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Hukum Selamatan Orang Meninggal Menurut Ulama 4 Madzhab, Dilarang atau Diperbolehkan?

"Law of Selamatan for the Deceased According to the Four Madhabs Scholars, Prohibited or Permitted?"

The Law of Selamatan for the Deceased According to Scholars from 4 Madzhab

"Dream - Islam entered Indonesia through a process of acculturation, which became the reason why the society willingly accepted its teachings. Prior to Islam, Indonesia, especially the Javanese community, firmly held onto the deeply rooted ancestral culture."

The spiritual tradition has been ingrained in pre-Islamic Javanese society. So when Islam arrived, the scholars, especially the Wali Songo, attempted an acculturation approach to spread the religion of Islam. The fusion of Javanese tradition with Islam is evident in the numerous traditions that are still practiced today, one of which is the selamatan for the deceased. Many people argue that the practice of selamatan for the deceased was never done during the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW. This opinion is certainly true, as Arab and Indonesian cultures, especially Javanese, are very different.

The essence of a funeral ceremony is to pray and ask for forgiveness from Allah, so that the deceased person may be accepted by Him. The activities involved in a funeral ceremony include reading the Quran and offering prayers.

The Law of Selamatan for the Deceased According to Scholars from 4 Madzhab

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "The funeral feast or also known as tahlilan is usually carried out by inviting neighbors to participate in praying for the deceased. Amidst the debate between two factions, it is advisable for us to seek an explanation of the legal aspects of the funeral feast for the deceased according to the four schools of thought in Islam. Pay close attention to the following explanation, summarized by Dream from NU Online, so that you can draw your own conclusion."

"The Essence of a Funeral Ceremony"

Selamatan or funeral, also known as tahlilan, is a collective prayer event for the deceased. Tahlilan originates from the word hallala, yuhallilu, tahlilan, which means reciting the tahlil phrase 'Laa ilaha illallah'. From this term, it later refers to the tradition of reciting prayers from the Quran, with the hope that the rewards will be given to the deceased person.

The Law of Selamatan for the Deceased According to Scholars from 4 Madzhab

Usually, the tahlilan event is held for seven days from the day of someone's passing. Then, the event is held again on the 40th day, 100th day, 1000th day, and on the anniversary of the deceased's death.

"Hadits Selamatan Orang Meninggal" translates to "Ritual of Commemoration for the Deceased" in English.

The translation of the given text from Bahasa to English while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "The selamatan ceremony for the deceased apparently also refers to several hadiths, one of which is narrated by Abu Dawud as follows: “Companion Ma’qal bin Yasar (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: Surah Yasin is the heart of the Quran, and it is not recited by anyone seeking the pleasure of Allah except that their sins are forgiven. Recite Surah Yasin for those among you who have passed away.” (Narrated by Abu Dawud)"

The Law of Selamatan for the Deceased According to Scholars from 4 Madzhab

Meanwhile, from Abul Walid, Ibn Rushd also said the following: "Someone who recites the verses of the Quran and bestows its rewards to the deceased, then the reward can reach the deceased."

"Law of a Deceased Person's Selamatan Ceremony"

The scholars have different opinions regarding the law of holding a selamatan (a traditional Javanese ritual) for the deceased. Actually, Islam recognizes this tradition by giving rewards for reciting the Quran and the phrase 'laa ilaaha illallah' to the deceased. Here is an explanation from scholars of the four schools of thought regarding the law of holding a selamatan for the deceased.


"Opinions that Allow"

The first opinion comes from Hanafi scholars, some Maliki scholars, Shafi'i scholars, and Hanbali scholars. These scholars affirm that giving the reward of reciting the Quran and good words to the deceased in a funeral gathering is permissible, and the reward reaches the deceased.


Syekh Az-Zaila'i from the Hanafi school of thought stated his opinion in the book Tabyinul Haqaiq Syarh Kanzud Daqaiq that a person is allowed to dedicate the rewards of their good deeds to others. According to the opinion of Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah, good deeds such as prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, charity, recitation of the Quran, remembrance of Allah, or other acts of worship, all result in rewards. According to him, all the rewards from these acts of worship reach the deceased and benefit them.

The Law of Selamatan for the Deceased According to Scholars from 4 Madzhab

According to Syekh Ad-Dasuqi from the Maliki school in his book Hasyiyatud Dasuqi Alas Syarhil Kabir, he states, "If someone reads the Quran and dedicates the reward of their recitation to the deceased, then it is permissible, and the reward of the recitation reaches the deceased."

In line with that, Sheikh Ibn Qudamah from the Hanbali school said in the book Al-Mughni: "And whatever worship he performs, and he dedicates its reward to the deceased Muslim, it will benefit him. God willing. As for supplication, seeking forgiveness, charity, and fulfilling obligations, I do not see any difference of opinion (regarding their permissibility)." Additionally, Ibn Taymiyyah in the book Majmu' Al-Fatawa also allows dedicating the reward of reciting the Quran and the phrase "thayyibah" to the deceased in the tradition of mourning for the deceased.

"The Opinion that Does Not Allow"

The second opinion contradicts the first opinion, which states that it is not permissible to give rewards for reciting the Quran to the deceased during a funeral ceremony. Some other Maliki scholars state that the rewards for reciting the Quran and good words do not reach the deceased. Therefore, it is not allowed to hold a funeral ceremony.


Sheikh Ad-Dasuqi from the Maliki school in the book Hasyiyatud Dasuqi Ala Syarhil Kabir wrote: "The author of the book At-Taudhih said in the book At-Taudhih, chapter Hajj: The opinion followed in the Maliki school is that the reward of recitation does not reach the deceased. This opinion is narrated by Sheikh Qarafi in his book Qawaidnya, and Sheikh Ibn Abi Jamrah."

The Law of Selamatan for the Deceased According to Scholars from 4 Madzhab

The difference of opinion among scholars regarding the law of giving rewards for reading the Quran and good words to the deceased in the event of a funeral is something normal. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the majority of scholars, including scholars of the Hanafi school, some scholars of the Maliki school, scholars of the Shafi'i school, scholars of the Hanbali school, and Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah, allow the tradition of funeral ceremonies. However, some other scholars of the Maliki school prohibit it, believing that the rewards will not reach the deceased.

Demikian itulahh explanation about the tradition of commemorating the deceased according to the scholars of the four Islamic schools of thought. With the existence of such differences, it is certainly up to each individual to follow the opinion that aligns with their beliefs. However, we are prohibited from accusing fellow Muslims of deviating from the right path just because they hold a ceremony to commemorate the deceased. This is because each school of thought has a strong legal basis.

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