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30 Tahun Teliti Sianida, dr Djaja Pastikan Mirna Meninggal Bukan karena Racun<br>

"30 Years of Cyanide Research, Dr. Djaja Confirms Mirna's Death Not Caused by Poison"

30 Years of Cyanide Research, Dr. Djaja Confirms Mirna's Death Was Not Due to Poison

Dream - After the Netflix documentary titled Ice Cold: Murder, Coffee and Jessica Wongso aired, many people disagreed with the judge's verdict.

There is No Direct Evidence

Jessica was sentenced to 20 years in prison for allegedly pouring cyanide into her friend Mirna Salihin's coffee. However, from the examination results, there was no direct evidence found that Jessica was the one who poured cyanide into Mirna's glass.


However, many people assume that Jessica is the culprit, considering she is the person who has been sitting in front of the coffee ice for the longest time.

30 Years of Cyanide Research, Dr. Djaja Confirms Mirna's Death Was Not Due to Poison
30 Years of Cyanide Research, Dr. Djaja Confirms Mirna's Death Was Not Due to Poison

Doctor Djaja Surya Atmadja, a forensic expert and doctor who first received the body of Mirna after being declared dead, is confident that Edi Darmawan's daughter did not die from cyanide. He admitted that he couldn't smell even a hint of cyanide in Mirna's body.

"I have been a cyanide lecturer for 30 years, if there is a student performing an autopsy, I would enter and I would know 'Wow, that must be cyanide'. (based on) the smell, it's that. I am the one who researches (cyanide)."
The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Words from Dr. Djaja in the podcast episode on YouTube by Dr. Richard Lee."



"Not sure, but very sure because I can smell cyanide," he continued.

The text translates to: "Dr. Djaja explained the cause of Mirna's death."


Djaja explained that in the world of forensics, a suspicious death cannot be determined without an autopsy. Especially since there was no clear evidence that Jessica poured poison at that time.


"And another dogma in forensics, if there is an unnatural death, if it is not autopsied there is no cause of death. If everything is possible, it means there is no suspect, that's why Mr. Otto is sure that this is not (wrong) because there are no signs outside, and also none inside."
Say from Dr. Djaja.


30 Years of Cyanide Research, Dr. Djaja Confirms Mirna's Death Was Not Due to Poison

To support his answer, Djaja also presented evidence of heart, blood, and urine examinations of Mirna. According to him, no trace of cyanide was found in Mirna's body, except in the stomach, which amounted to only 0.2mg.

"The stomach was opened only, the contents of the stomach were taken, the heart tissue was taken, blood was taken, urine was taken. The first one was sent to Puslabfor, the result was negative for cyanide. Earlier, the blood, heart, stomach contents, urine, all tested negative for cyanide, except in the stomach. In the stomach, cyanide was found at 0.2 mg/liter."
"Terang dr Djaja" translates to "Bright from Djaja" in English.


30 Years of Cyanide Research, Dr. Djaja Confirms Mirna's Death Was Not Due to Poison


"0,2 itu kecil banget dan logikanya kalau dia ada sianida, besar kemudian jadi kecil itu masuk akal. Tapi kalau tidak ada kemudian jadi ada, itu kan tanda tanya, dari mana? Bisa juga karena pembusukan, pembusukan bisa menghasilkan sianida walaupun kecil."

" Translation: "

"0.2 is very small and logically, if it contains cyanide, it makes sense for it to become smaller. But if it doesn't exist and then it appears, that's a question mark, where does it come from? It could also be due to decomposition, as decomposition can produce cyanide even in small amounts."


"The cyanide can cause death once it enters the bloodstream. So from the stomach, the blood vessels enter the liver, and in the liver, our body has a detoxification mechanism. CN- is converted to CNS by adding sulfur from Thiocyanate in our body, CNS is Thiocyanate. Therefore, one sign that someone has been exposed to cyanide is the presence of Thiocyanate in the liver, blood, and urine, and if tested, it should be present in saliva. And in the case of Mirna, it was not present."

Clearly from Djaja.

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