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Doa Nabi Ibrahim agar Terhindar dari Sasaran Fitnah, Ketahui Bahayanya bagi Umat Manusia!

Prayer of Prophet Ibrahim to be Protected from the Target of Slander, Understand Its Danger for Mankind!

Dream - Fitnah is an action or statement that is untrue or misleading, aimed at tarnishing the good name or reputation of an individual or group. Fitnah can take the form of gossip, rumors, or false information spread with malicious intent or to create a negative perception of an individual or group.

Slander is often done with the intention to hurt, defame, or destroy someone's reputation. This can have serious impacts on the life and career of the person targeted by slander. In society, slander is considered unacceptable behavior.

Prayer of Prophet Ibrahim to Avoid Being Targeted by Slander, Know the Danger to Humanity!

"Slander is More Cruel than Murder"

In the Quran, Surah Al-Baqarah verse 191 states that fitnah (trial, temptation, or mischief) is more severe than murder. This means that fitnah can lead to other dangerous criminal actions, and even result in murder. وَالْفِتْنَةُ أَشَدُّ مِنَ الْقَتْلِ Artinya: "And fitnah is more severe than murder."


"Prohibited Action"

Slander is an untrue action that can cause serious emotional and social damage. Therefore, it is important to always speak with honesty, avoid spreading unverified information, and treat others with respect and integrity.

This is why it is important for Muslims to seek protection from Allah in order to be kept away from temptation and its terrifying consequences. There are many prayers recommended to be recited in the Quran, including prayers that were once offered by the previous prophets. One of them is the prayer of Prophet Ibrahim to be saved from the target of temptation discussed in the following article:

"Prayer of Prophet Ibrahim to be Protected from the Target of Slander"
صَبَنَ لَا تَجَقَنَ فَيَنَىَنَ لَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ لََِنََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنٍََنٍََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ فَبَصَزَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ لَاَزَيَلَ فَبَصَزَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََيَلَ وَاَزَيَلَ تَجَقَنٍََيَنَ صَبَنٍََ اَنَقََيَنَ تَاَزَيَلَ اَََّدَةَنَ كَفََ

"Rabbanā lā taj'alnā fitnatal lilladhīna kafarū wagfir lanā rabbanā, innaka antal-'azīzul-ḥakīm" Translation: "Our Lord, do not make us a trial for those who disbelieve and forgive us, our Lord. Indeed, You are the Exalted in Might, the Wise."


Meaning of Prophet Ibrahim's Prayer to Avoid Being Targeted by Slander
"O our Lord, do not make us a target of temptation for the disbelievers. And forgive us, O our Lord. Surely, You are the Almighty, the All-Wise.""

"(Quran Surah Al-Mumtahanah verse 5)"

Prayer of Prophet Ibrahim to Avoid Being Targeted by Slander, Know the Danger to Humanity!

Prophet Ibrahim himself is a messenger of Allah whose behavior and attitude are suitable to be emulated by Muslims. His religious attitude, firmness, and devotion when praying are important to be emulated in seeking help from Allah. This includes seeking protection from the temptation of slander.

"Danger of Slander for Humanity"

Slander has many dangers and negative impacts, both for individuals and society as a whole. Here are some dangers of slander: damaging someone's reputation and reputation of a person or group. Individuals who become victims of slander can experience significant emotional and psychological pressure. Slander can break relationships and trust between individuals, families, or communities. If slander spreads related to someone's job or career, it can have serious consequences on their professional progress.

"Next danger..."

If defamation causes significant financial or reputational harm, the affected person may consider taking legal action against the perpetrator of defamation. If defamation spreads within the community, it can create an atmosphere of suspicion and distrust among community members. This can disrupt social harmony and stability. It can also cause anxiety and fear as people may worry about the possibility of becoming victims of defamation.

Prayer of Prophet Ibrahim to Avoid Being Targeted by Slander, Know the Danger to Humanity!

Therefore, it is important to be cautious in spreading information and ensuring that the information conveyed is true and verified. Spreading slander is an unethical, invalid, and contrary to moral and legal values.

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