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50 Kata Mutiara tentang Sholawat yang Menenangkan Hati, Bikin Selalu Ingat Allah SWT dan Rasulullah SAW

"50 Pearl Words about Sholawat that Calm the Heart, Always Remind Us of Allah SWT and the Messenger of Allah SAW"

"Dream - Sholawat is not just a mere recitation. However, within it lies praise for the Great Messenger Muhammad saw along with prayers that can bring abundant rewards. How powerful the strength of sholawat is for a Muslim if they consistently utter it in their daily life. Through the pearls of wisdom about sholawat, Dream friends will discover how beautiful and meaningful a sholawat for the Prophet is. Besides being rewarding, sholawat is also a remedy for a heart that is troubled."

"Thus, life will feel more peaceful because we always remember Allah SWT and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Here are some pearls of wisdom about sholawat as summarized by Dream from various sources."

50 Pearls of Wisdom about Sholawat that Soothe the Heart, Always Remind of Allah SWT and the Prophet Muhammad SAW
Pearls of Wisdom about Sholawat that Calm the Heart

Pearls of Wisdom about Sholawat that Calm the Heart

"For all the pain you experience, be patient and endure, for Allah knows where your limits are." - Gus Miftah"

"Indeed, Allah never takes what we love without replacing it with something better." - Habib Syech "Your sins may be as large as a ship, but do not forget that the mercy of Allah is greater than the ocean." - Gus Miftah "A person who passes the test is one who, in both happy and sad conditions, still remembers Allah." - Silvarani, Falling Star "And no one can know (for certain) what he will earn tomorrow." - Q.S Luqman: 34"

"Allah will never leave you empty-handed. He will replace everything that has been lost. If Allah asks you to let go of something, it is because He wants you to choose something greater." - Anonymous"Learn to yield until no one can defeat you. Learn to humble yourself until no one can belittle you. Learn to be patient until Allah Ta'alaa elevates your status." - Habib Syech"Your fear of failure is what makes you fail." - Habib Syech"

"Never give up praying to Allah. It may not be granted now, nor next month, but it will surely be granted when Allah feels it is what is best for you." - Dr. Bilal Philips"

50 Pearls of Wisdom about Sholawat that Soothe the Heart, Always Remind of Allah SWT and the Prophet Muhammad SAW

"H life is hard and not easy, but I am much harder and not easily defeated." - Gus Miftah "Whoever is earnest in walking on his path will surely reach his destination." - Gus Miftah

Pearls of Wisdom about Sholawat that are Full of Valuable Advice

Pearls of Wisdom about Sholawat that are Full of Valuable Advice

"Don't feel sad when you are not appreciated, but feel sad when you are not valuable." - Habib Syech

Here is the translation of the provided 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving the HTML tags: "Living in this world requires payment, living in the hereafter requires rewards." - Habib Syech"When people speak ill of us, even though we have never disturbed their lives, it is a sign that our lives are actually more beautiful than theirs." - Habib Syech"Do not judge people by their clothing alone." - Gus Miftah"And seek help through patience and prayer." - QS. Al-Baqarah: 45"Being hurt is common, but striving not to hurt others is something extraordinary, and this is what I nurture in my soul." - Habib Syech"

"Kamu harus yakin akan datang suatu saat kamu dipertemukan dengan orang yang tepat, yang kedatangannya untuk menetap, bukan karena nafsu sesaat." - Gus Miftah "Cintailah Tuhan sebagaimana kamu mencintai ayah dan ibumu." "Orang yang dibenci tidak akan merasakan kesedihan yang dalam sedangkan orang yang membenci akan kehilangan banyak kebahagiaan." - Habib Syech "Sesungguhnya Tuhanku benar-benar Maha Mendengar (memperkenankan) doa." - QS. Ibrahim: 39

The translation of "Kata Mutiara tentang Sholawat yang Bijak" to English is "Wise Quotes about Sholawat".

"No child succeeds without the efforts of their parents." - Gus Miftah

Kata Mutiara tentang Sholawat yang Bijak

"And never say about something, 'Indeed, I will do this tomorrow morning.' Except (by saying): If God wills." - Q.S Al-Kahfi: 23-24"Give clothing to the naked, and give a stick to the blind." - Gus Miftah"Indeed, your hobby is only to recite prayers, but know that our hobby cannot be paid with any form."Avoid envy, for envy consumes good deeds just as fire consumes firewood.""

"Ingat saudaraku, pada akhirnya surga itu akan di tempati oleh ahli maksiat yang pada akhirnya bertaubat. Bukan orang yang sok suci namun pada akhirnya tersesat." - Gus Miftah "Sekecil apapun perbuatan baik pasti ada balasannya, sekecil apapun perbuatan buruk pun pasti ada balasannya." - Gus Miftah "Jika sholawatan masih kau buat bahan candaan maka Allah pun tidak bercanda negasih dosanya kepadamu." "Lebih baik mati dalam kemuliaan dari pada hidup dalam keterhinaan." - Habib Syech

"Do not weep over opportunities that have passed, for it will blind us to new opportunities." - Habib Syech

50 Pearls of Wisdom about Sholawat that Soothe the Heart, Always Remind of Allah SWT and the Prophet Muhammad SAW

"Humans should be like the earth, learning from the nature of the earth, often yielding and being content. Those who yield will have a high status." - Gus Miftah"After asking Allah to guide you on the straight path, do not just stand there. Instead, start walking towards His guidance." - Anonymous"Knowledge without religion is a defect, and religion without knowledge is blindness." - Gus Miftah"The end of reason is thought, the beginning of religion is remembrance." - Buya Hamka"


"With love, all burdens will become light. Perform all acts of worship with the foundation of love, for pleasure and happiness will always accompany it." - Habib Syech

"When you cannot express your prayers in words, remember that Allah hears your heart." - Anonymous

"Never despise a sinner, as if we have never sinned ourselves." - Gus Miftah

"Respecting knowledge and teachers is one of the keys to blessings."


"Ponder and remember should not be separated. Thinking without remembrance is deceived. Remembrance without thinking is mistaken! Do not seek the implied until you approach the misguided." - Pahtol Mohamad Juoi "Make the Messenger of Allah happy with your deeds and morals, just as the Messenger of Allah defended you." - Abdul Qodir Assegaf

Pearls of Wisdom about Sholawat that Bring Calm

Pearls of Wisdom about Sholawat that Bring Calm

"O Allah, send greetings to Your chosen people. Bless the Muhammad whom we love."

"May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon Muhammad, the messenger of Allah SWT. May Allah bestow His blessings and peace upon him." "Prophet Muhammad, the Jewel of Hearts, is the only door to Allah. Send blessings upon him and repeat it. Then you will attain fortune and happiness. It is the door of hope and salvation. Whoever is inside it will not be doomed. So, extend your hands of hope towards him. He is the beloved of Muhammad."

"Allah made you a Muslimah because He wants to see you in paradise, all you need to do is to deserve it." - Gus Miftah "O Allah, fix me, fix what is broken in my heart, and return me to Your path in a good way." "When a person gets closer to the Prophet, they become more knowledgeable in how to speak, how to see, how to think, and how to live their life. Thus, their life becomes more protected." - Ustadzah Halimah Alaydrus "I am willing to accept Allah as my Lord, Islam as my religion.""

"Covering the heart with remembrance and prayers truly soothes the heart." - Silvarani, Falling Star "Indeed, my Lord is very near and He answers the prayers of His servants." - QS. Huud: 61 "Your sins may be as big as a ship, but never forget that the mercy of Allah is greater than the ocean." - Gus Miftah

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