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"80 Wise Islamic Words about Women that are Inspirational and Full of Good Advice"

80 Wise Islamic Words about Women that are Inspirational and Full of Good Advice

Dream - Women in Islam occupy a very noble position. This is emphasized in the Al-Quran and hadith. In the Al-Quran, Surah Luqman verse 14, Allah SWT commands the Muslim community to respect both parents, especially the mother.

Rasulullah SAW mentioned the mother three times as the person who deserves the most respect and good treatment. This shows how Islam truly places women in a high position. This nobility is also expressed through wise Islamic words about women. Islamic quotes about women contain appreciation for their existence. This also reminds us of the importance of women's role in Islam.

80 Wise Islamic Words about Women that are Inspirational and Full of Good Advice

In addition, Islamic wise words about women can also serve as a reference on how to behave as a righteous woman or how to respond to women in accordance with the guidance of Islam.

"Islamic Quotes about Inspiring Women"

The following is a translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "These quotes reflect Islamic values ​​regarding appreciation, gentleness, and wisdom that are inherent in women in the context of Islam. Here is a collection of Islamic quotes about women that can inspire you: "Women are the crown of life, the source of blessings, and the pillar of the family." "A righteous woman is the most beautiful ornament in this world." "Respect women, for they are mothers, sisters, and faithful companions." "When a woman smiles, it is a prayer answered by Allah.""

"Women are an unshakable force when they lean on their faith." "A believing woman is a light in the darkness of this world." "The gentleness of a woman's heart is an immeasurable strength." "Women are a gift from Allah, treat them with love and respect." "A strong woman is not one who can lift heavy burdens, but one who can endure life's trials." "Women are the pillars of society, with each step they form a strong foundation." "True love radiates from the respect and understanding between men and women." "The beauty of a woman lies in her noble heart and character."

"The knowledgeable woman is a light that illuminates her path and those around her." "A wise woman is the one who places faith and wisdom above everything." "A woman is the keeper of peace in the home, the protector of love, and the nurturer of the family." "A humble woman is the most beautiful adornment in His presence." "When a woman stands firm in faith, the world cannot shake her steps." "A woman who is devoted to Allah will always be an inspiration to those around her." "A righteous woman is the crown of life that brings blessings." "Every woman is a miracle and evidence of the greatness of Allah's creation."

"Wise Islamic Words about Women as a Reminder"


"Hijab is not just about what you wear, but also about attitude and speech."

"And know that victory comes with patience. The way out comes with difficulties. And after difficulty, surely ease will come."

(HR. Tirmidzi)

"Hijab is not just a protection for women, but it also represents their strength and beauty."

"Why should Muslim women wear hijab? Because their beauty is for their husbands, not for everyone."

"A strong person is not the one who never cries, but the one who remains steadfast in the midst of temptation."Patience is not real if it still has limits, and sincerity is not genuine if it still feels pain."For all the pain you experience, be patient and persevere, because Allah knows your limits."

80 Wise Islamic Words about Women that are Inspirational and Full of Good Advice

"O my sister, one day your body will be covered with a cloth from head to toe. Do not let your last day on earth be the first day you wear the hijab." "Be a Muslimah who possesses two beauties, outer beauty protected by the hijab and inner beauty adorned with noble character." "Allah's promises never disappoint, and if you still feel disappointed, there may be something wrong with your faith." "It is far better to lose something for the sake of God than to lose God in order to gain something." (Mufti Menk) "When your heart is broken, it is good. With a broken heart, the light of God will enter more easily." (Shaykh Hamza Yusuf)

80 Wise Islamic Words about Women that are Inspirational and Full of Good Advice

"Do not let your tongue mention the faults of others, for you also have faults and others also have tongues." "So what if life is not perfect, this is not paradise." (Nourman Ali Khan)"

"Wise Islamic Words about Women that are Meaningful"


"A good Muslim woman with good character and wise demeanor is like a pearl in the seventh heaven, not just anyone can see and touch her."

"A good woman is for a good man. And a good man is for a good woman as well." - Surah An-Nur 26

"When you love someone for the sake of Allah, that love will never fade away."

"A person's religion is in accordance with the religion of their close friend. Therefore, you should observe who their close friends are."


"This world is an adornment, and the best adornment is a righteous woman." - HR. Muslim, Ibnu Majjah, and Nasa'i"Men dream of a perfect woman. Women dream of a perfect man. They do not know that Allah SWT created them to complement each other." - Ahmad Al Sughairi"A righteous man will not lead you away from Allah. If he does, then he is the wrong man." - Abdul Bary Yahya"Women are not garments that you can wear and remove as you please. They are honorable and have their rights."Islam obligates women to cover their aurah because Islam protects them from the lustful gazes of men."

