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Many Netizens Shocked Thinking Ussy Sulistyawati Hugged Nicholas Saputra, Turns Out to be Andhika Pratama
Many Netizens Shocked Thinking Ussy Sulistyawati Hugged Nicholas Saputra, Turns Out to be Andhika Pratama Ussy and Andhika Prtama

Dream - Many netizens were fooled by the latest photo of Andhika Pratama. They thought Andhika was hugging his wife, Ussy Sulistyawati, as actor Nicholas Saputra.

In the photo, Andhika was actually surprising Ussy on her 42nd birthday, showering her with luxurious gifts, from CHANEL bags to luxury Rolex watches.

In the photo, Andhika was seen wearing a gray shirt. He embraced his wife, his lips sealed, his hand taking a photo. It is Andhika's face in this photo that is considered similar to Nicholas Saputra.

Andhika Pratama

Netizens who were shocked wrote their comments on Andhika Pratama's post.

"Surprised, I thought Ussy was hugging Nicholas Saputra," said the account @badgurl.pidi.

"Surprised, Ussy took a photo with Nicholas Saputra, but it turns out it's not," replied the account @dhiena16.

"Did Nicholas Saputra come first or Andika Pratama was born first? They look so alike," wrote the account @adhelyaheny.

Not Half-hearted, This is Ussy Sulistyawati's Monthly Allowance from Andhika Pratama

Dream - Ussy Sulistyawati is an artist who loves to collect branded items. She even has a bag worth Rp1 billion.

Seeing Ussy's luxurious appearance, Irfan Hakim was curious about the monthly allowance she received from Andhika Pratama.

"Ask how much Ussy's monthly allowance is?" Irfan asked Andhika Pratama in a video call on FYP Trans7.

Hearing Irfan's question to Andhika Pratama, Ussy looked panicked. Ussy asked her husband not to answer that question.

"Oh no, don't, don't, don't answer, Puw (Andhika)," Ussy said.


Not satisfied because he didn't get an answer, Irfan provoked the question about the monthly allowance again.

"Is it true that your monthly allowance is Rp200 million?" Irfan asked Andhika.

Ussy immediately answered that the amount was not enough to meet their household needs.

"That amount is too small, it's not enough, especially with many children," Ussy said.

Hearing Ussy's statement, Irfan immediately teased Andhika Pratama.

"No wonder you have dark circles, you really lack sleep," Irfan said while laughing.

Previously, Ussy Sulistyawati denied giving a daily allowance of Rp1 million to each of her children, spending around Rp120 million per month just for their pocket money. According to her, those rumors were just nonsense.

"No, it's not true. It's a lie," said Ussy Sulistiawaty on the FYP program.

However, Andika Pratama's wife refused to disclose the pocket money given to her children. For her, the most important thing is that her children's needs are well fulfilled.

"The amount doesn't need to be mentioned, it depends on their requests. If the children need something, they just ask me. As parents, we work from morning to morning for our children, but it's not excessive," she said.


Ussy also admitted that she doesn't always provide luxury facilities for her children. There are times when she teaches them simplicity, like taking public transportation and eating by the roadside.

"I teach them both sides. For example, if I teach them simplicity, I take them to eat by the roadside, sometimes I take them on the MRT. But sometimes, when I have more blessings, I take them wherever they want to buy something that I think is a bit expensive. It's all about balance," said Ussy Sulistiawaty.

On another note, Ussy Sulistyawati successfully lost 27 kilograms of weight in almost a year. Now, her weight is 50 kilograms.

"Was 77 kg when giving birth, now 50 kg," wrote Ussy Sulistyawati.

Although she has lost a significant amount of weight, Andika Pratama's wife still needs to lose 3 kilograms to reach her ideal weight.


"Slowly but surely, 3 more kilograms to go, dear, exercise and manage your diet," added Ussy.

Her new appearance received positive comments from fellow artists and netizens.

"Looking slimmer and forever young," said Rini Yulianti.

"Wowww, so cool and amazing, both of you," said Kristina.

"So cool, really slim," replied Ririn Ekawati.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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