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110 Kata Mutiara Kerja Ikhlas Penuh Inspirasi, Beri Motivasi Lakukan yang Terbaik

"110 Inspirational Quotes about Sincere and Inspiring Work, Motivate to Do the Best"

Working sincerely through every effort you deploy is able to bring blessings.

110 Words of Sincere Work Full of Inspiration, Give Motivation to Do the Best

Dream - Working is a form of effort to be able to earn a living to fulfill daily needs. The chosen job of each person is usually adjusted to their passion or it can also be outside of their passion. As long as they are able to carry out the job, why not?

110 Words of Sincere Work Full of Inspiration, Give Motivation to Do the Best

However, work is not only relying on physical and mental abilities. What exists is only fatigue and complaints that are often expressed. It is important for everyone to implement sincerity in work. By doing so, you will not consider the work as a burden. But as a responsibility that you must carry out as best as possible. Moreover, you will not know the conditions in your future work. There may be changes with various policies implemented. By having sincere intentions, you can respond well to any changes that may occur at any time. Even by working sincerely, every effort you have made so far can bring blessings.

Therefore, you need words of encouragement at work. You can read these words when you are tired, down, and want to give up. Here are sincere words of pearls of work that Dream has summarized through

110 Words of Sincere Work Full of Inspiration, Give Motivation to Do the Best

"Kata Mutiara Kerja Ikhlas" translates to "Sincere Work Pearls" in English.


“Something often seems impossible until it is done.”

“Something often seems impossible until it is done.”

“The struggle you are facing today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.”

“Humans have the same potential and opportunities. So never give up on striving for the best.”

“There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.”

“Don't stop when you are tired, stop when you are done.”


"The difficult thing in life is to start something. But there is also something equally difficult, which is to continuously make efforts." "Be unique when you work so that you stand out. It is better to be strange but beneficial than to follow the crowd and be detrimental."

110 Words of Sincere Work Full of Inspiration, Give Motivation to Do the Best

"When you want to give up, look back and realize how far you have tried to achieve your goals." "Now is not the time to complain, let alone give up. But every moment is for work." "Our duty is only to work. The duty of sustenance is chasing us, not us chasing sustenance." "Sincere work is purifying intentions solely to seek the pleasure of Allah." "The path to success is indeed many. But to obtain blessed wealth, you need a special concoction for it, namely prayer and hard work." "Don't forget to often ask for sustenance from Allah. Working is only an effort to obtain it."

"Never complain about tiredness. The fatigue of a Muslim is the atonement for sins." "The stages to achieve success are long. From preparation, experimentation, examination, and victory."

110 Words of Sincere Work Full of Inspiration, Give Motivation to Do the Best

"\u201cSeeing the sunlight is a reminder that God still gives us the opportunity to work.\u201d \u201cWork well so that you will also be met with good people.\u201d \u201cWork is a pleasure that is beyond measure. But many people are lazy to work because they do not want to experience that pleasure.\u201d \u201cMay those who work overtime until the night receive blessings from Him.\u201d \u201cNo matter how hard you work, nothing will succeed without the help of Allah. So help yourself by asking for Allah's assistance.\u201d \u201cDo everything to the best of your ability, and the results will be the same.\u201d"

"\u201cIf we want something great to happen in our lives, then we must also be prepared to make an even greater effort.\u201d \u201cGreat people are not great from birth, but they become great as they grow.\u201d"

110 Words of Sincere Work Full of Inspiration, Give Motivation to Do the Best

"Work is sincere, if you already feel sincere there is no word to complain." "It's not hard work, but trying to be sincere & honest with yourself." "All humans have the same opportunity, so stay enthusiastic to do the best job possible." "We become successful if we learn from mistakes." "Intelligence is not the only thing that guarantees someone's success, everyone needs hard work." "If work is not sincere, the exhaustion can be multiplied many times." "Strive to achieve your goals but keep your heart calm." "Think big, and act now." "Work for worship. Work sincerely."

"Change your life today. Do not risk the future, take action now, without delay." "It's not a matter of working sincerely or not, but about the reality that everything requires a mindset and effort."

