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"20 Words for Palestine in English Full of Prayers, Support, and Spirit"

These words have been spoken by several figures who sympathize with the condition of Palestine.

20 Words for Palestine in English Full of Prayer, Support, and Spirit

Dream - The battle in the Gaza Strip is still ongoing. The Israeli army is still bombarding that Palestinian territory. The attacks have not subsided yet, even though tens of thousands of Palestinian residents in the Gaza Strip have died.

20 Words for Palestine in English Full of Prayer, Support, and Spirit

This conflict has become the attention of the entire global community. The highest form of support is given to Palestine. Whether it is in the form of prayers or humanitarian aid that is being sent despite the challenges. Now, social media is filled with posts of various forms of support being given to Palestine. Friends of Dream can also share words of support, prayers, and spirit for Palestine in English. Here are the words for Palestine in English as summarized by Dream through

Words for Palestine in English and Their Meanings

Words for Palestine in English and Their Meanings

"I would like to see real peace and a state of Israel living peacefully alongside a state of Palestine." -Elie Wiesel (Saya ingin melihat perdamaian sejati dan negara Israel hidup damai berdampingan dengan negara Palestina.)

"\u201cYou cannot continue to victimize someone else just because you yourself were a victim once\u2014there has to be a limit.\u201d \u2015 Edward Said (Anda tidak bisa terus menerus menjadikan orang lain sebagai korban hanya karena Anda sendiri pernah menjadi korban\u2014harus ada batasannya.)\u201cHow much longer is the world willing to endure this spectacle of wanton cruelty?\u201d \u2015 Bertrand Russell (Berapa lama lagi dunia bersedia menanggung kekejaman yang tidak disengaja ini?)"I feel like the history between Israel and Palestine has a lot in common with the history between India and Pakistan." \u2013Freida Pinto (Saya merasa sejarah antara Israel dan Palestina memiliki banyak kesamaan dengan sejarah antara India dan Pakistan.)"

"I would like to go and dance in Palestine one day, with great pleasure, great pleasure." -Mikhail Baryshnikov (Saya ingin pergi dan menari di Palestina suatu hari nanti, dengan senang hati, dengan senang hati.)

20 Words for Palestine in English Full of Prayer, Support, and Spirit

"The victory march will continue until the Palestinian flag flies in Jerusalem and in all of Palestine." -Yasser Arafat (Pawai kemenangan akan terus berlanjut hingga bendera Palestina berkibar di Yerusalem dan di seluruh Palestina.) "Muslim anger has, of course, been stoked by America's war in Iraq and by Israel's brutal policies toward Palestine and Lebanon." -Amitava Kumar (Kemarahan umat Islam, tentu saja, dipicu oleh perang Amerika di Irak dan kebijakan brutal Israel terhadap Palestina dan Lebanon.) "We can not fight for our rights and our history as well as future until we are armed with weapons of criticism and dedicated consciousness." - Edward W. Said (Kita tidak bisa memperjuangkan hak-hak kita dan sejarah kita serta masa depan kita sampai kita dipersenjatai dengan senjata kritik dan kesadaran yang berdedikasi.)

"The west need someone to tell the man who walks around with the biggest stick in the world, that that stick can't bring down God's house." ― Saddam Hussein (Negara-negara Barat membutuhkan seseorang untuk memberitahu orang yang berjalan dengan tongkat terbesar di dunia, bahwa tongkat itu tidak dapat merobohkan rumah Tuhan.)

20 Words for Palestine in English Full of Prayer, Support, and Spirit

"Imagine the situation between Israel and Palestine. It's such a big mess. You can be on one side or the other. But what's clear is that there's an urgent need for a solution there and that's been dragging on for so long." -Javier Bardem (Bayangkan situasi antara Israel dan Palestina. Ini kekacauan besar. Anda bisa berada di satu sisi atau sisi lainnya. Tapi yang jelas adalah ada kebutuhan mendesak untuk mencari solusi dan hal ini sudah berlangsung lama.) "Every Westerner is jubilating that the Berlin Wall has fallen. Something worse than the Berlin Wall is happening in Palestine; and nobody is talking about it." -Yahya Jammeh (Setiap orang Barat bergembira karena Tembok Berlin telah runtuh. Sesuatu yang lebih buruk dari Tembok Berlin terjadi di Palestina; dan tidak ada yang membicarakannya.)


"Palestine is an occupied land stolen by the big powers in collusion with war criminals." - George Habash

(Palestina adalah tanah yang diduduki yang dicuri oleh kekuatan besar dalam kolusi dengan penjahat perang.)"

20 Words for Palestine in English Full of Prayer, Support, and Spirit

"The issue of Palestine has been there since more than 60 years. But more important since 1967 when the war was, ended in the defeat of some Arab countries." -Al-Waleed bin Talal (Isu Palestina sudah ada sejak lebih dari 60 tahun. Namun yang lebih penting sejak tahun 1967 ketika perang itu berakhir dengan kekalahan beberapa negara Arab.)"I feel that the Jews have always had a special connection to this part of the world, which in geographical terms was called Palestine for so many centuries." -Daniel Barenboim (Saya merasa bahwa orang-orang Yahudi selalu mempunyai hubungan khusus dengan bagian dunia ini, yang secara geografis disebut Palestina selama berabad-abad.)"

"Sometimes a homeland becomes a tale. We love the story because it is about our homeland and we love our homeland even more because of the story." ― Refaat Alareer (Terkadang sebuah tanah air menjadi sebuah dongeng. Kami menyukai ceritanya karena ini tentang tanah air kami dan kami semakin mencintai tanah air kami karena ceritanya.)

20 Words for Palestine in English Full of Prayer, Support, and Spirit

"It is our hope that Palestine will soon be welcomed to the community of nations with full - in my opinion - full membership in the United Nations." -Mwai Kibaki (Harapan kami adalah bahwa Palestina akan segera diterima di komunitas bangsa-bangsa dengan keanggotaan penuh – menurut pendapat saya.) "I believe that Palestine is an occupied land from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, and this is the right of the entire Palestinian people, this land." -Hassan Nasrallah (Saya yakin Palestina adalah tanah yang diduduki mulai dari Laut Mediterania hingga Sungai Yordan, dan ini adalah hak seluruh rakyat Palestina, tanah ini.) "The Palestinian is like a superhuman, a superman." - Yasser Arafat (Orang Palestina adalah seperti manusia super, seorang superman.)

"I'm very much tied to the state of Israel, but I am against their policy of settlements in Palestine." Zubin Mehta (Saya sangat terikat dengan negara Israel, tapi saya menentang kebijakan mereka mengenai pemukiman di Palestina.)

20 Words for Palestine in English Full of Prayer, Support, and Spirit


"Peace between Israel and Palestine is a top priority for the European Union, and it will remain a top priority in our political agenda." -Federica Mogherini

" (Perdamaian antara Israel dan Palestina merupakan prioritas utama Uni Eropa dan akan tetap menjadi prioritas utama dalam agenda politik kami.)

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