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Ayu Dewi and Regi Datau Perform Umrah Together: `The Place I Miss the Most`
Ayu Dewi and Regi Datau Perform Umrah Together: `The Place I Miss the Most` Ayu Dewi and Regi Datau (Photo: @mrsayudewi)

Dream - Amidst unpleasant allegations surrounding their marriage, husband and wife Ayu Dewi and Regi Datau perform umrah together.

Ayu's departure to the Holy Land was known from her Instagram feed shortly before boarding and when she was on the plane that would take them to Saudi Arabia.

Ayu Dewi and Regi Datau umrah

"Bismillahi majrehaa wa mursahaa Inna Robbi Laghofuururrohiim. Bismillahi tawakkaltu 'allallahi la haula wa laa quwwata illa billah. Allahumma hawwin 'alainaa safaranaa hadza waatwl 'annaa bu'dahu. Allahumma antashookhibhu fissafari walkholifatu fiil ahlii," wrote Ayu Dewi.

"Insyaa Allah kembali memenuhi Panggilan Mu Yaa Raabku..berkunjung ke Tempat paling kurindu," she added.

To the followers and social media users, this mother of three children asks for prayers for ease and blessings during their small hajj pilgrimage.

Ayu Dewi and Regi Datau umrah

"Please pray for the smooth and blessedness of our pilgrimage," said Ayu Dewi.

Ayu Dewi's post was immediately filled with prayers from netizens and a series of fellow artists.

"Buuu ayuuuu @mrsayudewi have a smooth pilgrimage, stay healthy until you return to the capital... sending prayers, Bu," wrote the account @lunamaya.

"Bismillah Smooth and full of blessings and ease, ameen," said the account @kartikaputriworld.

"Smooth journey, dear sister," wrote the account @shireensungkar.

"MasyaAllah, have a safe worship, dear mother Ayu, Bismillah may your worship be smooth," wrote the account @shantydenny.

It is known that before going on the umrah pilgrimage, Ayu Dewi and Regi's marriage was hit by gossip after Denise Chariesta's confession emerged.


Dream - Denise Chariesta caused a stir in public. Besides admitting to being a third party for four years, Denise Chariesta mentioned the initials and characteristics of the man who is married to a famous artist.

Denise said that her affair partner has the initial 'R' and comes from a wealthy family, and he is the husband of a frequent host and has three children.

Denise Chariesta

"He comes from a wealthy family, but he works independently (as an entrepreneur). His wife is an artist, he is an entrepreneur," said Denise Chariesta as quoted from YouTube dr. Richard Lee, MARS, on Friday, September 30, 2022.


"His wife is a TV host every morning, she is also a YouTuber. They have three children, the oldest is a girl, and the other two are boys. (The youngest) is still a baby," she added.

This flower entrepreneur admitted to knowing 'R' four years ago, precisely in 2018, when they first met at a restaurant.

"I met him before I became famous, four years ago in 2018, I remember it was during the Asian Games. We met in Jakarta before that project started, I was at one of the restaurants where I used to eat every day because my flower shop was in that area, so I ate there every day," said Denise.



At the beginning of their acquaintance, Denise also did not know that 'R' is the husband of a famous artist.

"On the first day of getting to know each other, honestly, I didn't know who he was because I never watched TV," she said.

After that meeting, their relationship continued and they dated for four years.

"Four years with me. In those four years, we often broke up and got back together, it became our daily routine," she said.



Denise's confession went viral and sparked discussions on gossip accounts, including @viral62com. Many netizens speculated that 'R' refers to Regi Datau, Ayu Dewi's husband.

According to netizens, all the characteristics point to Ayu Dewi, the artist mentioned by Denise.

"Regi Dato y lakinya ibu @mrsayudewi," wrote the account @veivy_88.

"@mrsayudewi is this true, Bu?" wrote the account @daniaisme91.

"Is it true, Bu @mrsayudewi?" wrote the account @sryyy.wasih.

"But his face looks somewhat similar to that man... maybe because they have been involved before? It's usually like that," wrote the account @hanyahiburanaja.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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