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50 Kata-Kata Boy Candra yang Sarat Makna dan Menginspirasi

"50 Words of Boy Candra that are Meaningful and Inspiring"

The words of Boy Candra really hit the heart because they feel related to life.

Dream - Boy Candra's words have a deep meaning, especially about things that smell of romance. Yes, Boy Candra is known as a writer, both in a blog and in a book. His debut novel was born in 2013 with the title 'Origami Hati' after previously experiencing rejection from publishers. Boy Candra's works are quite popular, especially among the younger generation. Moreover, Boy Candra's words are very touching because they feel related to life.

In addition, Boy Candra also often writes wise words on social media, such as Twitter and Facebook. Well, here are Boy Candra's words that are full of meaning as summarized by Dream through various sources.

50 Meaningful and Inspiring Words from Boy Candra
Kata-Kata Boy Candra yang Sarat Makna

"Meaningful Words by Boy Candra"

"Stay strong, yes. Everything will not always go smoothly. There will be things that make us feel sad, angry, and disagree."

"Problems will come and go. Slowly, solve them one by one. If tired, take a rest first. Not everything needs to be completed today. Some may be destined to be done tomorrow." "The more I love myself, the more motivated I am to work. I don't want to see myself without money. I don't want to see myself without food." "Friendship without honesty will not last long. The same goes for business and other things. Even if it's only a small value."

"I said to myself, be patient. Stay strong, keep going, face it. Go through all of this sincerely. Everything that should belong to us will definitely be sent to us. God has unexpected ways. Don't be afraid. Wait for the time, those good days will come."

50 Meaningful and Inspiring Words from Boy Candra

"You are not perfect. Making mistakes and failing is normal. Don't be too hard on yourself. Give yourself space to recover before fighting again.""Years keep changing, age keeps increasing. You should continue to grow. Better job, clearer direction in relationships. Don't just be someone filling someone else's loneliness. They are the ones who are afraid to take a stronger path for the future."

"No matter how good and close your friendship is, eventually when the time comes to part ways, you must take that path. No matter how comfortable and vast your feelings are in your workplace, eventually if it's time to move on, the journey must continue. Gather enough provisions, keep learning.""

50 Meaningful and Inspiring Words from Boy Candra

"There was something that felt very heavy, but it turned out it could also be overcome. There was something that felt completely destroyed and there seemed to be no way out, but everything is still fine. We just need to persevere and keep going through it. It could be that the bad things are only in our minds. " "Medicine can be bitter or sweet. But its essence is to heal. The same goes for the people around us. Some come with sweetness, while others come with bitterness. But the essence is to make us mature."

"A thousand good things are lost just because of one disappointment. That is evidence of how selfish humans can be. They only focus on the disappointment they experience once, even though they have had a thousand kindnesses from someone."

50 Meaningful and Inspiring Words from Boy Candra

"Not everything can be owned, cherish what you already have. Not everything can be accepted, maintain what already exists."Get used to saying thank you to those who help you. So that your heart doesn't become hard and doesn't make arrogance close to you."We will find the best way. Solve problems and find solutions. That's why you must stay calm when angry."We know our limits, we are just stubborn. We are stubborn and foolish, now it's too late and regrets."

"Sorrow appropriately, enjoy the arrival of failure, the torment of disappointment. Until everything spills, it's time to determine the direction. Whisper to yourself, everything is enough and let it become the past."

50 Meaningful and Inspiring Words from Boy Candra

"Patience is as vast as the ocean. However, sometimes humans can get tired of swimming and drown." "We will always find ourselves in places we love, with people we love." "In this world, we will encounter people who make us happy, and vice versa. But one thing is certain, they are sent to us for a reason, so that we can learn." "We will go through many things that may not be as easy as we imagine. There will be many tests that we have to overcome."

"It seems true. Some things don't need to be searched for. Not knowing might be better."

