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Row of Rare and Endangered Wild Cats from Indonesia

Row of Rare and Endangered Wild Cats from Indonesia

For cat lovers, cats are often regarded as adorable and cute pets. Their presence is so abundant that it is difficult to imagine a world without cats. Unfortunately, some native wild cat species in Indonesia face the risk of extinction. Their population continues to decline due to various factors, including the loss of habitat, threats from human activities, and wild hunting. Here is a list of native Indonesian wild cats that are endangered!

1. Fishing cat (<i>Prionailurus viverrinus</i>)

1. Fishing cat (Prionailurus viverrinus)

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "The fishing cat or Prionailurus viverrinus has an extraordinary swimming ability and even jumps into the water to search for prey."

According to information from San Diego Zoo, this cat has webbed feet, making it easier for them to walk in mud and swim. Therefore, this cat is often found living in wetlands such as mangroves and swamps. Because of this ability, this species is also known as a fishing cat.

Based on information from the IUCN Red List, its population has declined by 30% in the last 15 years. Deforestation and relentless poaching by humans have resulted in this threat.

Deretan Kucing Liar Asal Indonesia yang Langka dan Terancam Punah
<b>2. Macan dahan kalimantan (Neofelis diardi borneensis)</b>

2. Bornean clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi borneensis)

Next, the Bornean clouded leopard, also known as Neofelis diardi borneensis. This cat is often found in the hilly regions of Sumatra and the lowlands of Kalimantan.

Although resembling a leopard, the Bornean clouded leopard has a body three times larger than a regular cat, weighing up to 15-30 kilograms. Unfortunately, this extraordinary animal is endangered due to the impacts of deforestation and illegal hunting, as reported by Animal Diversity.

Deretan Kucing Liar Asal Indonesia yang Langka dan Terancam Punah
<b>3. Kucing merah (Catopuma badia)</b>

3. Red cat (Catopuma badia)

Also known as the Borneo bay cat, the red cat is spread across the island of Kalimantan. This cat has reddish-orange fur with an "M" pattern on its forehead.

Borneo bay cat inhabits the interior of the forest, so finding this cat can be considered a miracle. According to the IUCN Red List, the number of Borneo bay cats in the wild is only around 2,200 individuals. However, their extinction is threatened due to the ongoing deforestation in Kalimantan forest.

Deretan Kucing Liar Asal Indonesia yang Langka dan Terancam Punah
4. Kucing kuwuk (Prionailurus bengalensis)

4. Fishing cat (Prionailurus bengalensis)

4. Kucing kuwuk (Prionailurus bengalensis) 4. Fishing cat (Prionailurus bengalensis)

Kucing kuwuk or its scientific name Prionailurus bengalensis. This cat can be found in various countries in Asia, including Indonesia, where they are widely distributed in Sumatra, Java, Bali, and Kalimantan.

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "Physically, it is almost similar to domestic cats, but the kuwuk cat has a distinctive feature in its fur pattern, which resembles a tiger's stripes. According to the IUCN Red List, the kuwuk cat is actually classified as "least-concern," which means they are not considered as animals that require special protection."

Deretan Kucing Liar Asal Indonesia yang Langka dan Terancam Punah
<b>5. Harimau sumatera (Panthera tigris sumatrae)</b><br>

5. Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae)

"Sumatran tiger, one of the most endangered animals in Indonesia. According to data from WWF, their population only reaches 400 individuals in their natural habitat."

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the html tags is as follows: "Tiger of Sumatra is often targeted for hunting to obtain its fur. Some irresponsible individuals even kill these tigers solely for pleasure. Another threat faced by the Sumatran tiger is the conversion of forests into agricultural land and settlements. Therefore, the habitat of the Sumatran tiger is increasingly endangered and threatened."

The following is a translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "This species is the only type of tiger in the world. If the Sumatran tiger becomes extinct, their presence will no longer exist on Earth. Efforts to preserve the survival of the Sumatran tiger include establishing natural conservation areas and protecting the habitat of the 'king of the jungle'."

Deretan Kucing Liar Asal Indonesia yang Langka dan Terancam Punah
<b>6. Kucing batu (Pardofelis marmorata)</b><br>

6. Stone cat (Pardofelis marmorata)

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows:

Kucing batu sering dikenal dengan marbled cat, yaitu merujuk pada pola garis-garis abstrak dan bertutul. Dalam hal penampilan fisik, mereka hampir tidak dapat dibedakan dari kucing domestik.
The marbled cat is often known as the stone cat, referring to the abstract striped and spotted patterns. In terms of physical appearance, they are almost indistinguishable from domestic cats.

Because of its rarely seen presence, counting the population of stone cats becomes a difficult task. The Animal Diversity Report states that around 10,000 stone cats live in the wild. There is no evidence of hunting or illegal trading of stone cat fur.

Deretan Kucing Liar Asal Indonesia yang Langka dan Terancam Punah
<b>7. Kucing emas asia (Catopuma temminckii)</b>

7. Asian golden cat (Catopuma temminckii)

The scientific name for the Asian golden cat is Catopuma temminckii. They are named as such because they have striking golden brown fur.

Cats are more similar to tiger cubs than domestic cats. They are found in various regions of Asia, such as Thailand, Vietnam, India, China, and also inhabit Sumatra Island in Indonesia. However, unfortunately, since 2008, Asian golden cats have been listed as an endangered species on the IUCN Red List.

Deretan Kucing Liar Asal Indonesia yang Langka dan Terancam Punah
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