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"40 Words of Pre-wedding English for Social Media Captions, Trendy and Elegant"

Dream - The new phenomenon of the current generation when holding a wedding is to have a prewedding photoshoot. Usually, this moment is experienced by capturing memories of youth together in the form of photos displayed during the reception or on social media. When uploading prewedding photos on social media, it is incomplete without a beautiful caption. Well, the bride and groom can add English prewedding words to make it look more current and elegant.

40 English Pre-Wedding Words for Social Media Captions, Trendy and Elegant

These photos are accompanied by interesting captions that reflect their feelings of happiness leading up to the wedding. This prewedding documentation is not just a memento before the wedding, but also a beautiful memory after the wedding event.

"Beautiful and Meaningful Pre-wedding Words in English"

"\u201cTheir prewedding photos captured the essence of love, creating a timeless celebration of their journey together.\u201d (Their prewedding photos captured the essence of love, creating a timeless celebration of their journey together).\u201cIn the enchanting glow of the prewedding sunset, they embraced, promising a lifetime of shared sunsets and sunrises.\u201d (In the enchanting glow of the prewedding sunset, they embraced, promising a lifetime of shared sunsets and sunrises)."

"\u201cThe prewedding shoot was a romantic dance of laughter and stolen glances, revealing the unspoken poetry of their hearts.\u201d (The prewedding photo session was a romantic dance of laughter and stolen glances, revealing the unspoken poetry of their hearts).\u201cAgainst the backdrop of a whimsical garden, their prewedding love story unfolded like a fairy tale, full of magic and wonder.\u201d (Against the backdrop of a whimsical garden, their prewedding love story unfolded like a fairy tale, full of magic and wonder).\u201cThe prewedding venue, adorned with twinkling lights, set the stage for a night of glamour and everlasting memories.\u201d (The prewedding venue, adorned with twinkling lights, set the stage for a night of glamour and everlasting memories)."

40 English Pre-Wedding Words for Social Media Captions, Trendy and Elegant


“In the midst of nature's beauty, their prewedding moments were a testament to the harmonious union of love and the surrounding landscape.” (Di tengah keindahan alam, momen prewedding mereka adalah bukti persatuan harmonis cinta dan lanskap sekitarnya).


"\u201cThey exchanged vows under the moonlit sky during their prewedding ceremony, promising to stand together through all seasons of life.\u201d (They exchanged vows under the moonlit sky during their prewedding ceremony, promising to stand together through all seasons of life).\u201cA prewedding serenade echoed through the venue, as the groom sang a love song, encapsulating the melody of their hearts.\u201d (A prewedding serenade echoed through the venue, as the groom sang a love song, encapsulating the melody of their hearts).\u201cTheir prewedding adventure captured the thrill of exploration and the joy of discovering love's hidden treasures.\u201d (Their prewedding adventure captured the thrill of exploration and the joy of discovering love's hidden treasures)."


“Bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, their prewedding celebration exuded an intimate charm, symbolizing the warmth of their shared future.”

(Terendam dalam cahaya lembut lilin, perayaan prewedding mereka memancarkan pesona intim, melambangkan kehangatan masa depan bersama mereka)."

40 English Pre-Wedding Words for Social Media Captions, Trendy and Elegant

"Modern Pre-wedding Words in English"

"Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite." (Setiap kisah cinta itu indah, tapi kisah cinta kita adalah favoritku). "I have found the person I'd be sharing my chocolates, books, and love with." (Aku telah menemukan orang untuk aku berbagi cokelat, buku dan cinta). "Marriage lets you annoy one special person for the rest of your life." (Pernikahan akan membuatmu mengganggu satu orang yang spesial selama sisa hidupmu). "I just wanna say something. I Love you. That's it." (Aku hanya ingin mengatakan sesuatu. Aku sayang kamu. Itu saja).

