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Still Remember Shanty, a Singer who was Popular in the Early 2000s? Here's the Latest News
Still Remember Shanty, a Singer who was Popular in the Early 2000s? Here's the Latest News Shanty, photo: instagram

Dream - Still remember Annisa Nurul Shanty Kusuma Wardhani or commonly known as Shanty? She is a singer who sang the song Oh Kasih which was released 23 years ago.

After a 12-year hiatus, Shanty returned to the Indonesian entertainment world to fulfill her longing. Shanty, who now lives in Bali, finally released a new single titled Kupu Menanti composed by Rika Roeslan, who previously created the hit Oh Kasih.

"Yes, (to fulfill the fans' longing), and also to fulfill my own longing," said Shanty in a virtual press conference on Friday, May 26, 2023.


Shanty explained that this song is about the evolution phase in her life. She likened her life to a butterfly, the process from starting her career until now.

"This is the evolution of the previous butterfly from gold to colorful, so there is a transition from caterpillar to butterfly," she said.

Although she has been on a hiatus from the Indonesian music industry for quite a long time due to living in Hong Kong, Shanty believes that this song will be well received.

"I believe Kupu Menanti can bring me back to the Indonesian music industry," she added.

Along with the release of this song, Shanty also released a mini album or EP titled Kupu Menanti. This album contains four songs, namely Kupu Menanti, Oh Kasih 2.0, Oh Kasih (remix version), and Hanya Memuji (remix version).

"I am grateful that I can still work, today is the result of our hard work together with the most important prayers," she said. (x)

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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