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50 Kata-Kata Sedih untuk Pacar, Sarat Makna dan Menyentuh Hati, Sangat Menguras Perasaan

"50 Sad Words for Boyfriend, Full of Meaning and Touching Heart, Very Draining Emotions"

Sometimes couples are faced with a problem or conflict that makes their relationship have to be distant.

Dream - Finding the right person to be a boyfriend/girlfriend makes life more colorful. There are many moments shared together, leaving very sweet memories. However, dating life is not always filled with romance and happiness. There are times when couples are faced with a problem or conflict that makes their relationship have to be distant.

In moments like this, sad words for a boyfriend/girlfriend sometimes can soothe your troubled heart.

50 Sad Words for a Partner, Full of Meaning and Touching the Heart, Very Emotionally Draining

"Through sad words for your boyfriend/girlfriend, you can also get advice and solutions for the problems you face together with your loved one. Well, here are some sad words for your boyfriend/girlfriend as summarized by Dream through various sources."

Kata-Kata Sedih untuk Pacar yang Sarat Makna

"Sad Words for a Meaningful Girlfriend"

"I and you were once as close as veins, but now I and you are like the sun and the earth."

"You understand how in the end I had to give up on forgetting you, who meant so much to me. You chose to stay silent as I wiped away the damp rain in the dark corners of my eyes."You ignored me so loudly that it deafened my ears. This silence is so deep that it echoes."You and I were once as close as pulse, but now we are like the sun and the earth."I hope you continue to remember that the highest point of disappointment is not caring anymore at all.""

"Good morning to you over there, even though we only greet each other through the virtual space. But there is always hope for a real meeting and I have entrusted everything in prayer." "You are like rain, falling and stopping irregularly, while I am a faithful plant waiting for you to come down." "Like the night, it also mourns when it knows that I am not meant for you." "This garden, these flowers, everything here is a witness that you and I were once so close, but now I realize that you are no longer mine."

"This eye never struggles to find you, even though all that exists is mere illusions and white mist."

50 Sad Words for a Partner, Full of Meaning and Touching the Heart, Very Emotionally Draining
Sad Words for a Girlfriend who Shows Disappointment

Sad Words for a Girlfriend who Shows Disappointment

"I may often be patient, but it would be better if you didn't test my patience."

"You will be truly disappointed if you think people will treat you the way you treat them. Not everyone has the same heart as you."Maybe I'm the only one who misses you, sheds tears, and hopes to meet you soon."I have given you so much, but you never understand or consider me important at all."Words are more hurtful than anything else, because they last, sometimes forever.""

"We destroy each other with togetherness. We destroy each other's dreams."There will be no deep disappointment where there is no deep love."If I treat you the same way you treat me. You will surely hate me."It hurts to let go, but sometimes it's more painful to hold on."It is easier to forgive ordinary people than to forgive the wounds given by loved ones.""

"Sad Words to Calm Your Girlfriend"

"At least, when we are separated by distance, remember that there is someone waiting for you to come home soon."


"I am unable to forget you but I am capable of letting you go."

"When the patience I have starts to fade, don't ask why. Just see and understand why I am like this."

"My shoulder may not always be there when you are sad and crying, but my love will always be there for you."

"Perhaps being happy with you is just like a dream, but let that dream continue to accompany me in every sleep."

"Even though I am not ready to miss, I am not ready without you, I hope the best for you." - Endank Soekamti



"Hampa itu seperti langkah tak berjejak, senja tapi tak jingga, cinta tapi tak dianggap."

"Aku menikmati setiap detik bersamamu, jika kelak kau pergi aku telah memiliki semua itu dalam ingatanku."

"Saat kita jauh, jangan pernah sekalipun membenci jarak, karena sejatinya jarak membuat rindu itu terjadi."

"Suatu saat kamu akan merasakan apa yang sedang aku rasakan saat ini. Sakit hatiku tak akan sembuh jika masih bersamamu."


Sad Words for a Girlfriend that Make You Cry

Sad Words for a Girlfriend that Make You Cry

"When you run with a smile, I am silent and unable to reach out to you because for you, I never exist."

"Initially, it was you who reached out to dance with me, but in an instant, you got bored and dumped me, while you were with him and laughing in front of me."At some point in life, you should know that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life."The hardest thing is when I'm sick to hold on to you, but I also can't live without you."The worst pain is when someone makes you feel special yesterday and makes you feel unwanted today.""

"Like walking on glass and stepping on nails, each step painfully thrown away, the pain lingers when you mention his name in front of me every time we're together.""I miss you. No, let me correct myself. I miss the old you, the one who cared about me.""I didn't message you to train my fingers, I was hoping for a reply from you.""This feels like a contest, where we don't care about each other. But I prefer it when you're by my side."

"In essence, you are just lonely and you meet me for entertainment. Then, when you start to feel happy, you disappear again."

50 Sad Words for a Partner, Full of Meaning and Touching the Heart, Very Emotionally Draining
Kata-Kata Sedih untuk Pacar yang Lagi LDR

Sad Words for a Long Distance Relationship Boyfriend

"The day has changed, but longing is difficult to compromise. I miss you, over and over again!""

"Missing you is like a sudden and long-lasting rain. And even after the rain stops, my longing still lingers." "Should I pretend not to miss you?" "Good morning from far away! Did you dream of me last night?" "For you, may distance bring us closer because of longing, not push us further apart." - Anonymous "Actually, long-distance relationships are loneliness wrapped in the status of a long-distance relationship."

"I have loyalty to you even though I cannot provide enough distance and time for your life." "Longing is heavy, you won't be able to handle it. Let me handle it." - Pidi Baiq "Before our meeting happens, it's better for us to prepare our hearts and accumulate longing thickly, so that we can release longing with joy." "Don't promise each other not to leave each other. Just promise to defend each other." - SA

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