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"160 Islamic Motivational Words Full of Meaning, Touching Hearts and Laden with the Philosophy of Life"

Dream - Human life is inseparable from various obstacles. Some people must have experienced or are currently going through difficult and painful phases of life. However, as a faithful Muslim, one must always draw closer to Allah SWT. He will never abandon His servants in distress, as long as they constantly seek His help.

To encourage the spirit to continue on His path, you can read Islamic motivational words about life and love. Islamic words of encouragement can give you the strength to stand firm. In fact, these Islamic words of encouragement can be used as inspiration and lessons in navigating life.

160 Islamic Motivational Words that are Meaningful, Touching the Heart, and Full of Philosophies of Life

"Meaningful Islamic Motivational Words"

"Whatever happened yesterday, make it a lesson for today. Yesterday is a lesson. Today is self-reflection to become better." "If you are not yet able to speak what Allah wants to convey, then it is better to listen, no need to join in the conversation." "People who are closer to the Prophet, the more they know how to speak, the more they know how to see, the more they know how to think, the more they know how to live. So their life is more well-preserved."

"Ask to know, not to test. Pray to get closer to the Divine, not to be praised. Give advice but not judgment. Help the weak without feeling superior." "Live like roots, sincerely giving everything. Even if the tree never sees it." "Be like the ocean, even though there is a lot of trash thrown there, it still looks beautiful. Even with a lot of trash inside, it still tastes salty and unchanged." "Fortune is not just wealth and children, but also good health, peace of mind, noble character, clear thinking, and friends in goodness." "Someone who invites to love Allah, will be loved by Allah."

"\u201cA sincere person will never feel burdened. So if you still feel burdened, it means that sincerity has not filled your heart.\u201d \u201cThe sin of the heart is more dangerous than others. The most dangerous sin of the heart is envy. Because the nature of envy melts goodness like fire melts firewood until it is gone.\u201d \u201cDo not despair or be sad.\u201d (Quran 3: 139) \u201cThe bravest heart is the one that remains close to Allah (God), even when it is in pain.\u201d \u201cWhen you forget that you need Allah (God), He puts you in situations that cause you to call upon Him. And that is for your own good.\u201d - Omar Suleiman"

160 Islamic Motivational Words that are Meaningful, Touching the Heart, and Full of Philosophies of Life

"Do not underestimate the power of prayer (supplication)." "The worldly life is short, so turn to Allah (God) before you return to Allah (God)."

"Words of Islamic Spirit that Touch the Heart"

"Forgive others as quickly as you expect Allah (God) to forgive you." "To Allah (God) is your return, all of you, and He will inform you of what you used to do." (Quran 5:105) "Whoever fears Allah (God), Allah (God) will find a way out for him (from every difficulty) and He will provide for him from sources he never imagined." (Quran 65:2-3) "This worldly life is nothing but a fleeting pleasure." (Quran 3:185)

"Politeness reality is the result of a beautiful character. So, etiquette is the manifestation of integrity and strength in one's inner personality becoming action." - Ibn Rajab "A busy life makes prayer more difficult, but prayer makes a busy life easier." "Allah (God) does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear." (Quran 2:286) "And whoever turns away from My remembrance - indeed, he will have a depressed life." (Quran 20:124) "Striving hard to alleviate the pain of others is the true essence of generosity." - Abu Bakar (RA) "If you are grateful, I will give you more." (Quran 14:71)

"Allah (God) does not intend to make things difficult for you, but He intends to purify you and complete His blessings upon you so that you may be grateful." (Quran 5:6)"And it is He who created the day and the night, and the sun and the moon." (Quran 21:33)"The best among you are those who have the best behavior and character." - Sahih Bukhari"

"Meaningful Islamic Motivational Words"

"Allah (God) tests us with what we love." "Indeed, with difficulty, there is ease." (Quran 94: 5) "Nothing can give you true happiness except Allah (God)." "And whoever puts all their trust in Allah (God), then He will suffice them." (Quran 65: 3) "The more you let go, the higher you rise." "When you seek the world, you lose the hereafter. When you seek the hereafter, you gain both the world and the hereafter. Which transaction is wiser?"

