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"For the First Time, the Mysterious Door in the Giza Pyramid is Opened, Its Contents are Astonishing"

Ancient Egypt continues to captivate archaeologists in unraveling the mysteries within the pyramids.

Untuk Pertama Kalinya Pintu Misterius di Piramida Giza Dibuka, Isinya Mencengangkan

The ancient Egyptian era continues to captivate archaeologists to uncover the mysteries within the pyramids. With enthusiasm, Zahi Hawass, former Minister of Egyptian Antiquities, embarked on a deeper expedition in the Giza Pyramid.

"Hawass is ambitious to uncover the mysteries hidden inside the Khufu Pyramid. In an interview with The US Sun, Hawass revealed the existence of a series of difficult-to-reach doors, and their true purpose is still mysterious. Despite having discovered some things in the Great Khufu Pyramid, these findings have actually raised more unanswered questions. Source: Unilad"

"I think, until now, the secret doors that I found inside the Great Pyramid are truly discoveries that require many questions and many answers," said Hawass.

Untuk Pertama Kalinya Pintu Misterius di Piramida Giza Dibuka, Isinya Mencengangkan

"In the Great Pyramid, I found what is called three doors. One at the southern entrance of the second chamber, which has two copper handles," explained Hawass. "Twenty-one centimeters behind it, we found the second one, and in the northern tunnel, we found the third door with two copper handles. On December 5th, I led a team to observe, discover, and answer questions about these doors."

Untuk Pertama Kalinya Pintu Misterius di Piramida Giza Dibuka, Isinya Mencengangkan

Hawass previously expressed his views on the charm of the pyramids, emphasizing that the intricate interior makes the Khufu Pyramid remain attractive to archaeologists.

In the discussion about his Hollywood project on December 5th, Hawass mentioned that discovering a new door or corridor can provide a deeper insight into the purpose of the interior design of the pyramids.

In the discussion about his Hollywood project on December 5th, Hawass mentioned that discovering a new door or corridor can provide a deeper insight into the purpose of the interior design of the pyramids.

Photo: National Geographic/Patrick Chapuis/Gamma-Rapho

"We plan to clean the southern channel from the outside to find out if it is open to the outside, if so, then it may be a symbolic door used by the king to cross to the Underworld,"

kata Hawass.


"Reveal Channel Function"

"If sealed, we must return to the Westcar Papyrus and read how Khufu sought the documents of the god Thoth to help him design his pyramid. Only further research into those channels can reveal their functions, solving one of the mysteries of the Great Pyramid," he added.

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