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Kominfo Segera Siapkan Pedoman Etika AI untuk Lindungi Data Pribadi<br>

Kominfo is preparing an AI Ethics Guideline to Protect Personal Data

Kominfo Segera Siapkan Pedoman Etika AI untuk Lindungi Data Pribadi

"Dream - The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kominfo) is currently preparing guidelines for the ethical use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in Indonesia."

The following is conveyed by Deputy Minister of Communication and Information Technology (Deputy Minister of Kominfo) Nezar Patria, in the event of Catatan Wens Manggut titled Regulation and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence or AI on Tuesday, November 21, 2023. Nezar stated that based on a meeting related to AI conducted by 28 countries in London, England some time ago, it was agreed that there are basic values that have been agreed upon regarding the use of artificial intelligence.

"This is indeed non-legally binding. So, it is not legally binding, because it is still a norm, but from there it can progress further."
According to Nezar, as quoted from Youtube Liputan6.


Kominfo Segera Siapkan Pedoman Etika AI untuk Lindungi Data Pribadi

According to Nezar, each country actually already has a regulator related to the use of AI, it's just different at each level.

"Because the character of this AI is very dynamic, fast, unpredictable, and its possibilities, probabilities, are extraordinary, so the countries participating in this AI race build their fences to ensure they are not harmful to humans."
"ungkapnya" translates to "he/she expressed" in English.



"AI Regulations"

"In Indonesia itself, according to Nezar, Kominfo will soon issue a Circular Letter on AI Usage Guidelines for all sectors. "(The guidelines) focus more on ethics, because indeed, to get to the core of it, we have to review all its developments first and talk to stakeholders," said Nezar."


"So we don't want to limit its innovation either, we agree with other countries to maximize its benefits, minimize its risks."
"imbuhnya" translates to "its addition" in English.


Kominfo Segera Siapkan Pedoman Etika AI untuk Lindungi Data Pribadi

According to Nezar, AI technology has actually been used in various industries in Indonesia, including the media industry. "The media has already used it, the media uses it the most and is exposed to this AI. And also transportation, health, they have already used what is called AI. The most exposed sector is the information sector," said Nezar.

"In the customer relation management sector, they already use chatbots to replace humans. This is getting more advanced, so it can interact more intimately and its development will be highly personalized."
Ungkar Nezar Translation: Bachelor Nezar


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