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Still Remember Ongky Alexander, the actor who played 'Si Boy'? Former Legendary Actor Who Once Fell Into Poverty, Here's the Latest News

Still Remember Ongky Alexander, the actor who played 'Si Boy'? Former Legendary Actor Who Once Fell Into Poverty, Here's the Latest News

Dream - Still remember the old actor Onky Alexander, who played Si Boy in the movie 'Catatan Si Boy'? His career skyrocketed in the 80s and 90s. He was even known as one of the legendary actors. However, now, his co-star Paramitha Rusady has not appeared on the screen for a long time. Apparently, Ongky has experienced ups and downs in his life, both in love life and economy. He is still active in sharing his daily moments on social media. His posts are enough to alleviate the longing of his fans. So, what is the portrait of Ongky Alexander like?

This is the latest portrait of the owner with the real name Dicky Alexander Heryanto Sapardan. He is a legendary actor who played Boy in the movie Catatan Si Boy.

This is the latest portrait of the owner with the real name Dicky Alexander Heryanto Sapardan. He is a legendary actor who played Boy in the movie Catatan Si Boy.

"Now he is already 58 years old. Nevertheless, his handsome face seems to never fade. He still looks strong and charming."

Memiliki postur tubuh tinggi tak salah jika ia mengawali kariernya sebagai seorang model. Ia pun punya banyak penggemar setia yang selalu menanti kabarnya hingga saat ini

Having a tall body posture is not wrong if he starts his career as a model. He also has many loyal fans who are always waiting for news about him until now.

Ongky diketahui menikah dengan Paula Ayustina Saroinsong yang berusia 10 tahun lebih tua darinya. Pernikahan mereka sempat bikin heboh karena Ongky diisukan hanya ingin harta sang istri

Ongky is known to be married to Paula Ayustina Saroinsong, who is 10 years older than him. Their marriage caused a sensation because Ongky was rumored to only be interested in his wife's wealth.

Sayangnya Ongky dan Paula bercerai di tahun 2016 lalu. Dari pernikahan tersebut, Ongky dikarunai satu anak yang bernama Maharani Ayushandra Sasqia Putri Herrianto

Unfortunately, Ongky and Paula divorced in 2016. From that marriage, Ongky was blessed with one child named Maharani Ayushandra Sasqia Putri Herrianto.

After divorcing Paula, Ongky admitted to being at the lowest point in his life. He became poor because his business failed completely.

After divorcing Paula, Ongky admitted to being at the lowest point in his life. He became poor because his business failed completely.

Namun kini Ongky disebut telah bangkit dan mencoba menjalani hidupnya. Bahkan ia dikabarkan telah menikah lagi dengan seorang wanita yang identitasnya belum terungkap

However, Ongky is now said to have risen and tried to live his life. He is even rumored to have remarried to a woman whose identity has not been revealed yet.

Tak hanya itu, sang anak Sasqia juga baru saja dinikahi sang kekasih. Pernikahan tersebut digelar tertutup dan hanya dihadiri kerabat dekat saja

"Not only that, Sasqia's child has also just married her lover. The wedding was held privately and only attended by close relatives."

"On the other hand, although it has been a long time since appearing on the television screen, fans still hope to see Ongky's acting again."

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