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16 Arti Mimpi Orang yang Disukai Sampai Berulang Kali, Benarkah Pertanda Jodoh?

"16 Meaning of Dreams of Being Liked by Someone Repeatedly, Is it Really a Sign of Soulmate?"

Dreaming of someone you like repeatedly, it could mean that they are your soulmate in the future.

Dream - Have you ever dreamed of someone you like? Or have you ever dreamed of the person you like marrying someone else? Dreaming of meeting someone you like certainly makes us wake up with a feeling of happiness. For some people, dreams may just be meaningless sleep flowers. However, there are also many who believe that dreams have meanings. Some even feel that dreams are a warning from the Universe, including the appearance of the person we like in the dream.

16 Meanings of Dreams of People You Like Repeatedly, Is it True as a Sign of Soul Mate?

Apart from being a sleeping flower, dreams of the person we like also have a certain meaning. According to Javanese primbon, if you dream of the person you like repeatedly, it could mean that they are your future soulmate.

Whatever our beliefs about dreams, all followers of religions are indeed taught to believe that human life is already arranged by the Almighty. However, just to increase knowledge, many dream interpreters try to provide meanings of the dreams of the person we like, as described in the following review!

1. Meaning of Dreams of People who are Liked According to Psychology

According to Psycholo Genie, dreaming of meeting someone we like actually has a quite simple meaning. When someone is falling in love, they tend to constantly think about the person they desire, including having a strong desire to be with them.


That is what actually triggers someone to dream of meeting the person they like. The dream is merely a reflection of the psychological condition of being infatuated with someone. Dreams like this are commonly experienced by people who are in love.

16 Meanings of Dreams of People You Like Repeatedly, Is it True as a Sign of Soul Mate?

2. The Meaning of Dreams of People Who Are Liked According to Myths

There are many myths surrounding the dream of meeting someone we like. One of the commonly believed ones is that it signifies that the person also has the same feelings for us. Wow, who wouldn't be happy about that? But again, that is just a myth and has no scientific evidence whatsoever.

3. The Meaning of Dreams of the Person We Like Repeatedly

Have you ever dreamed of someone repeatedly? It turns out that this dream can be a good sign. Dreaming of someone repeatedly can be a sign that they may be your soulmate. Especially if someone gets married in that dream. Therefore, it is advisable that when you have this dream, you increase your efforts and prayers to soon meet your chosen soulmate by Allah SWT.

4. Meaning of Dreams of People We Like According to Islam

Mahmud Asy Syafrowi in the book Tafsir Mimpi Islami wrote that according to Ibnu Hajar and al-Hakim, Allah SWT has assigned angels to take care of dream matters by observing the condition of humans from Lauh Mahfudz. Then, the angels create dreams with allegories for each human story, in order to bring good news, warnings, or admonitions.


With that, if you dream about someone repeatedly, it is possible that person is someone who will play an important role in our journey of life. Or perhaps there is already a strong spiritual bond with that person that carries over into dreams.

16 Meanings of Dreams of People You Like Repeatedly, Is it True as a Sign of Soul Mate?

5. Meaning of Dreaming About Kissing Someone You Like

The meaning of dreaming about someone we like and kissing them is our subconscious way of showing a green light to approach and woo the person we like. If we are having difficulty approaching and conquering them, the subconscious will indicate that this is the right time to eliminate all doubts and fears currently being experienced.

6. Meaning of Dreaming Hugging Someone You Like

The translation of the text while preserving the HTML tags is as follows: The meaning of dreaming about someone we like and hugging that person shows that there will be an opportunity to start a new direction. This dream also indicates that there is a feeling of comfort being experienced between each other. If the person we like hugs us, it can indicate that this person has made a space in their heart.


7. Meaning of Dreaming About Talking to Someone You Like

The meaning of dreaming of talking to someone you like indicates that there are many desires felt for this person to approach us. This dream could be an indication that this person wants to keep a distance from us. The subconscious is trying to communicate the need to maintain emotional balance, as what is being felt may just be an obsession.

8. Meaning of Dreaming About Walking with Someone You Like

If you have ever dreamed of going on a trip with someone you like, then this is a good sign. There is a sense of comfort that you feel, and the same goes for them, as they feel comfortable with you. The presence of this dream indicates that you and they do not need a long time to build a relationship. In fact, you and they can become closer and trust each other.

9. Meaning of Dreaming about Marrying Someone You Like

"Different story if Dream's friend dreams of marrying someone they like. This is a sign that you are admiring someone. Not just a crush, that person could be a boyfriend, fiancé, or friend."


10. Meaning of Dreaming about Seeing Someone You Like

The meaning of dreaming about someone we like has several interpretations. Perhaps you are in need of moral support from that person. It could also mean that you are currently losing someone whom you have cherished the most. Furthermore, it is possible that you are currently having a fight with someone you love. And the last possibility is that you are eagerly hoping to meet the person you have been dreaming about.

11. Meaning of Dreams for Someone Who is Liked to be Close to Others

Dear Dream friends, you must be careful if you experience a dream where the person you like is close to someone else. This could indicate feelings of jealousy that you are currently experiencing in a relationship. On the other hand, it could also mean that the person you like does not like you back and rejects or does not reciprocate your love.

Arti Mimpi Orang yang Disukai Menikah

The meaning of the dream of a person who is liked getting married.

The following are some possible meanings of the dream of someone you like getting married:

12. Signs of Happiness and Hope

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "The meaning of dreaming about marrying someone you like can reflect the desire and hope to establish a deeper relationship or marry that person in the real world. This can be a manifestation of positive feelings and happiness towards the desired relationship."


13. Concerns about Relationships

On the contrary, the dream of a loved one getting married can also reflect uncertainty and concerns about the relationship with that person. There may be questions or worries about feelings, whether the relationship will develop or there will be no clarity.


14. Expression of Future Hope

The meaning of dreaming about marrying someone you like can be a subconscious way to express hopes and dreams for a serious relationship or marriage with that person.


15. Sign of Commitment

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "The meaning of dreaming about getting married in a dream can reflect a deeper commitment or emotional involvement towards that person. This can be a sign that someone is ready to take a further step in the relationship."


16. Manifestation of Love Feelings

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "The meaning of dreaming about someone you like getting married may be an expression of the growing feeling of love towards that person. It can be a representation of the desire to unite with the person you like and experience happiness in that relationship."

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