"Women are like flowers. They should be treated with gentleness, kindness, and love." - Ali bin Abi Thalib "When your heart hopes too much for someone, Allah inflicts upon you the pain of expectation, so that you may realize that Allah is extremely jealous of a heart that hopes for someone other than Him. Thus, Allah prevents you from that matter so that you may return to hoping in Him." - Imam Shafi'i "The hijab is not just a protector for women, but it also depicts the strength and beauty within." "A good woman is the one who understands the need for entertainment." "Every mother is a school for her children."

80 Wise Islamic Words about Women that are Inspirational and Full of Good Advice

"When making decisions involving Him, and letting go of something we love for sharia reasons. Don't be afraid! Because Allah will replace it for you, even better, believe."

"Wise Islamic Words about Women Full of Advice"

"The best jewelry for a woman is her shyness. Islam treats women with respect and dignity. So do not accept anything less than that." "A Muslim woman uses her mouth to speak the truth, her voice for goodness, her ears for compassion, and her heart to love those who do not like her." "And know that victory comes with patience. A way out comes with difficulties. And after hardship, surely ease will come." - HR. Tirmidzi

"Patience is not patience if it still has limits, and sincerity is not sincerity if it still feels pain." "For all the pain you experience, be patient and persevere, because Allah knows where your limits are." "It is far better to lose something for the sake of Allah than to lose Allah in order to gain something." "The human heart is like a cup. The more you fill it with love for Allah, the less space remains to be filled with love for the world." "Allah has already written the name of your soulmate. What you need to do is strengthen your relationship with Allah." "Islam elevates the status of women from the depths of the earth to the point where paradise is placed beneath her feet."

"Be a Muslimah who possesses two beauties, outer beauty protected by the hijab. Inner beauty adorned with noble character." "In ancient times, humans were almost naked. As their intelligence developed, they began to wear clothes. What I wear now symbolizes the highest civilization and thinking that humans have ever achieved. This is not a regression. Removing clothes is the regression that will take us back to ancient times." - Tawakkul Karman "Waiting for you with patience is more beautiful to me than expressing it. Waiting for you in prayer is more meaningful than explaining it." "If a wife performs the 5 daily prayers, fasts in the month of Ramadan, guards her modesty, and obeys her husband, it will be said to her, 'Enter Paradise.'" - HR. Ahmad

"Wise Islamic Words about Women Full of Meaning"

"The woman is the pillar of the nation, if the woman is good, then the nation is also good, but if the woman is bad, then the nation is also bad." - Prophet Muhammad PBUH "If a wife performs the 5 daily prayers, fasts in the month of Ramadan, preserves her chastity, and obeys her husband, it will be said to her: Enter paradise." (HR. Ahmad) "The best adornment of a woman is her sense of shame." (Fatimah, daughter of Prophet Muhammad PBUH) "Every mother is a school for her children."

"Women are the pillars of a nation, if the women are good, then the nation is also good. But if the women are bad, then the nation is also bad." (Prophet Muhammad SAW)"Allah has made you a Muslim woman because He wants to see you in paradise, all you have to do is deserve it.""The world is an adornment, and the best adornment of the world is a righteous wife." (HR Muslim)"Islam elevates the status of women from the bottom of the earth to the point where paradise is placed beneath their feet." (Dr. Maulana Ansari)"Women are not garments that you can wear and remove as you please. They are honorable and have their rights." (Umar bin Khattab)"Women are like flowers. They should be treated with gentleness, kindness, and love." (Ali bin Abi Thalib)

"Muslim women are the diamonds of Islam. No one will reveal their diamonds to strangers."Muslim women use their mouths to speak the truth, their voices for kindness, their ears for compassion, and their hearts to love those who dislike them."Muslim women use their mouths to speak the truth, their voices for kindness, their ears for compassion, and their hearts to love those who dislike them."A righteous and wise Muslim woman is like a pearl in the seventh heaven, not just anyone can see and touch it.""

"Wanita seharusnya tidak seperti bulan yang setiap orang bisa melihatnya tanpa tertutupi apa pun, tapi wanita seharusnya menjadi seperti matahari yang membuat mata tertunduk sebelum melihatnya." "Islam memperlakukan wanita dengan hormat dan bermartabat. Maka jangan mau menerima apapun yang lebih rendah dari itu."

80 Wise Islamic Words about Women that are Inspirational and Full of Good Advice
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