"Dream - Isa Bajaj reports an unpleasant incident recently experienced by her daughter Ceria. Through her Instagram account, Isa, who currently resides in Magetan, East Java, said that her daughter had just experienced violence from an unknown man."
Isa tells the chronology of the events experienced by her daughter Ceria. According to Isa, her daughter came home crying.
After being questioned, the princess admitted to experiencing violence by an unknown person through kicking. Princess Isa's body even suffered injuries to her intimate organs.
"This is a cheerful return to playing from the square in the basketball field, where my older brother kicked me repeatedly until his genitals were bleeding,"
write Isa Bajaj quoted Dream, Friday 19 April 2024.
According to Isa, the characteristics of the perpetrator mentioned by his daughter are a man with glasses. "The story goes that my son's older brother kicked him while wearing glasses on the basketball court," Isa Bajaj said.
"Following the incident, Isa immediately took his daughter to the hospital for several examinations, including a visum on her injured intimate organs."
"This is Ceria, I brought her to the hospital to be examined and I want her to be seen by a specialist. Proceed to this (Obstetrics and Gynecology Department) guys, to check in more detail the condition of Ceria's genital injury."
word Isa Bajaj.
"@2024 Dream.co.id"
The following is the translation of the 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The man named Isa Wahyu Prastantyo will report the incident to the authorities. He hopes that the police will find the CCTV to quickly uncover the perpetrator."
"Hopefully tonight the police can find the CCTV that leads to the crime scene and immediately uncover what happened to Ceria. Thank you to all parties for their attention and support,"
"Condition of her daughter"
Isa reported that her daughter's condition is starting to improve, but she still doesn't want to urinate because she feels pain in her intimate organs.
"The cheerful condition is good, playing as usual but still doesn't want to pee until now because earlier when trying to pee, he cried in pain."
"tuturnya" translates to "he/she speaks."
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