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Prayer for a Smooth Interview, God willing, Facilitated and Accepted for Work

Prayer for a Smooth Interview, God willing, Facilitated and Accepted for Work

When looking for a job, it is important to combine prayer (doa) and effort (ikhtiar).

Dream - Looking for a job is not an easy task. In fact, many people have to submit multiple applications to various companies, but still haven't received any calls. When a friend of Dream applies for a job and gets called for an interview, make the most of it. Prepare everything according to what is needed. Also, don't forget to pray for a smooth interview.

This is important, because through prayer it will be a helper in the process of you getting a job. Well, here is a prayer reading for a smooth interview as summarized by Dream through various sources.

Prayer for a Smooth Interview, God willing, Facilitated and Accepted for Work
Pentingnya Doa dan Ikhtiar saat Mencari Kerja

The Importance of Prayer and Effort in Job Searching

Prayer and practice in Islam are very important in seeking employment.

One of the prayers that can be offered is a prayer of forgiveness, because by seeking forgiveness from Allah, the heart becomes purer and blessings are opened from Him. In addition, a prayer for blessings in sustenance should also be practiced so that the sustenance obtained from work can be more blessed and prosperous. When looking for a job, a Muslim also needs to surrender to Allah by practicing a prayer of surrender.

This helps us not to be too stressed with all the pressure in finding a job. Besides that, praying for strength in facing challenges also needs to be requested so that we are given strength and resilience in facing all the tests in finding a job. In daily life, a Muslim needs to practice these prayers regularly, with conviction and sincerity.

Besides that, it is important to remember that effort is also crucial in searching for a job. By combining prayer and effort, it is hoped that we can quickly be accepted for work and achieve success with His blessings.

"Practice to Make Job Searching Easier"

"To facilitate job search, there are several practices that can be done."

Amalan agar Mudah Mencari Kerja

First, always pray and ask for forgiveness from Allah SWT to be facilitated in finding a good job. Second, ask for blessings in sustenance from Allah so that the sustenance obtained will be blessed. Third, surrender to Allah in everything, including the process of searching for a job, believe that whatever happens is the best according to Him. Fourth, ask for strength in facing challenges that may be encountered during the job search process, because we need endurance and strength from Him.

Fifth, perform other practices such as charity, voluntary prayers, and reading the Quran to obtain blessings and good fortune in job hunting. By engaging in these practices, we gain inner strength and tranquility in facing the job search process. Of course, effort and hard work are still required, but by strengthening our relationship with Allah through these practices, we will feel more confident and at ease in facing all job hunting processes.

"Hopefully, with those practices, Allah SWT will always make it easier for us to find good employment."

Prayer for a Smooth Interview, God willing, Facilitated and Accepted for Work
Doa agar Lancar saat Interview

Prayer for a Smooth Interview

The following is a prayer for a smooth interview, which, God willing, can help friends achieve job acceptance:

Prayer to Pass the Interview

"O Allah, forgive my sins, expand my character, bless my earnings, satisfy me with what You have provided for me, and do not let my heart incline towards anything that You have not blessed for me."

and do not let my heart remember anything that you have taken away from me. (HR. Ibn An-Najjar)

"Prayer to be Accepted for a Job before an Interview"


Translated: "Meaning: "There is no god but Allah, who is gentle and noble. Allah is holy, the guardian of the great throne. All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the universe. I beg for your guidance in performing good deeds according to your mercy, the certainty of your forgiveness, the opportunity to attain as much goodness as possible, and protection from all sins. Do not let any sin remain in me, but forgive me."

"Do not leave me in a state of confusion, therefore set me free. Do not neglect me while I am in need according to Your satisfaction, therefore fulfill my needs. O Lord, the Most Merciful," (See Syekh M Nawawi Banten, Nihayatuz Zain, [Beirut, Darul Kutub Al-Ilmiyyah: 2002 M/1422 H], first edition, page 104)

"Prayer for Fluent Speaking during an Interview"

Translation: "O my Lord, expand my chest and make easy for me my task and untie the knot from my tongue that they may understand my speech."

"Prayer after the Interview is Finished"

"And I have submitted myself to You, O Allah. And I have believed in You and relied upon You, and I have repented to You, and I have argued my case to You. O Allah, I seek refuge in Your honor, there is no deity except You, from being misguided by You. You are the Ever-Living, who never dies, while the jinn and mankind will die."

"O Allah, truly I seek refuge in Your glory. There is no deity except You who can misguide me. You are the Ever-Living, never dying, while jinn and mankind die." (HR. Muslim)

Tips to Stay Calm During Job Interviews

"For Dream friends who will be doing a job interview, here are some tips to overcome nervousness that you can do:"

Tips to Stay Calm During Job Interviews

1. Mature Preparation

In addition, it is also important to prepare good and relevant answers related to work experience, skills, and qualifications that are possessed. With thorough preparation, prospective employees will be more confident and able to reduce nervousness during interviews.

2. Speaking Exercise in Front of the Mirror

Practicing speaking in front of a mirror is an effective way to improve self-confidence and reduce nervousness. Prospective employees can practice answering interview questions while observing their own facial expressions in the mirror. This helps in evaluating body language, voice intonation, and expressions used while speaking.

3. Breathe Deeply

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Deep breathing technique is one effective way to overcome stress and anxiety before or during a job interview. By taking slow and deep breaths and exhaling slowly as well, prospective employees can relax their body and mind, thus reducing nervousness."

Prayer for a Smooth Interview, God willing, Facilitated and Accepted for Work

4. Changing Negative Mindset

Often, nervousness arises due to negative thoughts or fear of the interview outcome. It is important to change negative thinking patterns into more positive ones by affirming to ourselves that we have the ability and potential to succeed in the interview. Positive thoughts will help reduce nervousness and boost self-confidence.

5. Thinking that an Interview is a Regular Meeting

Considering an interview as a regular meeting between two individuals who interact professionally can help reduce pressure and nervousness. Do not burden yourself with the thought that the interview determines everything. Try to stay relaxed, remain calm, and focus on the questions posed by the interviewer.

6. Doing Light Exercise before Interview

Light exercises such as walking or stretching can help relax the body and mind before a job interview. These physical activities will increase blood flow to the brain, improving mood and reducing stress or anxiety levels.

Prayer for a Smooth Interview, God willing, Facilitated and Accepted for Work

7. Wearing Comfortable Clothing

The following is the translation of the given 'Bahasa' text to 'English' while preserving any html tags: "Comfortable and appropriate clothing choices according to the company's dress code can help make prospective employees feel more confident and comfortable during job interviews. Uncomfortable or inappropriate clothing can cause additional nervousness or discomfort while speaking."

By applying the tips above, it is expected that prospective employees can overcome nervousness during job interviews and perform better in the selection process. Remember that having a positive attitude, high self-confidence, and thorough preparation are the key factors to achieve success in job interviews.

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