110 Words of Sincere Work Full of Inspiration, Give Motivation to Do the Best

"Force yourself to sincerely worship until the feeling of sincerity truly comes." "Working is not just about how to make money, but how to make it a path to Allah's paradise." "Pay attention to the condition of your heart. The sincerity of the heart will calm you down in your work." "Make the daytime the peak of your work spirit. The nighttime the peak of your prayers." "Tired, but not feeling tired. This is how sincere work feels." "No matter how far the distance, if you work sincerely, there will surely be blessings." "A sincere person is not blinded by the glamour of the world, so he never loves the world more than his love for Allah." "Better to earn a little profit, but earned honestly and sincerely."

"The act of living wholeheartedly with sincerity in goodness, is a preparation for a beautiful and noble eternal life with all the prominent souls in heaven later." "Sincerity allows oneself to be calm, surrender allows oneself to lose."

110 Words of Sincere Work Full of Inspiration, Give Motivation to Do the Best

"When we help someone, don't try to bring it up again in the future. That's true sincerity." "Whoever desires the hereafter should sincerely seek knowledge and work." "Working hard is part of the physical, working smart is part of the mind, while working sincerely is part of the heart." "Submission - sincere surrender - is something normal. It's not losing. It's not giving up." "Sincerity towards the fate that God has ordained, after maximum effort. Great hopes may not necessarily be truly shattered." "Besides working hard, another thing to remember is working sincerely. After that, only then can we surrender all the results of our hard work to God."

"Complaining will not improve the situation, so be enthusiastic for today! Live sincerely and with patience." "Learn sincerity from the roots of a tree, the roots of a tree are hidden in the ground and not everyone cares and admires them. Nevertheless, they persist."

110 Words of Sincere Work Full of Inspiration, Give Motivation to Do the Best

"Forgive what has passed. Remain grateful and optimistic to welcome tomorrow, a new day." "A sincere person is someone with strong character, their attitude is not influenced by the presence or absence of human recognition." "We cannot forget the past, what we can do is to let go of our past with others." "Even if reality doesn't meet expectations, keep your spirits up. Never give up and never discard all your dreams and hopes." "How noble is the soul that is patient and sincere, believing in the coming of happiness bestowed by God." "Not because they are strong, but because God, who is all-powerful, is with their steps." "God does not promise a frequently blue sky, but He often brings a rainbow after the storm passes."

"\u201cA falling leaf never hates the wind. It just lets itself fall. It doesn't resist, Accepts everything.\u201d "If you do your best and find happiness, you are ahead in life compared to most people." (Leonardo DiCaprio)"

110 Words of Sincere Work Full of Inspiration, Give Motivation to Do the Best

"If you want to look good in front of thousands of people, you have to practice thousands of times in front of yourself." (Christiano Ronaldo) "Many people ask, 'what kind of business is good?' The answer is, a good business is the one that is opened, not constantly asked." (Bob Sadino) "A stupid person doesn't think much, the important thing is to take action. Smart people think too much and as a result, they never take action." (Bob Sadino) "Every time I meet someone new, I always 'empty the glass' first." "A person who does more than what they are paid for will soon receive more payment for their work." (Napoleon Hill) "What keeps me growing is my life goals." (Muhammad Ali)

"Be careful with what you wish for because when you ask for rain, you also have to deal with the mud." (Denzel Washington) "Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow." (Robert Kiyosaki)

110 Words of Sincere Work Full of Inspiration, Give Motivation to Do the Best

"Willpower is the key to success. Successful people, no matter what they feel, strive hard by applying their desire to overcome apathy, doubt, or fear." (Dan Millman) "Opportunity is like the rising sun. When you wait too long, you will lose it." (William Arthur Ward) "Do not be ashamed of your job or your efforts. No one will feed you if you become poor." (Tom Hardy) "Success does not belong to smart people. However, success belongs to those who always strive." (BJ Habibie) "If your salary is your only source of income, you are one step away from poverty." (Warren Buffett)

"Find a job that you love and you will never have to work a day in your life." (Confucius) "Great people are not born from ease, pleasure, and comfort. They are shaped through difficulties, challenges, and tears." (Dahlan Iskan)

110 Words of Sincere Work Full of Inspiration, Give Motivation to Do the Best

"Leaders are not born because of a degree, but through hard work and continuously honed care." (Najwa Shihab) "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." (Steve Jobs) "We all have to endure one of these two things, the pain of discipline or the pain of regret." (Jim Rohn) "Someone will become great if and only if they strive according to what they are interested in." (Benjamin Disraeli - Coningsby) "Failure is a lesson, with failure we are forced to innovate and find other solutions." "Fly, leave behind the negative things that have limited you all this time." "A small positive thought in the morning can change oneself throughout the day."

