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Curhat Suami yang Keluarganya Diteror Kelabang Hingga Istri Alami Panick Attack

"Confessions of a Husband Whose Family is Terrorized by a Centipede, Resulting in his Wife Having a Panic Attack"

"Dream - In the current rainy season, the community is urged to be cautious of the potential for floods and landslides. However, there is another equally frightening threat besides floods and landslides. That is the emergence of various wild and venomous animals."

Husband Confides Being Terrorized by an Unknown Source of Centipedes, Wife Experiences Panic Attack When Almost Bitten
Husband Confides Being Terrorized by an Unknown Source of Centipedes, Wife Experiences Panic Attack When Almost Bitten

Animals that pose a significant threat to safety sometimes even manage to enter our homes or vehicles. Not only in the city, venomous animals such as snakes and scorpions often appear in the houses of residents located in rural areas.

The purpose of this venomous animal entering people's houses is to find a warm place and seek protection from the rain. The presence of this venomous animal is certainly very dangerous, just like the story of a Malaysian man whose house is often invaded by centipedes.

Husband Confides Being Terrorized by an Unknown Source of Centipedes, Wife Experiences Panic Attack When Almost Bitten

"Sprinkle Salt and Sulfur around the House"

The story goes, this man and his wife rented a house in the village. The simple house was often visited by centipedes, or commonly known as kelabang. The man had tried various ways to prevent the centipedes from entering the house. However, his efforts were unsuccessful. Besides sprinkling salt and sulfur around the house, he had tried various other methods to prevent the centipedes from entering the house.

Each hole has been closed but can still be entered.

"But the venomous animal still managed to get in... it's uncertain from where it entered. All the holes in our house walls have been closed," he said in the Facebook Group Tukang Apa Hari Ini.


What makes the man sad is his wife who suffers from anxiety disorder. His wife's mental health is disturbed by this 'attack' of anxiety. The man still remembers the unexpected incident that caused his wife's anxiety disorder to relapse because of the snake.

Husband Confides Being Terrorized by an Unknown Source of Centipedes, Wife Experiences Panic Attack When Almost Bitten

"Kelabang dalam Kotak Obat" translates to "A Centipede in a Medicine Box" in English.

"Somehow, when she opened the medicine box to take her medicine, there was a centipede inside." The wife was shocked to the point of anxiety and fear, causing her to experience a panic attack," she said."

According to the man, his wife's hands were trembling, her body was covered in sweat, and her heart was beating fast. After that, his wife immediately burst into hysterical crying. The wife admitted that her head was throbbing and heavy, as if it was about to explode.

Husband Confides Being Terrorized by an Unknown Source of Centipedes, Wife Experiences Panic Attack When Almost Bitten

"Allahuakbar.. as a husband, I cannot bear to see my wife like this. This morning, I took her to a psychiatrist because she is not well," he said. For the safety of his wife, the man intends to move to a rental house that is not too expensive. However, his efforts to find a new rental house have not been successful because the price is not affordable with his income. The man said he cannot find a part-time job because he has to take care of his wife who lives alone at home."

"Tips to Repel Mosquitoes ala Netizen"

The man's complaint received comments from netizens. Most of them provided solutions to drive away the centipedes in his house. "There are many centipedes coming out from under the floor of my house. I poured water mixed with floor cleaner, almost 10 died." "Try finding mint leaves or mint, and plant them around the house. Or make mint water, spray it in the gap."

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