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Text of the National Teacher's Day Prayer 2023 Complete Flag Ceremony Arrangement

Text of the National Teacher's Day Prayer 2023 Complete Flag Ceremony Arrangement

Teks Doa Hari Guru Nasional 2023 Lengkap Susunan Upacara Bendera

Dream - National Teacher's Day (HGN) is celebrated every November 25th, and this year's commemoration marks its 78th anniversary. In 2023, the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) carries the theme "Moving Together to Celebrate Independent Learning" to commemorate National Teacher's Day.

Usually, the flag ceremony becomes an important part of commemorating HGN. One of the main elements in the flag ceremony is the reading of prayers. Referring to information from the official Kemendikbud website and other sources, here is an example of the text of the National Teacher's Day prayer in 2023 on November 25, complete with the arrangement of the flag ceremony.

Teks Doa Hari Guru Nasional 2023 Lengkap Susunan Upacara Bendera

"Flag Ceremony Program"

The ceremony leader enters the ceremony field. The ceremony supervisor arrives at the ceremony site; Tribute to the ceremony supervisor; Report from the ceremony leader; The raising of the Red and White flag accompanied by the national anthem Indonesia Rayaolehkorsik/choir; Moment of silence led by the ceremony supervisor; Reading of the Pancasila text followed by all ceremony participants; Reading of the opening script of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

"Bestowal of the Satya Lancana Pendidikan Honorary Medal (if any); Singing the Teacher's Hymn; Address by the ceremony supervisor (Speech by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology); Singing the Thank You My Teacher song; Reading of the prayer*); Report by the ceremony leader; Tribute to the ceremony supervisor; Ceremony supervisor leaves the podium; Ceremony ends, formation dismissed. Before reading the prayer, the prayer reader is expected to explain that the ceremony prayer is recited according to the Islamic religion, and invite participants who are not of the Islamic faith to pray according to their respective religions and beliefs."

"National Teacher's Day Prayer 2023"

"O Allah, the Most Wise Lord, Today, amidst Your infinite blessings and mercies, we come before You to celebrate National Teacher's Day. We are grateful for the gift of teachers that You have bestowed upon us, as enlighteners and leaders in the journey of knowledge and education."


Today, we offer a special prayer for all teachers, those who have sincerely imparted knowledge, guided, and enlightened the generations of our nation. Grant them strength and perseverance to continue exerting positive influence in shaping the character and potential of the children of our nation. O Allah, bestow wisdom and discretion upon every teacher in facing various challenges. Ease their journey in delivering knowledge and the values of truth to their students. Make every effort of theirs a blessed deed in Your sight.

Grant our teachers joy and satisfaction in witnessing the success of their students. Bless every step they take in shaping a generation of quality, love of knowledge, and dedication to nation-building. O Allah, allow this prayer to be an expression of our gratitude and hope to You. Make this National Teacher's Day a momentum to enhance appreciation and attention to the role of teachers. May they always be given strength, health, and ease in carrying out their noble duties. Thank you for all Your goodness, O Allah. Amen.

"Prayer for National Teacher's Day 2023"

Alhamdulillahirabbil 'alamin, hamdan syaakiriin, hamdan naa'imiin, hamdan yuwaafii ni'amahuu wa yukaafiu maziidah, yaa rabbana lakalhamdu kama yambaghii lijalaali waj-hika wa 'azhiimi sulthanik. Allahumma shalli wa shallim 'alaa muhammad, wa'alaa ali muhammad. Translation: "Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all worlds, the One deserving of gratitude, the One who bestows blessings, the One who fulfills His favors and covers the shortcomings. O our Lord, all praise is due to You as it befits Your majestic face and immense sovereignty. O Allah, send peace and blessings upon Muhammad and his family."


Yaa Allah, The Most Merciful and Most Compassionate, We praise and give thanks to You for all the blessings You have bestowed upon us. O Allah, O Most Gracious, O Most Merciful, on this solemn and joyful occasion, we gather to participate in the Flag Ceremony commemorating National Teacher's Day 2022, while praying and surrendering ourselves to You, O Lord. O Allah, O Mighty, O Magnificent (The Almighty and The Great), May this year's National Teacher's Day be a momentum for self-reflection, in order to continuously improve our competence and the quality of education, solely for the purpose of educating our sons and daughters to become outstanding, progressive, morally upright, and competitive students of Pancasila.

"O Allah, O Almighty Being who is Most Powerful, Grant our teachers Your clear guidance, sharpness of heart, enduring patience, humility, sincerity, and high sense of gratitude in their efforts to educate the children of our nation. Strengthen our determination, cleanse our hearts so that we are able to find solutions to every problem and challenge, and act wisely in the face of shortcomings. O Allah, O Most Compassionate, O Most Merciful, Honor our teachers. We greatly desire for our teachers to become true educators who can produce thousands of outstanding individuals. Exemplary figures who always educate with gentleness and affection, spreading enthusiasm and inspiration to those around them, so that great people are born to realize Indonesia's superior and noble civilization."

Yaa Allah, the Most Forgiving, forgive all of our sins and mistakes, the sins of our fathers and mothers, the sins of our teachers, the sins of our leaders, and the sins of our predecessors. Do not punish us if we forget or make mistakes, and do not burden us with heavy loads as You have burdened those before us. Do not burden us with what we cannot bear. O Allah, O Guide, the Lord who gives guidance, show us the truth as the truth and give us the strength to follow it, and show us the falsehood as falsehood and give us the strength to stay away from it, just as You have guided those who have been blessed and not the path of those who have gone astray. Heal us, strengthen us, and make us happy.

"O Allah, the All-Hearing Lord, grant our prayers and requests. Our Lord, give us goodness in this world and in the Hereafter, and protect us from the punishment of the Hellfire. All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds."

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