areas. Meanwhile, the female only has a few shimmering feathers around her neck and cheeks. Both the male and female have thick, curved beaks and white-tipped tails. Purple Sabrewing is found in humid pine forests, where it feeds on the nectar of low-growing plants, including banana flowers and shrubs.

20. Rainbow Lorikeet

20. Rainbow Lorikeet

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus moluccanus) is a colorful bird found in northern and eastern Australia. This bird has a red beak, blue head and abdomen, green back and wings, and yellow and orange striped chest. Male and female look the same and grow about 12 inches (30 cm) from beak to tail. Rainbow Lorikeet is classified as a parrot because it is herbivorous and has a curved beak. There are about 350 species of parrots (Psittacoidea) known, including macaws, lorikeets, and budgerigars.

21. Dwarf Black-backed Kingfisher

21. Dwarf Black-backed Kingfisher

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Black-backed dwarf kingfisher is one of the smallest kingfishers ever known, measuring between 5 and 5.5 inches (13 to 14 cm) in length. Its crown and tail are fuchsia red, its beak is coral red and dagger-shaped. The bird also has a pale orange belly and cheeks, uneven and dark blue wings, and a white throat. Black-backed dwarf kingfishers are often found far from water sources, and their distribution ranges across Southeast Asia, from Malaysia and Vietnam to Taiwan, Bhutan, western India, and Sri Lanka."

22. Burung Guineafowl Vulturine<br>

22. Vulturine Guineafowl

The vulturine guineafowl bird is the size of a goose and has a long neck originating from the eastern part of Africa, with its range stretching from southern Ethiopia to northern Tanzania. This bird lives in flocks and roams around dry savannahs and thickets, searching for food such as seeds, tubers, roots, small reptiles, rodents, and insects. It has an electric blue color on its chest and back, covered with long black and white feathers, as well as red eyes, a bald head, and chestnut spots on its nape. The rest of its plumage is black with white spots.

23. Burung Aracari Jambul Keriting<br>

23. Curly Crested Aracari Bird

Aracari jambul keriting (Pteroglossus beauharnaesii) is a small toucan bird found in the humid tropical forests of Bolivia, Brazil, and Peru. This species is named after its crown, which is covered in soft grayish curls. Aracari jambul keriting has a pear-shaped ring around its eyes, red feathers on its nape and belly, spotted cheeks, and a large colorful beak. This bird flies around the forest canopy in flocks to search for food, including fruits, eggs, and other bird nestlings.

24. Golden Parrot

24. Golden Parrot

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Male pegar birds grow up to a length of 3.8 feet (1.16 meters) from head to tail, with bright red feathers on the chest and underside, a quiff and lower back in gold color, and a neck with orange and black stripes. Like other pegar birds (Phasianidae), they also have long, finely striped tails. Females have a light brown color with fine stripes throughout their body. Shy and difficult to recognize, golden pegar birds live in dark and dense forests and perch on trees at night."

25. Golden Chested Parrot

25. Golden Chested Parrot

The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The red-breasted parrot (Neophema splendida) is a nomadic bird that is mostly found in the Great Victoria Desert in southwestern Australia. This bird can survive for a long time without access to drinking water by extracting moisture from succulent plants. The male bird has a bright blue head and wings, red feathers on its chest, green back, and yellow underside. The female is slightly duller in color and does not have a red chest. The red-breasted parrot grows to a length of about 7.8 inches (20 cm) and produces a soft sound."

26. Rose Spoonbill Bird

26. Rose Spoonbill Bird

This bird has a white neck and upper back, its chest, middle back, and wings are baby pink. The lower back, front wing, and tail are dark red, with orange spots on the wings and around the eyes. Young birds are dusty pink in color, and their heads are covered in feathers, which molt as adults to reveal a pale greenish head skin. Roseate spoonbills are found in freshwater and saltwater marshes from the Gulf Coast of the United States to much of South America. They can reach a height of 2.5 feet (76 cm), and the largest roseate spoonbill beak can span 4 feet (1.2 m) in wing width.

27. Nicobar Pigeon

27. Nicobar Pigeon

Merpati Nicobar is a land bird found on small islands and coastal areas of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in India to the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific Ocean. Merpati Nicobar has blue feather crests that hang down on its neck like a hula skirt, as well as green, yellow, and copper feathers on its back. This dove is slightly larger than other doves, measuring about 1.3 feet (40 cm) in length. The population of Nicobar pigeons in the wild is declining due to capture for trade as pets and the use of their tail feathers to make jewelry.

28. European Bee-eater

28. European Bee-eater

The European bee-eater is more widely distributed than its name suggests, with a range spread across eastern and southern Africa, Europe, and Mongolia. The long and pointed beak of the European bee-eater helps it catch insects in the air before hitting them against branches to make them unconscious and remove the venomous sting. This bird is brightly colored, with a canary yellow throat, blue belly and tail tip, and a fading copper crown that turns into yellow mustard feathers on its back.

29. Red Sunbird

29. Red Sunbird

According to its name, the red sunbird (Aethopyga siparaja) has striking red feathers that form a poncho around its chest and back. The male bird has a blue cap and a dark mustache-like mark on its neck. The female, on the other hand, is olive yellow in color and does not have these decorative characteristics. The red sunbird, which grows up to 5.3 inches (13.5 cm) long, is commonly found throughout Southeast Asia, with its distribution ranging from northern India to Malaysia and Indonesia.

30. Burung Jalak Berpunggung Ungu<br>

30. Purple-backed Starling

Jalak punggung ungu jantan has a top half covered with purple feathers that change color depending on the light. Its chest and lower part are snow white. The female also has a white lower part, but its back and head are brown and its entire body is dark brown striped. The purple-backed starling, which measures about 6.7 inches (17 cm) long, lives in forests in eastern, southern, and western Africa. They feed on fruits and insects.

31. Burung Tanager Emas<br>

31. Golden Tanager Bird

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The male and female golden tanager birds (Tangara larvata) look similar, with light blue feathers that stand out among mostly black feathers, and a dark yellow hood that frames their faces. The purple-backed starling also has an orange patch on its throat, as well as a white underside. These birds have a range that stretches from southern Mexico to northwestern Ecuador. These birds, which are about 5 inches (13 cm) long, build their nests among branching tree branches or in clusters of green bananas."

32. Burung Roller India<br>

32. Indian Roller Bird

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Birds of India show their best colors when flying, displaying light blue wings with ribbons and sapphire tips. The same color combination is also found in their tail feathers, which widen into a large V shape. Males and females appear similar, with dark olive backs, salmon-colored chests, and narrow feathers that stand out around their beaks. Both genders can grow up to 13 inches (33 cm) long, with a wingspan reaching 29 inches (74 cm). Indian rollers inhabit open agricultural areas in India, around the Persian Gulf, and along the coast of Oman. They enjoy perching in open places, including electric cables."

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