50 Meaningful and Inspiring Words from Boy Candra

"We often realize not when something is lost, but when it is needed and realize it is no longer there." "Disagreement is fine. Just don't force it. Not being in the same wavelength is fine, as long as we still respect each other." "If the effort is just like that, the result will be like this." "Keep controlling the enthusiasm. So that the mind remains clear. Keep nurturing what makes you miss it. So as not to be left behind in the past." "Every time you want to retreat. Remember, there are people who really want to see you succeed."

"Good friends might get angry if you should succeed but fail due to your laziness. Just okay friends will get angry over your success."

50 Meaningful and Inspiring Words from Boy Candra

"The older you get, the more you want to be relaxed in your attitude, but hardworking. The more indifferent to drama, the more serious about the things you like. Because, the remaining years must be filled with things that leave a good impact on the world."There comes a time when you have to force yourself to leave people who only weaken you. They are unwilling to see you grow."Life is a choice. To act or not to act. There will always be people who dislike you.""

"I neglect the big things, then become fixated on the small sufferings that I always magnify."

50 Meaningful and Inspiring Words from Boy Candra

"It's nice that you can work from home and still make money," said an office worker with a stable salary. "Not bad," replied an online merchant who is worried about this month's sales that have not been visible yet. Everyone has their own work complaints." "Maybe my sadness is just a small part of other people's sadness. I should just enjoy it until everything subsides. Not complaining as if I am the one suffering the most." "Maybe I feel too much lack that I keep wasting all the pleasures I can get.""

"The older I get, the more often I think, 'Is this important or not?'" before finally saying, 'Well, it's not important anyway.' Then life goes on with a better feeling. Not everything needs to be interfered with.""

50 Meaningful and Inspiring Words from Boy Candra

"It should be that what is felt in the heart is boldly expressed. So that the growing feelings can be maintained together, not just kept to oneself."Maybe there is no need to be too ambitious, but still have to diligently fight for what is desired. Maybe there is no need to compete with others, but still need to surpass oneself from yesterday."Sometimes it is indeed better to be silent than to argue. Better to keep a distance than to become enemies. Save yourself from people who do not give you a space to speak.""

"If there is no happiness that can become real, let me stay away from all things that have rooted wounds."

50 Meaningful and Inspiring Words from Boy Candra

"Do not hide your incompetence and your feelings by judging the achievements and possessions of others. Improve your mentality and way of thinking. Learn to be skillful, not critical. The ones who often kill your potential are the people closest to you. If you believe in your potential, do not listen too much to the people around you when they try to undermine what you are fighting for. Looking into the eyes of a father. Looking into the eyes of a mother. It is a priceless value for many people that cannot be replaced by anything."

"There is time to be lazy, but don't forget to make time for work. There is time to have fun, but don't forget to make time to earn money. Living a fun and carefree life is fine, as long as you don't become a burden to others."

50 Meaningful and Inspiring Words from Boy Candra

"Don't be too sad. The failure you experienced today, which you think is the biggest in the world, could be the same failure that many people have gone through. But they survived and tried to get through it. You should be able to get through all of this well. Just go through it first." "Don't focus too much on your major shortcomings that make you more insecure. But learn to improve and focus on your small strengths, until one day those small strengths will eventually cover up your major shortcomings."

"He has started studying when you were still playing around. He has started working when you were enjoying leisurely. Then when he succeeds, you say it's just because of luck."

50 Meaningful and Inspiring Words from Boy Candra

"Difficult years must be passed with strong spirits. Long roads must be traversed with the mindset of a warrior. Keep your ambitions, strengthen your heart. What cannot be obtained today may still be pursued tomorrow. Do not wither away quickly and in vain." "Perhaps what makes us hate others, who may not even know us. We only know from the media. We only hear from people. Precisely because there may be many unresolved things within ourselves. Many hidden wounds that have never been healed."

"Some incidents in this world are just repetitions. Things that we think are very difficult have actually been experienced by many people before. We just need to persevere and learn to unravel them. Everything that comes to us, in truth, is believed to be something we can face."

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