"Today marks the beginning of a romantic love story of the two most unromantic people." (Hari ini menandai awal yang romantis, cerita cinta dari dua orang yang paling tidak romantis). I'm extremely excited to put on my wedding dress. I can't wait to be yours, my love. (Aku sangat tidak sabar untuk mengenakan gaun pernikahan. Aku tidak sabar juga untuk menjadi milikmu, cintaku). "Loving you never was an option - it was necessity." (Mencintaimu tidak pernah menjadi pilihan - itu adalah kebutuhan). "True love stories never have endings but they have beginnings." (Cinta sejati tidak pernah berakhir, tapi hanya ada awal). "Being in love with you makes every day an interesting one." (Jatuh cinta denganmu membuat setiap hari menjadi hari yang menarik).

"Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart." (Siapa saja bisa menarik perhatian, tapi hanya orang spesial yang menarik hatimu). "I believe that God created you for me to love. He picked you out from all the rest cause He knew I'd love you the best!" (Aku yakin Tuhan menciptakanmu untuk aku cintai. Tuhan memeilihmu dari yang lain karena tahu aku paling mencintaimu). "Loving you is both my biggest weakness and greatest strength." (Mencintaimu adalah kelemahan terbesar dan kekuatan terbesarku). You're not my number one, you're my only one." (Kamu bukan nomor satu, kamulah satu-satunya bagiku).

"I have fallen for you because of all those little things you are never aware of." (Aku telah jatuh cinta kepadamu karena semua hal kecil yang tidak pernah kau sadari). "I wish I could turn back the clock. I'd find you sooner and love you longer." (Aku berharap saya bisa memutar balik waktu. Aku akan menemukanmu lebih cepat dan mencintaimu lebih lama).

40 English Pre-Wedding Words for Social Media Captions, Trendy and Elegant

"Pre-wedding Elegant English Words"

"I wish I could turn back the clock. I'd find you sooner and love you longer." (Aku berharap saya bisa memutar balik waktu. Aku akan menemukanmu lebih cepat dan mencintaimu lebih lama). "Love is not what you say. Love is what you do." (Cinta bukanlah apa yang kamu ucapkan. Tetapi apa yang kamu lakukan) "I love you, those three words have my life in them" (Aku cinta kamu, itulah tiga kata yang selalu ada dalam hidupku) "I've liked you since I met you." (Aku menyukaimu sejak aku bertemu denganmu) "Just looking at you, makes my heart race." (Hanya melihatmu, membuat jantungku berdebar kencang)

"Can I please spend the whole year with you?" (Bisakah saya menghabiskan sepanjang tahun bersamamu?) "The first time I saw you, my heart whispered 'that's the one'." (Pertama kali aku melihatmu, hatiku berbisik 'itu dia') "If I could go with you in the dream, I would continue to sleep forever". (Jika aku bisa pergi denganmu dalam mimpi, aku akan terus tidur selamanya). "Love is when imperfection being perfection." (Cinta adalah ketika kekurangan menjadi sebuah kesempurnaan) "Where there is love there is life." - Mahatma Gandhi (Di mana ada cinta, di situ ada kehidupan.) "When I talk to you, my days gets a whole lot better." (Ketika saya berbicara dengan Anda, hari-hari saya menjadi jauh lebih baik) "My mind is full of you." (Pikiranku penuh denganmu)

40 English Pre-Wedding Words for Social Media Captions, Trendy and Elegant

"And I think I'm gonna love you for a long long time." (Dan kupikir aku akan mencintaimu untuk waktu yang lama) "You do a million little things that bring joy to my life." (Kau melakukan jutaan hal kecil yang membuat hidupku bahagia.)

40 English Pre-Wedding Words for Social Media Captions, Trendy and Elegant

"Because I could watch you for a single minute and find a thousand things that I love about you." (Karena saya bisa melihat Anda selama satu menit dan menemukan seribu hal yang saya sukai dari Anda)"

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