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5 Doa Setelah Sholat Dhuha Agar Dimudahkan Segala Urusan Dunia dan Akhirat, Jangan Sampai Terlewat!

5 Prayers After Dhuha Prayer to Facilitate All Worldly and Hereafter Matters, Don't Miss Out!

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "The reward of performing the Duha prayer is equal to performing Hajj and Umrah."

5 Doa Setelah Sholat Dhuha Agar Dimudahkan Segala Urusan Dunia dan Akhirat, Jangan Sampai Terlewat!

Dream - Performing the obligatory prayer is a duty of Muslims that cannot be missed. If this obligatory practice has become a habit, then elevate the level of your worship by performing the voluntary prayers. One of the recommended voluntary prayers to be performed daily is the Dhuha prayer.

The translation of the given text from 'Bahasa' to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "Sholat Dhuha is performed in the morning after sunrise until 15 minutes before the dhuhr prayer time. One of the purposes of Sholat Dhuha is to seek blessings and assistance from Allah SWT. After performing Sholat Dhuha, Muslims are advised to recite prayers to open the doors of sustenance. There are many prayers that can be recited after Sholat Dhuha. The prayers of Sholat Dhuha have been taught by Prophet Muhammad SAW and the scholars."

"Prayer Time - Dhuha"

It is important to know the right time to perform Dhuha Prayer. This voluntary prayer starts from sunrise until it tilts towards the west. The time of its implementation is divided into two, namely:

1. Beginning of Time

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is as follows: "The beginning time of Dhuha prayer starts 20 minutes after sunrise. This is in accordance with the explanation of the hadith by 'Amr bin 'Abbash as follows: "Perform the Fajr prayer and then leave the prayer until sunrise, until the sun rises. When the sun rises, it rises between the two horns of the devil, at that time the disbelievers are prostrating (worshipping the Sun)." (Narrated by Muslim)"


2. End of Time

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is as follows: "The end time of Dhuha prayer is 15 minutes before the time of Dhuhr prayer. However, it would be better if Dream's friends perform the Dhuha prayer at the end or quarter of noon, when the weather becomes hotter. This is in accordance with the explanation from the hadith narrated by Zaid bin Arqam as follows: "Do they not know that praying at other times is more preferable? Indeed, the Messenger of Allah said, 'The prayer of the Awwabin (those who are obedient; return to Allah) is when the young camels feel the heat.'" (HR. Muslim)"

"Prayer After Dhuha Prayer Narrated by Imam Nasa'i"

From Aisyah, may Allah be pleased with her, she said: The Prophet SAW performed the Dhuha prayer, then he said (with a prayer): "اللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِي، وَتُبْ عَلَيَّ، إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ التَّوَّابُ الرَّحِيمُ" (O Allah, forgive me and accept my repentance, indeed You are the Accepter of Repentance, the Merciful). (Narrated by Nasai). The Prophet SAW recited this prayer a hundred times.

"Prayer After Dhuha Prayer Most Common"

In the Book of al Targhib wa al Tarhib by Al Mundziri, here is the most common prayer recited after the Dhuha prayer: للَّهُمَّ إِنَّ الضُّحَاءَ ضُحَاءَكَ وَالْبُهَاءَ بُهَاءَكَ وَالْجَمَالَ جَمَالَكَ وَالْقُوَّةَ قُوَّتَكَ وَالْقُدْرَةَ قُدْرَتَكَ وَالْعَصْمَةَ عَصْمَتَكَ لِلَّهُمَّ إِنْ كَانَ رِزْقِي فِي السَّمَاءِ فَأَنْزِلْهُ وَإِنْ كَانَ فِي الْأَرْضِ فَأَخْرِجْهُ وَإِنْ كَانَ مُعَسَّرًا فَيَسِّرْهُ وَإِنْ كَانَ حَرَامًا فَطَهِّرْهُ وَإِنْ كَانَ بَعِيدًا فَقَرِّبْهُ بِحَقِّ ضُحَاءِكَ وَبُهَاءِكَ وَجَمَالِكَ وَقُوَّتِكَ وَقُدْرَتِكَ آتِنِي مَآأَتَيْتَ عِبَادَكَ الصَّالِحِينَ This translation preserves the HTML tags.

