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"15 Sins that Invite Disaster in the End Times, Beware of the Signs Now!"

Dream - Disasters or calamities that befall creatures on earth cannot be separated from the law of cause and effect. The greedy, selfish, and arrogant behavior of humans can bring about a disaster. Widespread disobedience and endless crimes trigger disasters in the end times.

15 Sins that Invite Disaster in the End Times, Beware of the Signs Now!

"In a hadith, it is mentioned that there are 15 sinful acts that can trigger the arrival of disasters in the end times. In the book "40 Hadiths about the Events of the End Times" by Ustadz Abu Ali Al-Banjari An-Nadwi, a hadith is mentioned that explains these matters. It is narrated from Ali bin Abi Thalib, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "When my ummah has committed fifteen acts, calamity will surely descend upon them." Then the companions asked, "What are these 15 acts, O Messenger of Allah?" The Prophet (peace be upon him) replied: "..."

1. If state assets only circulate among certain individuals.

This kind of condition seems to be visible in the current government. Where most of the state assets only circulate within the elite circle. As a result, people outside the elite circle do not have access to enter it. Consequently, the rich get richer, while the poor get poorer.


2. If trust is made a source of worldly profit.

It has become a common secret, entrusted to work on a project is only used as a wetland to reap profits. So it's no wonder that many projects become a subject of contention for tender players. Construction projects, for example, which should be built as well and as good as possible for the public interest, are instead made in a mediocre manner in order to reap profits. So it's no wonder if there is a newly built bridge that has collapsed, or a newly repaired highway that has collapsed again.

Translation: "Photo:"

3. Zakat is considered as debt.

3. Zakat is considered as a debt.

The meaning is that zakat is not immediately distributed. However, the funds are first processed with the purpose of gaining personal or group benefits. Whereas zakat should immediately be distributed to the designated groups as stated in the Al-Quran. Because the zakat given by the muzakki is the right of the mustahiq.

4. Blindly Following Wife

In this context, a husband has lost his mind and blindly follows his wife's wishes because he is blinded by worldly love. However, on the other hand, there are also husbands who mistreat their wives as if they were objects. This is certainly very unbalanced. In fact, husbands and wives should live supporting each other with love and care without harming either party.



5. Disobedient child to his mother

5. Disobedient child to his mother

Mother is a figure who is the key to heaven. Therefore, do not waste the key to your paradise. But now there are many children who are disobedient to their mothers. It is terrifying, this phenomenon is part of the sins that trigger the arrival of disasters in the end times.

6. Daring to defy his biological father, while he treats his friend well.

The phenomenon seems to have become widespread among society nowadays. Where families are no longer being cared for, while others who have no blood relation are prioritized. Be careful! This condition can trigger the arrival of disaster in the end times, because children no longer care about their parents.


7. He distances himself from his father.

The relationship between children and parents should be nurtured from an early age. However, there are people who, when they are adults, distance themselves from their parents, including their father. This phenomenon of children distancing themselves from their father can trigger sinful behavior that invites disaster in the end times.

8. The voices are raised inside the mosque.
Mosque is a sacred and holy place for Muslims. Mosque is a place where a servant supplicates and communicates with Allah SWT. However, there are already many people who do not respect the sanctity of the mosque. Voices are raised inside it, and there are even many who commit sins in the mosque. Na'udzubillah!



9. The one who becomes the leader of a community is the despised person among them.

If a leader is held by someone who is lowly and foolish, then the destruction of a group or country will occur. However, now there are many lowly and foolish people who have become leaders of a group. This apparently has been predicted in the saying of the Prophet Muhammad, that if this happens, then the disaster of the end times will come soon.

10. A person is honored because they are feared for their evil deeds.

10. A person is honored because they are feared for their evil deeds.

"Human beings should be honored for their contributions to goodness. But now, someone is being honored and feared because of their criminal actions. Na'udzubillah!"

11. Khamar is consumed in various places.

Alcoholic beverages or khamr are now widely found in various places. Everyone can freely obtain them. Although these alcoholic beverages are forbidden according to Islam, many Muslims also enjoy them. However, it is clear that these drinks can have dangerous effects on health, social life, and finances.


12. Silk fabric is widely used (by men).
"Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) forbade men from wearing clothing made of silk. However, nowadays there are many designers who create clothes made of silk. Although they are priced at a fantastic price, many wealthy people still buy them."



13. The singers are praised

"In this era, there are already many beautiful singers who not only sell their voices but also showcase their bodies. People also praise these singers blindly. This is also referred to as part of the immorality that triggers the arrival of calamities in the end times."



14. Music is played a lot.

14. Music is played a lot.

Actually, music is not always inherently bad. Because many preachers use music to convey goodness. However, music is also often played to trigger wrongdoing. So, it depends on the use of this music whether for goodness or for wrongdoing.

"15. Attitude of the final generation"

The following is the translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags: "The last generation curses (blames) the first generation (companions), So at that time they should wait for the red wind or earthquake or they will be transformed into other creatures. The hadith that contains 15 sins above is narrated by Imam Tirmidhi. Based on the explanation of Ustadz Abu Ali Al-Banjari, the world today has experienced the things mentioned in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Although it has not reached its peak, but we should be cautious and pray for His protection from the trials of the end times."

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