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"Dream - In the spirit of the red and white that proudly waves, every August 17th, we come together to celebrate Indonesia's Independence Day. Today is not just a date on the calendar, but a symbol of the struggle and sacrifices of the heroes who have given us freedom. In this breath of independence, we are reminded to continue to create, uphold tolerance, and celebrate freedom with full responsibility. This moment of celebration can also be done by sharing wise and spirited words about August 17th."

"Independence is not the end of the journey, but the beginning of all possibilities. With the same spirit as the fighters of the past, we are challenged to continue innovating and creating."

30 Wise and Meaningful Words of August 17, Reminding Us to Keep Creating, Uphold Tolerance, and Celebrate Freedom

"Every idea, every work, is our contribution to this great nation. Never be afraid to dream, because in this freedom, our dreams can become reality. As conveyed in every series of sentences on August 17. The freedom we enjoy today is a precious gift. However, that freedom comes with responsibility. Every step we take, every decision we make, must always be considered wisely."

"The freedom to do anything must be balanced with an awareness of the impact of our actions on ourselves and others. Here are some wise words for August 17th as summarized by Dream from various sources."

Kata 17 Agustus yang Bijak dan Penuh Makna

The Wise and Meaningful Words of August 17

"Hidup ini tidak semudah membalik telapak tangan, maka berjuanglah dengan gigih, wahai para pemuda harapan bangsa. Merdeka!" translates to: "This life is not as easy as flipping your hand, so fight hard, oh youth, the hope of the nation. Freedom!"

"Stay united. Do not let yourselves be divided. Reach for your dreams and aspirations for a bright future. Achieve your best accomplishments and make this nation proud. Happy Independence Day." "Make differences a uniqueness in nationhood and statehood so that it appears beautiful with many colors. Do not let differences become arrogance in thinking and acting as if one is the most right, because differences lead to divisions that weaken the nation and country. Independence!" "

"The independence in fighting against colonizers has indeed come to an end. However, the struggle against indifference within ourselves continues. Long live my Indonesia." "Ignite the spirit, paralyze the fear, and start moving towards a goal for the creation of independence." "Let us remember all the hard work, sweat, and blood of the heroes, who fought for our independence and unity." "Always maintain the spirit of patriotism, shine within, and be proud to be Indonesian. Long live the Independence of Indonesia!" "

30 Wise and Meaningful Words of August 17, Reminding Us to Keep Creating, Uphold Tolerance, and Celebrate Freedom

Here is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English', while preserving any HTML tags: ```html "Heroic deeds, deeds full of memories. Deeds that cannot be bought with wealth, deeds that have the goal of 'Freedom or Death'. My brothers, let us rise together. Build our beloved nation." "Our struggle is not over as long as there are still many people who are not prosperous. Let us continue the struggle of the heroes. Freedom!" "The pain in the struggle is only temporary. However, if we give up, that pain will be felt forever. Freedom!" "A nation that does not believe in its strength as a nation cannot stand as a free nation." ```

"Suffering in struggle is only temporary. However, if you give up, that pain will be felt forever. Freedom!"

30 Wise and Meaningful Words of August 17, Reminding Us to Keep Creating, Uphold Tolerance, and Celebrate Freedom

"Dari Sabang sampai Merauke, dari Miangas sampai pulau Rote. Ayo semua satukan semangat! Meriahkan HUT RI ke-79!" "The loyal heroes fight and sacrifice. Not for their names to be known, but purely to defend the nation. Happy 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia!" "Let us come together, we fight for an Indonesia that is just and prosperous. Long live Indonesia at 79!" "Voices cannot be imprisoned, there is where freedom roars. If you choose to be silent, then I am ready to rebel. Happy 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia!"


Your blood spills on the sacred land, your soul guards the integrity of Indonesia. You are my hero, you are the flower of my nation. Happy 79th Independence Day to the Indonesian people!

Independence is not a sign to stop fighting, but a sign to fight harder. Happy 78th birthday to all the Indonesian people.

The red of my blood is the spirit of the Indonesian nation that will never fade until the last drop of blood. The white of my bones represents the steel mentality that never dims even as the heat of bullets pierces the body.

In order to realize a democratic state, a free economy must be built. Long live my Indonesia at 79!


"Conquering thousands of people may not be called a winner, but conquering oneself is called a brilliant conqueror! Long live my Indonesia." "Defending its independence to the fullest. Not even an inch of land will we surrender to the opponent, but we will defend it to the end. Even though we are not afraid of the opponent's threats, we must always be ready." "Now we can laugh with satisfaction. Reaching dreams freely. As long as we are diligent and not lazy. Continuing independence firmly. Long live my Indonesia."

"The fate of the nation will not change if we do not change it. Let us fight together. Improve ourselves to be beneficial for the country. Once free, always free!"

30 Wise and Meaningful Words of August 17, Reminding Us to Keep Creating, Uphold Tolerance, and Celebrate Freedom

"Indonesia is not just a name. There are memories, love, and wounds there. There is a place for adventure and returning home. There is you and me trying to fix things, in our simple and tireless way. Long live my Indonesia!" "Always keep the spirit of patriotism shining within you, be proud to be Indonesian. Happy Independence Day, Indonesia!" "The moment of August 17 is not just about sack races or eating competitions. More than that, August 17 is about remembering the services of our heroes and fostering national unity. Long live the Republic of Indonesia." "

"Sanggup mempertahankan kedaulatan dan kemerdekaan negara Republik Indonesia, yang telah diproklamasikan pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945, sampai titik darah penghabisan." "Tidak ada satu negara yang benar-benar hidup jika tidak ada seperti kuali yang mendidih dan terbakar, dan jika tidak ada benturan keyakinan di dalamnya. Dirgahayu Indonesiaku." "Sekali merdeka, tetap merdeka! Jika kita merasa telah merdeka, seharusnya perasaan lemah dan tak berdaya tidak lagi bercokol dalam diri kita. Dirgahayu ke-78 Republik Indonesia." Here is the translation with preserved HTML tags: "

Sanggup mempertahankan kedaulatan dan kemerdekaan negara Republik Indonesia, yang telah diproklamasikan pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945, sampai titik darah penghabisan.

Tidak ada satu negara yang benar-benar hidup jika tidak ada seperti kuali yang mendidih dan terbakar, dan jika tidak ada benturan keyakinan di dalamnya. Dirgahayu Indonesiaku.

Sekali merdeka, tetap merdeka! Jika kita merasa telah merdeka, seharusnya perasaan lemah dan tak berdaya tidak lagi bercokol dalam diri kita. Dirgahayu ke-78 Republik Indonesia.

" Please let me know if you need any further assistance!

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