"Latin Prayer Readings"

Allahumma innadh dhuhaa'a dhuhaa'uka wal bahaa'a bahaa'uka wal jamaala jamaaluka wa quwwata quwwatuka wal qudrata qudratuka wal 'ishmata 'ishmatuka. Allahumma in kaana rizqii fis samaa 'i fa anzilhu wain kaana fil ardhi fa akhrijhu wa in kaana mu'siran fa yassirhu wain kaana haraaman fa thahhrihu wa in kaana ba'iidan fa qarribhu bihaqqi dhuhaa 'ika wa bahaa 'ika wa jamaalika wa quwwatika wa qudratika aatinii maa aataita bihi 'ibaadakash shaalihiin. Translation: "O Allah, indeed the morning light is Your light, and the brightness is Your brightness, and the beauty is Your beauty, and the strength is Your strength, and the power is Your power, and the protection is Your protection. O Allah, if my sustenance is in the heavens, then send it down, and if it is in the earth, then bring it forth, and if it is difficult, then make it easy, and if it is unlawful, then make it lawful, and if it is far away, then bring it closer by the right of Your light, brightness, beauty, strength, and power. Grant me what You have granted to Your righteous servants."


Meaning of Prayer After Dhuha Prayer

"O Allah, indeed this dhuha is Your dhuha, all greatness is Your greatness, all beauty is Your beauty, all protection is Your protection, and all strength is Your strength. O Allah, if Your servant's sustenance is in the sky, then bring it down, if it is buried in the earth, then bring it out, if the sustenance is difficult to obtain, then make it easy, if it is forbidden, then purify it, and if it is far away, then bring it closer to Your dhuha, Your greatness, Your beauty, and Your strength. And bestow upon Your servant (sustenance) that You have bestowed upon Your righteous servants."

"Prayer After Dhuha Prayer to Seek Forgiveness:"
This is source

This is source 2


The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Meaning of Prayer for Forgiveness after Dhuha Prayer"

"O Allah, all praise is for You. I enter the morning as Your servant to fulfill Your promises. You have created me while I am nothing. I seek forgiveness from You for my religion, for my sins have burdened me and enveloped me, unless You forgive them. So forgive me, O Most Merciful of all who show mercy.""


"Prayer After Dhuha Prayer Brief:"
The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any HTML tags is: "Allahumma bika ushāwilu, wa bika uhāwilu, wa bika uqātilu"

The translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags is: "Meaning: "With You, I charge forward. With You, I strive. With You, I fight.""


Prayer After Dhuha Prayer

Syekh Muhammad Nawawi Bin Umar Al Jawi in the book Nihayatuz Zain also mentions a prayer after the dhuha prayer narrated from Ibnu 'Ulwan. اللهميفيمليقانالقيلىاميمالميسيالتنفيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىاميمالميسيالقيلىام


"O Allah, open the bonds that shackle our hearts with Your permission, improve our guidance by always being honest in accepting Your will, unfold Your banner of guidance upon us at this very moment, fortify us with Your guarding swords, crown us with the crown of Your knowledge. Shower us with Your forgiveness, and offer us the drink of Your love."

The translation of "Arti Selanjutnya\u2026" to English while preserving any HTML tags is "Next Meaning\u2026"

Preserve the HTML tags:

Tetapkanlah kami dalam catatan khusus-Mu, tetapkanlah kami dalam area penjagaan-Mu, dan murnikanlah hati-hati kami, terangilah penglihatan kami, dan kumpulkanlah kami dalam perlindungan suci-Mu, kasihanilah kami dengan lembutnya kasih sayang-Mu, dan jangan putuskan kami dari-Mu sebab selain-Mu. Ya Allah jika ada dari kami suatu penghargaan pada selain-Mu dan keberpalingan dari-Mu, baik yang disengaja, keliru, atau lupa, maka lepaskanlah ia dari kami. Sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Kuasa atas segala-galanya.


"The Virtue of Prayer after Dhuha Prayer"

The following are some virtues of the prayer after the Dhuha prayer that you need to know: Investing in reserves for the afterlife. Gaining benefits in this world and the hereafter, including seeking safety and forgiveness from Allah SWT during life in this world and in the hereafter. Having one's livelihood fulfilled. Having one's sins forgiven by Allah SWT, even if the sins are as numerous as the foam in the ocean. Gaining the rewards of Hajj and Umrah.

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