"The richest of the rich is the one who is not a prisoner of greed." - Ali Ibn Abi Thalib "Every soul shall taste death. Then unto Us you shall be returned." (Quran 29:57) "No one will reap except what they sow." (Quran 6:164) "Difficult times will always exist, but so will Allah's help." "Sometimes Allah (God) desires a certain level of Paradise (Jannah) for someone; and when their own good deeds cannot take them there, He gives them difficulties." "Indeed, Allah (God) will not change the condition of a people until they change what is within themselves." (Quran 13:11)"

"Speak only when your words are more beautiful than silence." "Be like a diamond, precious and rare, unlike a stone, found everywhere." "Give love secretly by praying for each other." "God makes the impossible possible." "Every person who dies will ask for more time, while every person who still has time makes excuses to procrastinate." - Ali Ibn Abi Thalib (RA)

Islamic Motivational Words, Full of Meaning of Life

"We can save ourselves from the fires of hell only if we seek forgiveness from Him every day so that our sins and mistakes can be forgiven." "The joy and luxury of this world are only temporary. Eternal happiness can only be found in the afterlife." "Whether it's the most serious illness diagnosed by doctors, always pray to Allah for healing from that illness." "Pray for life and death only in the name of Allah SWT."

"Even when everything is not going well, never give up. Keep praying and trust in Allah.""Prayer is not to remind Allah of the problems you are facing, but prayer is to remind you of who Allah is.""One of the beauties of Islam is that you pray for fellow Muslims without knowing them, and in return, the angels also pray for you." - Dr. Bilal Philips"The fastest answered prayer is a secret prayer offered for someone else." - Ibn Taymiyyah"Difficult situations are tests where Allah puts us to examine our strength and stamina. When in difficult times, pray to Allah to remain strong at all times."

"The best gift you can give and receive is prayer." "True guidance can only be achieved with the will of Allah, and people always ask for it in prayer." "Allah still loves and shows mercy to those who do not obey Him. So, imagine how much He loves those who obey Him." "No matter how much pain you are in, you will always find comfort with Allah." "The bravest heart is the one that stays close to Allah (God), even when it is in pain."

"Words of Islamic Encouragement as a Reminder"

"They plan and Allah (God) plans. Indeed, Allah (God) is the best planner." (Quran 8:30) "And He is the one who created the day and night, as well as the sun and moon." (Quran 21:33) "Allah (God) tests us with what we love." "Indeed, with difficulty, there is ease." (Quran 94:5) "The secret of happiness lies in 3 things: Patience, Gratitude, and Sincerity."

"There are always more things to be grateful for than to complain about." "Living without Allah is like a blunt pencil, it has no point." "If you want to receive something, learn by giving something." "The world is just a temporary place, while the eternal is life after death." "Life is sometimes not as beautiful as desired, but Allah's promise is certain." "When your migration is for Allah, you will continue to move forward even when tired." "Allah will help a servant as long as the servant always helps his brother." "Remember Allah when life doesn't go according to your wishes. Allah surely has a better path for you."

"Pray, Allah will listen to you. Be patient because Allah will answer your prayer at the right time. The greatest thing on this earth is not mountains and oceans, but desires that if failed to be controlled, we will become inhabitants of hell." - Abu Hamid Al Ghazali. "Most of us do not appreciate what we already have, but we regret what we have not achieved yet." "Never feel ashamed to give even a little, because not giving at all surely has less value." "Be grateful if Allah gives you a life test, because in doing so, Allah gives you the opportunity to become a better human being."

