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10 Hewan Terpintar di Dunia, Ternyata Bukan Lumba-Lumba!

"10 Smartest Animals in the World, Turns Out Not Dolphins!"

Apart from dolphins, these animals have an intelligence that is astonishing! Curious? Check out the following review.

Humans have a tendency to feel too secure in their position at the top of the food chain. We often underestimate the fact that we are the most intelligent beings on this planet without considering what sets us apart from other living beings like animals. Many animals also possess intelligence that might amaze you! Curious? Check out the review of the top 10 smartest animals in the world.

1. Orangutan

1. Orangutan

"In captivity, an orangutan has learned to use tools and build simple structures."

Orangutans rank first here for very interesting reasons. Just like chimpanzees, orangutans are capable of using tools, learning sign language, and have complex social structures involving rituals. It's not surprising that orangutans are highly intelligent, considering they share over 97 percent of their DNA with humans.

2. Bottlenose Dolphins

2. Bottlenose Dolphins

Many people believe that bottlenose dolphins are the most intelligent animals, but they rank second on this list. How intelligent is a bottlenose dolphin?

There are more than 8 species of dolphins, but only the bottle-nose dolphin is included in this list. They have the largest brain size among all their relatives, and they are the only dolphins that do not have fused cervical vertebrae, allowing them to make nodding movements similar to humans. In addition to being easily trained, dolphins are able to recognize themselves in mirrors, perceive foreign marks on their bodies through reflections, recognize images on television, and have impressive memories.

3. Chimpanzee

3. Chimpanzee

Chimpanzees share 98% of their DNA with humans, and they originate from sub-Saharan Africa.

"Teach Sign Language"

Unique facts about chimpanzees are that scientists have discovered that adult chimpanzees teach sign language to their offspring. The most interesting part of this discovery is that there is no human interaction or encouragement at all; chimpanzees naturally teach sign language to their children and use it to communicate within their groups.

4. Elephant

4. Elephant

Elephants are often called because of their strong memory, but they are also included in the list of the most intelligent animals.

Gajah memiliki struktur sosial yang rumit dan sering terlihat ikut serta dalam upacara pemakaman untuk anggota keluarga yang telah meninggal serta meratapi kehilangannya. Gajah juga menggunakan alat dan melakukan pengobatan sendiri; mereka akan makan daun tanaman tertentu untuk menyembuhkan penyakit dan bahkan memicu persalinan!Mereka juga termasuk dalam sedikit hewan yang melakukan tindakan altruistik. Gajah akan mengorbankan diri jika mereka yakin hal itu akan memungkinkan sisa kawanan atau anak-anak mereka melarikan diri ke tempat yang aman.

5. African Grey Parrot

5. African Grey Parrot

The African grey parrot is estimated to have intelligence equivalent to a five-year-old human.

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The cockatoo bird can not only learn to speak like humans, but they can also master a very large vocabulary (up to hundreds of words). In addition, the African grey cockatoo can understand spatial reasoning, recognize and identify shapes and colors, and even be taught the relationship between big and small, different and similar, and above and below. As a popular pet, African grey cockatoos are found in tame conditions all over the world, but they originally come from the rainforests of Central Africa."

6. Gurita

6. Octopus

Octopus is the only invertebrate animal that is included in the list of the smartest animals in the world.

The preserved html tags are as follows:

Gurita yang dipelihara telah diamati menggunakan perencanaan tingkat tinggi dengan beberapa langkah untuk melarikan diri dari penangkapan.

Beberapa di antaranya mampu merusak objek bahkan di luar tangki mereka dengan sengaja memercikkan air berkali-kali. Mereka bahkan melemparkan batu ke kaca dan dapat membuka tutup botol yang diputar.

Gurita juga mampu menyelesaikan labirin dan eksperimen pemecahan masalah, memanfaatkan daya ingat jangka panjang dan jangka pendek.


The kept octopus has been observed using high-level planning with several steps to escape from captivity.

Some of them are capable of damaging objects even outside their tanks by intentionally squirting water multiple times. They can even throw stones at glass and open screw-top bottles.

Octopuses are also capable of solving mazes and problem-solving experiments, utilizing both long-term and short-term memory.

7. Babi

7. Pig

"Pigs almost beat dogs in the list of the top 10 smartest animals. This animal operates at a much higher IQ level."

Piglets are capable of understanding the concept of reflection at just six weeks old; this is something that takes human children months to comprehend. Pigs also have around 20 different sounds that they use to communicate, and mother pigs sing to their offspring while they are eating. Pigs respond to emotions and even show empathy when needed, which is a very rare trait in the animal kingdom.

8. Gagak

8. Crow

Raven is a species of animal that is very intelligent and has also been used as a messenger like a pigeon.

Ravens can learn to speak and have impressive memories. Researchers have documented instances of ravens changing their migration patterns to avoid dangerous areas. Ravens also have the largest brain among all bird species, and they demonstrate the ability to recognize human faces. They are able to use tools despite clearly not having hands and arms.

9. Burung Merpati

9. Pigeon

Ironically, pigeons occupy the next position on our list and are generally referred to as "flying rats."

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Doves have proven that they can recognize their own reflection, which indicates a complex sense of self. They have the ability to recognize specific individuals and places for months or even years. It is this memory that has made doves serve for centuries to send long-distance messages. Doves can identify the entire English alphabet, and they can even distinguish between two individuals in a picture."

10. Mouse

10. Mouse

It is not a coincidence that scientists have been using rats for years as laboratory research animals.

Although rats have small and relatively underdeveloped brains, their minds function in a very similar way to humans, and their brain structure can also be compared. They have the ability to solve mazes, remember routes, and perform complex tasks with multiple steps. Rats are also social animals. When left alone, they begin to show signs of depression and loneliness. These psychological and social differences make rats one of the most intelligent animals.

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