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Compact Attending Divorce Hearing with Desta, Natasha Rizki Asks for Prayers
Compact Attending Divorce Hearing with Desta, Natasha Rizki Asks for Prayers Natasha Rizki and Desta

Dream - The first hearing of Desta and Natasha Rizky's divorce was held at the South Jakarta Religious Court on Monday, May 29, 2023. Desta and Nathasa Rizky attended their divorce hearing together.

They did not arrive in the same car. Desta arrived wearing a black shirt and black glasses with his lawyer, Hendra Siregar.

The famous presenter arrived without giving any comments. He went straight into the courtroom.

Meanwhile, Natasha Rizky, who arrived earlier, appeared wearing a gray hijab and maroon dress.


She asked for prayers so that her divorce hearing today can proceed smoothly. "Please pray," said Natasha Rizky.

The first hearing of this divorce case is scheduled for mediation. If there is no resolution in this hearing, it will continue to the next agenda.

First Divorce Hearing Held Today, Desta Confirmed to Attend

Dream - The first hearing of Desta and Natasha Rizky's divorce case was held at the South Jakarta Religious Court on Monday, May 29, 2023. The agenda for this hearing is mediation.

Hendra Siregar, Desta's lawyer, confirmed that his client will attend this first hearing.

"It seems like he will attend, my client has confirmed," said Hendra Siregar when contacted.

Desta and Natasha Rizky

Meanwhile, Natasha Rizky has not confirmed her attendance at today's hearing. Her lawyer, Rully Agung, has not received confirmation of her presence.

"I can't confirm whether she will come or not," said Rully Agung.

Desta filed for divorce against Natasha at the South Jakarta Religious Court. The reason for their divorce is the lack of compatibility.

No Longer Silent, Desta Gives a Strong Message to Rumor Spreaders: 'Sorry Allah...'

Dream - Desta Mahendra seems to be fed up with unpleasant accusations after filing for divorce against Natasha Rizki. No longer silent, Desta expressed his frustration through Instagram stories.

Seeing the many conflicting news about his marriage, Desta gave a strong message to those who have been spreading rumors about his divorce decision.

Not only to those who spread it, the former member of Club Eighties also had a message for the public who believed in the false information.  


"May the rumor mongers, the believers of the rumors, and those who spread the rumors about me, @natasharizkynews, and my family, all of those rumors turn back to them and their families.. Amen," wrote Desta.

According to Desta, this is the first time he has prayed for something bad to happen to those who have slandered him.

"Sorry Allah, this is the first time my prayer to You is not good," he said.

Did Desta Withdraw His Divorce Petition against Natasha Rizki? Check the Facts

Dream - The marriage of Natasha Rizki and Desta is still being discussed. They were even rumored to have reconciled and Desta withdrew his divorce petition.

These rumors arose after seeing the couple leaving together after attending Enzy Storia's wedding.

Regarding these rumors, Hendra Siregar, Desta's lawyer, spoke up.

"So far, there is no withdrawal of the petition," said Hendra Siregar when contacted on Monday, May 22, 2023.

desta natasha rizky

Hendra can confirm that the rumor is just a hoax because Desta is still determined to separate.

"Yes, it's a hoax," he said again.

It is known that Desta filed for divorce against Natasha Rizki at the South Jakarta Religious Court on May 14, 2023. The first hearing will be held on May 29, 2023.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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