"\u201cLife is a journey, a journey from Allah and then back to Allah.\u201d \u201cThe wind does not blow to shake the trees, but to test the strength of their roots.\u201d \u201cDo not wait to be rich to give charity, instead give charity to open the door to blessings and wealth.\u201d \u201cThere is no greater gift from parents to their children than noble character.\u201d \u201cLearn to forgive, starting with yourself and then others.\u201d \u201cThe best person is one who has good manners and is beneficial to others.\u201d"

"Choose your friends carefully, plan your future with goals, and frame your life with faith." "Do not be afraid to fail. Failure is not fatal, take the lesson, then rise again and try again." "A characteristic of human negligence is when they often complain when receiving tests and rarely grateful when receiving extraordinary blessings." "The world is just one drop of Allah's blessings among His countless blessings. So, are you satisfied with just having the world?" "If something you like does not happen, then be happy with what happens." - Ali bin Abi Thalib

Islamic Motivational Words to Awaken Spirit

"Patience comes in two forms: being patient with something you do not want and being patient in refraining from something you desire." - Ali bin Abi Thalib "Avoid envy, for envy consumes good deeds just as fire consumes firewood." (Prophet Muhammad PBUH) "Think positively, no matter how tough your life is." - Ali bin Abi Thalib "We are creatures who tend to blame others from the outside, without realizing that problems usually come from within." - Abu Hamid Al Ghazali

"The best revenge is to make yourself better." - Ali bin Abi Thalib "Complaining will only make our lives more stressed, while being grateful will always lead us to the path of ease." "When your problems become too heavy to handle, take a rest and count the blessings you have received." "Life is a journey, a journey from Allah and then back to Allah." "Do not let your love become an attachment or your hatred become destruction." - Umar bin Khattab "A wise person is someone who controls themselves and works for the afterlife." (HR. Tirmidzi)

"\u201cIt is indeed very difficult to be patient, but wasting the rewards of patience is even worse.\u201d - Abu Bakar\u201cWake up in the morning to seek livelihood and your needs. Indeed, there is blessing and fortune in the morning.\u201d (HR At-Thabrani and Al-Bazzar)\u201cIf the children of Adam had ten valleys of wealth, they would still want to have the third. Yet, it is only the earth that fills the stomach of the children of Adam.\u201d (HR. Muslim)\u201cYou worship Allah as if you see Him. If you do not see Him, surely He sees you. (HR Muslim)"

"Someone's religion is in accordance with the religion of their close friend. You should see who their close friend is." - HR. Abu Daud, Trimidzi "Love that happens because of Allah will never end." - H.R. Muslim "Know that victory comes with patience, ease comes with difficulty, and hardship comes with ease." (HR Tirmidzi) "Indeed, the death that you are running away from, surely that death will meet you." - QS Al-Jumuah: 8 "Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves." - QS. Ar Rad: 11

160 Islamic Motivational Words that are Meaningful, Touching the Heart, and Full of Philosophies of Life

"Make patience and prayer your allies, for surely Allah is with those who are patient. (Q.S Al-Baqarah: 153) "Indeed, with hardship, there is ease. (QS. Al Insyirah 5)"

Islamic Words of Encouragement, Suitable for Instagram Captions

"Allah does not burden a person except according to his ability." (Al-Baqarah: 286)"When you don't understand what's happening in your life, just close your eyes, take a deep breath, and say, "O Allah, I know this is Your plan, help me get through it."Halal is a necessity. It's not just about what we eat, but also about what we wear and what we like."Indeed, with difficulty, there is ease." - (QS Al Insyirah 5)"

"Do not grieve, whatever is lost from you will come back in another form." - Jalaluddin Rumi. "This world is like a shadow. If you try to catch it, it will run away. But if you turn your back on it, it has no choice but to follow you." - Ibn Qayyim Al Jauziyyah. "Do not only thank Allah when everything goes well. Thank Him even when everything feels difficult." "If something you love does not happen, then rejoice in what does happen." - Ali bin Abi Thalib. "Allah SWT still loves and shows mercy to those who do not obey Him. So, imagine how much He loves those who obey Him."

