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Aghniny Haque Jadi Rajin Sholat dan Sering Ikut Kajian, Keluarga Sambut Bahagia

"Aghniny Haque Becomes Diligent in Praying and Frequently Participates in Study Groups, Family Welcomes Happily"

Dream - Aghniny Haque admitted to becoming diligent in praying and participating in religious studies thanks to Hanung Bramantyo. Because she became more diligent in worship after being involved in a film titled "Tuhan Izinkan Aku Berdosa" (God Allows Me to Sin).

Aghniny Haque Becomes Diligent in Praying and Frequently Participates in Study Groups, Family Welcomes with Happiness
Aghniny Haque Becomes Diligent in Praying and Frequently Participates in Study Groups, Family Welcomes with Happiness

Aghniny Haque was asked by Hanung as the director to deepen her knowledge of religion, so that the role she played could be delivered excellently.

"Because this role requires a long process. Before the reading process, I was asked to return to Semarang with Mas Hanung to learn to recite the Quran again. So, I really learned from scratch and the one who taught me again was my own grandfather,"
"revealed Aghniny Haque in South Jakarta, Friday May 17, 2024."


Happy Family Welcomes

The changes that occur within Aghniny Haque are warmly welcomed by her family. Her grandfather even cried because Aghniny wants to deepen her knowledge of religion after being involved in the film.

Aghniny Haque Becomes Diligent in Praying and Frequently Participates in Study Groups, Family Welcomes with Happiness

"My grandfather is very happy, he said 'finally guidance has come down', he even cried because his grandchild had difficulty praying and studying the Quran, but when I got this role, he was happy, to the point of wanting to meet Mr. Hanung,""

"imbuhnya" translates to "addition."


According to Aghniny, the role of Kiran that she portrayed was quite challenging because she played two characters. The first character is a religious woman, and the second character is searching for her true identity to find guidance from the Creator.

Aghniny Haque Becomes Diligent in Praying and Frequently Participates in Study Groups, Family Welcomes with Happiness

"Honestly, I'm really happy, honestly I've always been waiting for this opportunity because I've always hoped that someday I would have a role with a different character. And this role as Kiran is truly challenging and also burdensome. And that's what's difficult to handle. In my opinion, it's a challenge."

tutur Aghniny.


Meanwhile, Hanung Bramantyo said, it was quite difficult to find an artist who was willing to portray this character because many of them refused when they knew the storyline. "Not to mention the funding, many actors also refused," said Hanung Bramantyo.

Aghniny Haque Becomes Diligent in Praying and Frequently Participates in Study Groups, Family Welcomes with Happiness
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