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Portrait of Alvin Faiz's Wife, Henny Rahman, Wearing High School Uniform, Kinyis-Kinyis Style on Her 29th Birthday
Portrait of Alvin Faiz's Wife, Henny Rahman, Wearing High School Uniform, Kinyis-Kinyis Style on Her 29th Birthday Henny Rahman's Birthday Moment (Photo: @alvin_411)

Dream - Henny Rahman, the wife of Muhammad Alvin Faiz, recently celebrated her 29th birthday by inviting friends and fellow artists. Following the current trend among celebrities, Henny also chose to revisit her school days by celebrating her birthday with a high school theme.

The woman who already has two children chose the concept of a high school student as the main theme of her birthday. Henny and the invited guests had to dress in typical high school uniforms.

Although it has been around 14 years, Henny and her friends still look good wearing high school uniforms.

Curious about the fun moments of Henny's birthday celebration? Let's take a look at the pictures and the following review.

Choose High School Theme

Henny Rahman's Birthday Moment

Photo: @ririe_fairus

Turning 29 years old on May 24, 2023, Henny Rahman celebrated her birthday with a high school concept, wearing a gray and white uniform.

Attended by Fellow Artists

Henny Rahman's Birthday Moment

Photo: @ririe_fairus

With the high school concept, the birthday celebration of this mother of two became livelier with the presence of fellow artists who became her friends. Some of them are Dinda Hauw, Wardah Maulina, Ririe Fairuz, and Dara Arafah.

Making Videos Together

Henny Rahman's Birthday Moment

Photo: @ririe_fairus

Not missing the opportunity on Henny's birthday, they took the time to capture their fun activities in a funny video while dancing.

Happy and Joyful

Henny Rahman's Birthday Moment

Photo: @ririe_fairus

Although Henny's birthday celebration was just a nostalgic event of her high school days, they looked very happy and cheerful with radiant smiles and youthful spirits.

Flooded with Praises and Birthday Wishes

Henny Rahman's Birthday Moment

Photo: @alvin_411

Through his personal Instagram page, Alvin, her husband, wrote sweet expressions and wishes for their marriage. Many netizens also praised and congratulated Henny on her birthday.

"You really look like a high school student," wrote the account @shifafaaa

"Happy birthday @hennyrahman, may Allah bless her remaining years and her marriage, expert of paradise ... amin," added the account @salmihalaltour

Report: Siti Annisa Rahmani

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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