"The person who faces the heaviest trials is the prophet, then those below his rank and so on." - HR. Tirmidzi "The strong person is not the one who never cries, but the one who remains steadfast in the face of temptation." "Do your worldly affairs as if you will live forever. And fulfill your hereafter affairs as if you will die tomorrow." "Avoid envy, because envy consumes good deeds like fire consumes firewood." "Do not explain yourself to anyone, because those who like you do not need it. And those who hate you do not believe it."

"Handsome and successful may be what you need, but Allah knows that you need a man with strong faith." "A harmonious family is not a family without problems, but they are skilled at managing conflicts and turning them into fruitful lessons." "No matter how heavy the problems you face, believe that you can still overcome them." "This world is like a shadow. If you try to catch it, it will run away. But if you turn your back on it, it has no choice but to follow you." "Whatever happens in your day, believe that everything is Allah's will and plan for your happiness." "Live like a fruit-bearing tree: living by the roadside and being pelted with stones by people, but responding with fruits."

"Pray, Allah hears you. Be patient because Allah will answer your prayers at the right time." "Do not involve your heart in sadness over the past or you will not be ready for what is to come." "Never underestimate others because Allah can change someone's faith even in just one night." "A person who is great today used to be lazy and humiliated, but they were able to change and rise to become a better person." "Whoever longs for success must ask themselves how far and how earnestly they are willing to fight, because there is no success without struggle."

"Motivational Islamic Words about Love"

"True love is when we love someone for the sake of Allah, and for Allah. This is a love that will never fade and always sincere.""Love for Allah is the source of true happiness. The closer we are to Him, the greater the love we feel in our hearts.""Love for others is a sign of faith. Never hesitate to spread love and kindness, because love is a universal language accepted by every heart."

"When our love for Allah grows, our love for others will become more sincere. Because in the love for Allah, there is love and care for His creation. "True love is the love that leads us towards goodness, not the other way around. If love brings us closer to Him, then it is truly valuable. "Love for Allah gives meaning to every step of our lives. When love for Him becomes the motivation, everything becomes more meaningful. "The love and affection we give to our parents is an act of worship. They are the gates of heaven that we must protect with all our hearts."

"Love that follows religious guidance is a blessed love. The more we make Allah the center of our love, the more beautiful our journey of love becomes." "Love for Prophet Muhammad SAW is a sign of love for Islam. Following his teachings and example is a true form of love." "Love for the truth is a love that brings blessings. Do not hesitate to love what is right and reject what is wrong, for that is true love in the sight of Allah." "Allah tests us with something we love, so do not love it excessively, so that when we are sad, it is not excessive." "Find a life partner who can guide you, not only in this world but also in the hereafter."


“I entrust this love only to You, protect my heart and theirs from disappointment, until that time comes. Unite us in Your blessing and acceptance.”

“No matter how good they are, if they still want to date and are not brave enough to go to the altar, then their self-worth should not be considered.”

“No matter how much you refuse, fate will always be on your side. Because fate has been arranged by Allah.”

“Temporary love will say, I love you because I need you, but true love will say, I need you because I love you.”

“Good women are for good men, and good men are for good women as well.”


"Love never asks to wait. It takes the opportunity, or allows it. The first is courage, the second is sacrifice.""I will pray to Allah SWT to meet you twice, once in this world and once again in heaven.""In silence, I fight for your love in my prayers.""Loving Allah is the highest love. Perfect your love for Allah before you place your love on His creatures."

"\u201cLove demands sacrifice, if we cannot sacrifice for obedience, then we have not truly loved the owner of the universe.\u201d\u201cIf fate has already been arranged, then you shouldn't be difficult to be arranged and stay away from those who arrange.\u201d\u201cOne of the signs of a faithful man is the one who dares to marry her, not just having a fling. Especially leaving her when everything has been surrendered.\u201d\u201cAllah has written the name of your partner. What you need to do is improve your relationship with Him.\u201d"

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