"All professionals start as beginners. No one is instantly great when they start. Strive harder than yesterday if you want tomorrow to be better." "Stepping out of your comfort zone may make you uncomfortable temporarily, but it will make you much more comfortable in the future."

110 Words of Sincere Work Full of Inspiration, Give Motivation to Do the Best

"The future of success does not look at the level of education. But it looks more at who has the strongest will, lasts longer in perseverance, and is most tenacious in fighting." "Mistakes can be corrected, failures can be repeated, but giving up means it's over. We may fail but we must not give up." "Many great dreamers were initially laughed at until they were called crazy. Eventually, everyone was silenced after seeing their dreams become reality." "You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have." "You are still young, don't look like you're enjoying retirement." "If you get a new task that you have never done before, it means an opportunity to improve your competitiveness."

"Be yourself according to your own personality. There is no need to pretend to be someone else just to be liked by many people.""Good habits will bring your fate to be good.""Luck is the arrival of opportunities and the right preparation to seize them."

110 Words of Sincere Work Full of Inspiration, Give Motivation to Do the Best

"Being a resilient or tough person is not easy and indeed requires a strong spirit. But believe that all the difficulties you face now will be rewarded with infinite happiness." "I was not born to be an ordinary person." "Never compare your process with someone else's process because everyone has their own path to success." "Many people fail not because they are not capable, but because they lack commitment." "Success is nothing more than a few simple things done with discipline and practiced every day." "If you want something, don't do it halfway. Doing it 100% may not guarantee success, let alone doing it halfway."

"Kata Mutiara Kerja Ikhlas Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya" translates to "Pearls of Sincere Work in English and Their Meanings"

"Don't compare yourself to others. Be your own competition." (Jangan membandingkan diri Anda dengan orang lain. Jadilah pesaing Anda sendiri.) "If you really want it, you will plan for it. If you really want it, you will work for it. If you really want it, you will sacrifice for it." (Jika Anda benar-benar menginginkannya, Anda akan merencanakannya. Jika Anda benar-benar menginginkannya, Anda akan bekerja untuk itu. Jika Anda benar-benar menginginkannya, Anda akan berkorban untuk itu.)

"Life is very interesting in the end, some of your greatest pains, become your greatest strengths." (Hidup ini sangat menarik pada akhirnya, beberapa rasa sakit terbesar Anda, menjadi kekuatan terbesar Anda.)"

110 Words of Sincere Work Full of Inspiration, Give Motivation to Do the Best


"Careers like rockets, don't always take off on time. The trick is to always keep the engine running."

(Karier seperti roket, tidak selalu lepas landas tepat waktu. Triknya adalah selalu menjaga mesin tetap hidup.)

"The rewards for work well done is the opportunity to do more." - Jonas Salt

(Hadiah untuk pekerjaan yang dilakukan dengan baik adalah kesempatan untuk berbuat lebih banyak.)

"The future depends on what you do today." - Mahatma Gandhi

(Masa depan tergantung pada apa yang Anda lakukan hari ini.)

"One way to keep momentum going is to have constantly greater goals." - Michael Korda

(Salah satu cara untuk menjaga momentum adalah dengan terus-menerus memiliki tujuan yang lebih besar.)


"I've got to say 'no' to the good, so I can say 'yes' to the best." (Saya harus mengatakan 'tidak' untuk yang baik, jadi saya bisa mengatakan 'ya' untuk yang terbaik.)

110 Words of Sincere Work Full of Inspiration, Give Motivation to Do the Best


"Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come."

(Sukses tidak selalu tentang kehebatan. Ini tentang konsistensi. Kerja keras yang konsisten mengarah pada kesuksesan. Kebesaran akan datang.)

"Good things may come to those who wait, but the only the things left those who hustle." - Abraham Lincoln

(Hal-hal baik mungkin datang kepada mereka yang menunggu, tetapi satu-satunya hal yang tersisa bagi mereka yang terburu-buru.)


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