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"40 Funny Words of Indirect Mockery to Pay Debts, So That Debtors Realize Quickly"

Funny words of satire may be necessary to remind someone to pay off their debts.

Dream - Borrowing is usually done by someone when their economic condition is pressing. This kind of thing is actually not wrong. However, it should be remembered that when borrowing, it is mandatory to repay it according to the specified time. Unfortunately, sometimes there are some people who, when they borrow, are difficult to collect from. Attitudes like this are what make the person who is owed feel annoyed.

In such conditions, funny sarcastic words about paying debts may be necessary to remind them to pay off their debts immediately.

40 Funny Words of Indirect Repayment Satire, Let the Debtor Realize Quickly

The use of funny words of sarcasm in paying debts can also be a way for the person who owes to not feel hurt or angry. However, they will feel offended by those words. Well, here are some funny words of sarcasm in paying debts as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Funny Words of Satire Pay Off Debt So That Those Who Borrow Will Quickly Realize.

Funny Words of Satire Pay Off Debt So That Those Who Borrow Will Quickly Realize.

"Debt must be paid, but my love for you is something that doesn't need to be paid."

""Handsome boyfriend, but has a lot of debt." "Drinking coffee makes you calm, paying debt makes you calmer." "Even though you will become poor by paying debt, it is better than dying in debt." "Don't borrow hoping to be given. Return as promised. Try to keep your word as agreed." "Buying things on credit may give you style, but not wealth." "You are the type of person who rarely speaks, but when you do, you borrow money.""

"Borrowing is done reluctantly, paying is done lazily." "If you want to show off anything on the internet or social media, make sure you don't owe anything to the people in your friendlist." "You will never be forgotten in my life, because you still owe me." "Some people get trapped in the happiness of showing off on social media, until they forget the pile of debts in the real social world." - Boy Candra "When I ask someone for debt repayment and they say they don't have money, sometimes I feel sad."

"If you want to borrow money from a friend, their expression will change. It's like there's something sweet about it." "Research shows that people will start to forget if asked about debts." "What is it when you feel uncomfortable and hesitant to talk? It's asking a friend for repayment of a debt!" "What I pay to the pecel seller is only the cost of production, time, and effort. The taste and various sensations I experience when eating pecel are priceless. That's a debt of taste." - Sujiwo Tejo

"When I lend money to a friend, I am considered an angelic helper. When I collect debts, I am considered an angel of death."

40 Funny Words of Indirect Repayment Satire, Let the Debtor Realize Quickly

"If you need a loan, it comes like lightning. Once it's demanded, it disappears like a fugitive." "These days, the lender is more aggressive than the borrower." "It's better to go to bed without dinner than to wake up in debt." - Benjamin Franklin

"Funny Words of Indirectly Paying Debts"

"Settling debts through arisan (a form of rotating savings and credit association) is clearly a more righteous way to settle debts. Don't participate in arisan too much if you still have outstanding debts."

"Nowadays, borrowed things look more luxurious than the ones borrowing them." "Chasing debt, but begging like we're the ones who want to borrow." "Money is like an ex, hard to forget." "When someone tries to distance themselves from you, don't let them before they pay off their debts." "Don't let debt ruin friendships or even family." "Just asking for what is rightfully theirs but it feels like begging. For those who owe, know that you have taken away your sibling's rights if you don't pay them back immediately."

"Don't let someone's sustenance be hindered by debt." "The best and easiest way to make people remember you is to borrow their money." "A friend is someone who is willing to lend you money, but doesn't want to be paid back." "Debt is a heavy burden, because in the afterlife there will be no currency to pay it off." - Azalea Husin "If you borrow, do you want me to collect or the angels to collect?" "There is no shortcut when it comes to getting out of debt." - Dave Ramsey

"Be careful when borrowing, for debt brings worry at night and causes disgrace during the day." - HR. Baihaqi "Suffering is the moment of paying debt. Anyone who resists not only fails to pay the debt, but also creates new debt." - Gede Prama "Promises are debts. So if you have many debts, pay them with promises." "Crying when borrowing, but when it's time to collect, it's me who cries."

"Debt is the cost of future living that you use today. Savings is the cost of future living that you already have today." - Harry Slyman

40 Funny Words of Indirect Repayment Satire, Let the Debtor Realize Quickly

"Do not ever borrow, if the debt is only to make you seem more successful than the people around you, because this is what is meant by living in illusion." - Joe Hartanto "Debt is like fire. The bigger the debt, the more likely it will burn and torment you."

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